Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1017 is you!

"Is it true?" Hong Shen's incredible expression, the strong people who arrived together were exciting.

When they got a news from the Qingxi, they were still full of challenge, but this scene in front of him, but they had to believe it.

The sword is unparalleled. It does only use a sword, and you will kill the eight roads of the Black 1.

"He, how is it doing?" Hong Shen heart couldn't think of it.

At this time, then the sword that has already become the focus of the heavens and the earth, but suddenly lifted his head, at his line of sight, there were a few figure to rush, and the moment appeared in front of him.

These people are naturally the patriarch of the black flood, and there are several respects of the black phand.

The black phand family, the whole strength is much stronger than the rock magic, and Dazun naturally has to be more, even if the sword is unparalleled, there is still six more.

"damn it!"

The black python is long, the shoulders have a black snake's cold man, looking at the eight bodies below the ground, the face is gloomy, the body is also trembled.

Football eight roads, their black pythmia is also a total of 14 roads, now being killed in the sword without a double sword.

This is cold and cold, naturally is distressed.

Of course, my heartache is at home, but the strength of the sword is unparalleled, he also looks at the eyes.

He has always been in the dark before, originally to let the eight Daozun lead the black pyrus, many strong people kill in, and he is in secret, just waiting for the serious injury. The flood god showed the moment, and immediately shot, and the flood god was completely killed.

Who once thought that Hong San had not come out, just just a Sword of the Sword of Eternal, and kill all the eight roads.

The sword of the sword is unparalleled, it also makes him very horrific.

too fast.

Let him pay attention to rescue.

"Where is this little child? In the rock magic family, when did you have such a eternal border?" The cold man stared at the sword.

The scorpion of the sword also looked over, but his eyes quickly locked on a black tall.

"Oh, I didn't expect to meet the acquaintances, it is really a narrow!" The sword is unparalleled.

"Kid, is it you?" The old man also looked up, with a strange, and the sword watched.

The sword is unparalleled, this black robe is a swallower that is a swallowing with the Dragon Wings.

And the old people of the black robe, naturally recognized the sword.

"You are the power of the black phand," The sword laughed.

"Yes." Ocean nodded, the voice is a little cold, "the little son, before the old man is going to blocked the dragon wings, today, the old man wants to help the black pyth, the monk is destroyed, you have to intervene? Are you still can't afford to be with the old man? "

"The Magic Father is a little favored. Since you have to deal with them, then I can only have to go with you." The sword is unparalleled. "

The esteem face is not getting ugly.

"Emperor, don't talk nonsense with him, kill him!" The cold man said next to it.

"Shut up!" Emperor glanced at the cold man, low Shen said: "You think this kid, so easy to kill?"

Di Yan, but how terrible ability to lead the sword is unparalleled, now, his broken tooth has not been repaired, and it is hurt in peace.

Kill sword is unparalleled?

He is impossible to do it.

"There is this kid, you want to destroy the rock of the rock today, afraid of it is difficult." Yu Yan Shen said.

"How? This kid is so strong, it is just a eternal border, with your strength of the Emperor, don't you kill him?" The cold man did not die, his eyes were a little scarlet, tooth also Biting a squeaking.

"Emperor, you wholeheartrate, as long as you can kill him, I promised to give you a reward, you can add 30%!" The cold man is cold.

"Oh?" Yu Yan brows.

This is nothing to do with the Black Hye Nationality, and the reason will promise to help the black boy family, just because this is cold man promises to give him a lot of benefits.

And now, the benefits plus 30% ... Di Yan is also quite heart.

"The old man can promise to make a whole time, but can kill him, but it can't guarantee." Yu Yan said.

"As long as adults, you are willing to make a whole, no matter how it is incorporated, I am willing to add 30% of the compensation!" The cold man is holding hands, "I don't believe that my black pyth is carefully prepared for so many years, will destroy In this name, I don't see the eternal kid in the child. "

"That's good, the old man is full of power." Yu Yan is instantly moving.

When you can shoot, Di Yan is secretly laughing. "This is stupid, he doesn't know how messages of the kid's defense, with my ability, essentially kill him, but since he is willing to 30% revenge, then the old man That's all, do it, do it. "

Emperor didn't think about killing swords. He just wanted to do it. Take it to the cloudy man. Prove that he has fully handed it, but he can't make each other, so that more 30% remuneration, he can get his hand.

And I saw the shape of Di Yan, but the sword was not a double corner but showed a strange smile.

At the beginning of the castle of Jinxu, I was right with this old guy, but also in absolute down-wind, I only passively leaned by my own defense ability, but at that time, I didn't even open it, nor What did you have, now ... "

"I have opened up two swords, I can use two swords, and I also created the tricks of swordsmanship, and the war has skyrocketed."

"I want to see, now I, once again, how will the result?"

The sword is not bumper, and the body has a huge war, which will rise.


The sword has no double battle, and there is a low drink in the mouth, and the body shape has been exposed to the positive surface of the bluste.

At that moment in contact, a strong sword will break out now.

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword is also shaking slightly, and there is a strong powerful power. As the life is, the blood peak sword in his hand is in the opposite side. The direction, a sword stab.

This sword, ice is cold, no feelings.

This sword is that the sword is unparalleled with the first Jie Road opened by his own, and it is created.

This sword, the name is ruthless!


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