Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1020 Temple

"What you mean is to take the hand of the temple, remove him?" Milulian saw it.

"Yes." Yu Yan smiled: "As far as I know, the Temple of Reincarnation has learned that this sword is unparalleled to kill the golden clothes, I will be quite anger. These years have always been searching for swords. The trace, as long as we pass the sword unparalleled in the rock of the rock, the reincarnation of the Temple will naturally send a strong man. "

"Is this?" Mo Lin is happy, immediately: "I just met a golden clothes of a reincarnation Temple, and the time is not bad, I am here to give him, let him tell this."

"Well." " nodded," When you send the strength of the sword, there is a unparalleled strength, and his defense ability is also clear, so that the Temple will send the corresponding power according to the strength of this kid, "

"Okay." Mo Lin immediately sent it.

And just a moment, there was a message.

"The Golden Delivery has already reported this matter, and there will be results soon." Mo Linxin said.

"Then, we will wait until you are, in addition, it is best to send people to the rock magic family, stare at their one fell." Emperor.

"Good." Milulin nodded and soon told it.

Black 1 is also calm down.

It can be calm, just in less than a day.

"Good news, the Golden Grouper's license is given to me, saying that the power of the Temple of the Temple is settled." Milin sound with a single excitement.

"The efficiency of the Temple of the Temple is really fast enough, just pass the message, less than a day, then dispatch the strong." Yu Yan also laughed, "Yes, which is the Temple of the Temple?" "

"It is a dream called without a dream. I heard that it is a eight-step reincarnation of the Temple of Temple." Mo Lin said.

"Dreamway?" The ,,

"Ocean adults, do you know this beautiful dream?" Mo Lin asked.

The eight-step reincarnation of the Temple of Temple, there are still fews in the entire round, although Mo Lin is the collar of the high ethnic group, but there is no qualification to really come into contact, he has not heard that this is enough.

"This is no dream, I have heard enough, he is a huge reincarnation, and it is still a heavenly enforcement of the Temple of Temple. He is very popular among some of the top of the mainland." Emperor solemnly said, "This has no dream, although it is only three turned peaks, but in the hierarchy of the peak, it is absolutely called the top of the top, more than I have to be strong. "

"The most important thing is that this no dream of attacking the means is very terrible. Only only attacking the power, the whole green circle is in the sky, he can absolutely be ranked third!"

"Is this powerful?" Mo Lin could not help but blind.

Attacking Weon, can you be in the third place under the Tianzun?

Task, Tianzun, etc., but also a lot of unfinitely close to Tianzun, like Xiao Em, Yun Emperor, etc., is infinitely close to Tianzun, far more than normal three-way peak road, can Even Xiao Emperor, his attack is absolutely dare not saying in the third of the sky.

In other words, this no dream, simply attacking the power, than Xiao Emperor, Yun Emperor is strong!

"The sword is unparalleled, the defense means is extremely good, and the ordinary three-way peak, it is almost impossible to kill him, but if this is no dream, it is impact to kill him." Yu Yan said.

"Too good, as long as you can kill this sword is unparalleled, the rock of the magic!" Mo Lin is also excited.

"Let's wait for that there is no dream road to come, take the way to go back to the temple, it should not be used for a few days, and the dream road will arrive." Yu Yan laughed.

When the Temple of Returning is the same as the void of the void continent, there are space insect holes in the rounds of the round.

But these space in the temple is not easy to open, no matter how big the price you pay.

So in the reincarnation of the mainland, the average people can only rely on their own strength, but the power of the Temple can use the space of the pole to easily resist.

Three days later, the black flornies were empty.

Moilin, Di Yan also has a lot of strong people, standing quietly here, not long, there is a golden rainbow to shoot with an amazing speed, eventually in Mo Lin and others Stop in front, a goldpastic shadow slowly reveals.

This is a young man, and a majestic young man. This young man is still carrying two long guns behind him. Obviously he is a gun for the soldier.

Seeing this golden robe arrived, Mo Lin, Yu Yan and others immediately greeted.

"The Black Headman is long, I have seen the dream road." Mo Lin was a small ceremony, and the voice was respectful.

"Black Honey?" There is no dream of Mellin, but it doesn't care, but it has seen the Ocean next to him.

He noted that these strong people in front of him, also reached the peak level of three turns.

"Who is this?" Dreamway asked.

"Old Elderly, I have seen the dreams." Yu Yan is also quite humble.

"Di Yan?" There is no dream, but it is a shrinkage. "Swallowing the Bat Emperor?"

"I didn't expect that there were no dreams, I realized that the old man, the old man is really fortunate." Yu Yan laughed.

"Hey, swallow the blood, the whole turn back to the mainland, only two, one is you, the other is your father's heighten the ancestors." There is no dream, "your father is the old ancestors" Hei, whether it is a few peak ethnic groups, or I am reincarnating to the temple, I am jealous, his only son, I will naturally pay attention to the temple. "

"However, this time, how can you have it?"

"The old man can't dare to reincarn back to the temple. This time just happened, the Mo Lin is invited to help him to deal with the rock of the magic, and the result has been unparalleled, and the kid means is unusual, the old husband A three-way peak, but I can't help him. "Yu Yan said.

"Even you can't help but the sword is unparalleled?" There is no dream of being surprised.

There are many strengths of Di Yan, he doesn't know.

But he is very clear, the father of Deni, is the terrible of the famous Ding Tianshi.

Moreover, as a swallowing, reaching the three-way peak level, the strength is definitely worse.

As a result, Yu Yan shot, why not sword is unparalleled, which has fully illustrated the strength of the latter.

"I heard that the sword is only a eternal border, so the endurance, I am looking forward to it." There is a bit excited about the dream.

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