
Ye Yun's next sentence made elder Gao's legs as heavy as lead, and he couldn't move any more.

Even elder Gao's heart almost jumped to the throat

He heard Ye Yun speak casually: "maybe I can help you dissolve the poison!"

Gao Changlao is a little silly.

For a moment, his heart was burning like ashes.

But it was suddenly annihilated.

After all, he has visited countless medical experts in the past two years, but they can't help shaking their heads every time they wait.

Even the first medical expert in the southern region, Yi Tongtian, told him plainly: this kind of highly toxic, there is no medicine to solve!

Therefore, Gao Changlao took Ye Yun's words as a joke.

Gao Changlao doesn't believe that even the first medical expert in the southern region can't solve the poison. In front of him, it seems that only a 15-year-old boy can remove it.

Although the young man's talent is really high, he should have a lot of secrets

Ye Yun, of course, saw elder Gao's disbelief and immediately opened his mouth: "do you have unbearable pain in the position of your spine and neck at midnight and noon every day, and the position of Dantian is extremely painful every time you use Xuanqi."

The body and mind is one of the chills. Gao Changlao suddenly turns back, and his eyes are almost nailed to Ye Yun.

These symptoms mentioned by Ye Yun are the greatest distress of elder Gao.

Moreover, these symptoms are not even known to the doctor.

At this moment, Gao Changlao finally had a touch of hope in his heart.

He suddenly couldn't see through the boy in front of him!

At the next moment, Gao Changlao jumped in front of Ye Yun and lifted Ye Yun up. A few jumps were away from everyone's sight

The temporary headquarters of baihemen in the falling mountains.

In a room that was a little shabby but looked strong.

Gao Changlao still couldn't hide his anxiety. He just looked at Ye Yun and kept looking at him.

"The poison in you should be a kind of poison. Someone came into your body when you didn't pay attention. At first, there was only a slight itching pain. You certainly didn't care. When the poison that entered your body slowly grew up, the slight itching pain on you gradually turned into tingling, and then the sharp pain that tore your heart and lungs..."

Ye Yun's endless mouth made Gao Changlao's surprise stronger and stronger.

Because what ye Yun said is actually a little good!

"From your current situation, this kind of poison has been planted in your body for at least two years. It has reached the late stage. Let alone treatment, even if you want to suppress it, it is as difficult as heaven!"

Between the words, ye Yun looked positive.

But it made elder Gao's face fly ash again.

"I can assure God that if you look at the whole continent, there is no antidote for you. There is no cliff!"

Ye Yun's appearance of vowing made elder Gao's hope suddenly annihilate.

Of course, at the same time, Gao Changlao's heart is also full of resentment: in other words, since I am hopeless, you are still in public and boast that you can dissolve the poison in my body. Isn't that self contradictory?

But ye Yun's next words almost made elder Gao fall to the ground.

"However, I am more powerful than the most powerful medical experts in the sky mainland!"

Ye Yun said with a calm face.

At this moment, Gao Changlao can be said to have deeply realized what is called "twists and turns"!

Nima, if not for her strong psychological tolerance, I'm afraid she would really be surprised and die by this boy.

My little heart!

Finally, elder Gao couldn't help but ask, "so, are you sure to detoxify me? Don't worry, as long as you detoxify me, even if I owe you a great favor, you can tell me where elder Gao is useful in the future."

"I can only help you relieve the pain on your body while suppressing the toxicity. If you want to completely eradicate the poison in your body, you also need to gather all the materials I need until they are refined into an antidote!"

Ye Yun looked positive. Then he found a pen and paper in the room and wrote a large page of various materials and herbs on it.

Of course, the vast majority of this large page of materials and medicinal materials are not used for Gu poison in Gao Chang's aging disintegration, but for ye Yun's own upgrading and refining.

There are some legendary and even classic materials that can not be obtained in the secular world!

After all, in Ye Yun's opinion, elder Gao is a free coolie. It's not worth it!

Ye Yun believes that these materials should be better found in the friar world.

After receiving the material list passed by Ye Yun, Gao Changlao was very excited. Even if he sent someone to the zongmen to collect these materials.

Then, Yuzi kept laughing.

"Take off your coat and get on the bed!"

Ye Yun suddenly spoke and looked positive.

"Well, ah?"

Elder Gao's laughter stopped suddenly and almost jumped up and shouted.

The boy let himself take off his coat? Still lying in bed?

What kind of rhythm is this? Not to

"Don't hurry up, I'll suppress the poison for you!"

"Well, so it is!"

Gao Changlao blushed like a monkey's ass, and finally knew that he wanted to be crooked.

Looking at Gao Changlao, who takes off his coat and lies on the bed, ye Yun strides over.

After a little meditation, ye Yun still said hello in advance: "your body may be a little hot later. You have to resist it!"

"Of course, it's absolutely no problem. In fact, you can't imagine the pain on my body every day. My endurance has long been practiced. I'm sure I won't even hum."

Elder Gao vowed to speak.

Then ye Yun pressed his hands on elder Gao's spine and neck respectively.

Gu poison is not so much a poison as a living poison.

After it enters the human body, it will continue to grow over time.

The longer it takes, the stronger it becomes.

At the same time, the more toxic it is, the more deadly it can be.

Moreover, there are two kinds of Gu poison: single Gu poison and multi-body Gu poison.

Obviously, elder Gao's body is multi-body Gu poison.

In other words, this kind of poison will continue to differentiate into a lot of poison in the process of growth, and then spread to all parts of the human body until it spreads all over the human body

Now I see that elder Gao has seven or eight black marks the size of a baby's fist on his back alone.

Ye Yun instantly judged that elder Gao was obviously going to be terminally ill.

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