Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1031 Tian Domain

As the sword is unparalleled, when the reward news of the Tianshi, the entire reincarnation is alarmed.

Rotating back to the mainland, including those higher ethnic groups, even peak ethnic groups, and numerous excitement, they are shocked.

Just just find a person's trace and then convey to the heaven, you can get twenty mixed chaotic crystals?

Twenty mixed chaotic crystals, even if it is a strong strong, it will not help but feel it.


The entire round of the mainland is crazy.

Within a dim, this fainted temple is the old nest, which is a strong horizontal throne.

This is forced to specialize in intelligence.

A Ziyi woman looked at the intelligence that I just arrived, and I was flashing in a hot.

"Immediately ordered all the power to use, it is necessary to find this unparalleled eternal in the shortest time!"

"Twenty mixed chaotry crystal, just find an eternal border, and this eternal is very good, it is absolutely to be found in the first time!"


The top floor of the loft of the clouds, several black robe gathered together, negotiated.

"Twenty mixed chaotic crystal, there is a full family of Tianzun, and he is really a wide."

"Now the news has been determined, our imperative is to quickly find this sword without double." One of the black rots opened, issued a low voice, "Let's Tianxiang Building, the most good at the intelligence, The entire reincarnation of the mainland, the intelligence is better than the intelligence, but this time, it is the time when the Tianjie Building is completely intelligence. "

"The sword is unparalleled, a small guy who is good at using the sword, but the strength is extremely strong!"

"Find him, must catch him before other force ethnic groups!"

"The launch of the red command, let everyone go find him."


Within a peak family, a thinness is like a shackles, and the , ..

"The old ancestors, the old mock, is it hard to move so?"

"But it is also right, after all, some people killed his baby son, ~~~ 20 mixed chaos, this old monster revenge to him," said it is enough. "

"That told, let our people pay slightly, twenty mixed chaos, can not be a small number, if it is able to get, the bottom of our group will also be stronger."


Roll back to the mainland, all parties, some top forces, including many exclusive power, and act immediately.

Everyone has begun to pay attention to a good at the swords, and the strength is comparable to the eternal bodies of the three-way peak.

In this regard, the sword has already guess, but it is not too much.

He is still what should be done, still is constantly being drilled with swords, not in a hurry, even thuged.

After all, all parties forces have begun to pay attention to him, but it is actually equivalent to him that he has already played the whole round of the mainland.

No need for him to do anything, his name is quickly spread.

And his father, if it is still in the mainland, and it is already a seven-order round, it will definitely know the whole news, that is, his father will know that he has come back to the mainland, looking for him. It is inevitably coming to mix with him, so you can save a lot of hardships in the sword.

The sword is not a double is still a road, while refreshing the sword with swords, it is more careful than compared to the previous.

Moreover, the sword is unparalleled, and it is easy to make yourself.

In the reincarnation of the mainland, the eternal situation of the sword is too much. As long as he doesn't show up, it does not show out the strength of the forever. Naturally, some people will not recognize his identity, but once he shot, strength Exhibition, then his identity wanted to hide all.

time flies……

The sword is unparalleled from the territory of the rock, all the way to the world, there is no change in the midway, but it still spends more than 50 years, he really stream into the scope of the world.

"Tianman Domain ..."

The sword is unparalleled on the top of the mountain, looking at the vast, and there is a waters of the territory, but it flashes a variety of light.

The sky is domain, different in other territories in the mainland, not only is more large and more vast, but most is that strong people have more.

The sky is a domain, it can be said that it is the most prosperous territory of the mainland. Here is a centralized land of the round to the mainland elite.

Rotating back to the mainland standing on the top nest of the top, all in this day, like those peak ethnic groups, their nest is in the sky field.

"The peak ethnic group ..." The sword was unparalleled to watch the star map in his hand.

For those peak ethnic groups, he also knows some.

There are four in the peak ethnic group in the mainland, which is an ancient demon family, blood repair Luo Yin, a barn family, and a bloody family.

These four peaks, in the rounded mainland, standing on the top, standing on the top, no matter whether the heritage or strength is very strong, it is very strong, even if it is the Temple of the Temple, there are many scruples of these four peaks, they don't dare to be chaotic. Come.

In addition, since it can become a peak ethnic group, then it is definitely a Tianzun, and even the peak ethnic group, still not stopping a sky.

"For fifty years, I have a lot of improvement in the swords, in addition, my ancient gods, because of the relationship between the mixed yuan, the improvement of the golden beads," swords unparalleled .

Mixed yuan gold beads, this is a very rare good thing, there is a mixed yuan gold beads to assist, the improvement of the power of swords and unparalleled ancient gods is not easy.

"With the accumulation of these years, my ancient gods have reached a new level. Although the peak of Samsung is very far, but it is much better than before, my overall strength is more than 50 years. Before you have a big trip. "The sword is unparalleled," but my strength is stronger, but the world of monster is like a cloud, I have the threat of the old ancestor, so I act as low-key some."

"No matter what others, first find a dreamless introduction to me."

The sword is unparalleled and the shape is moved. It truly entered this vast Tianfu area.

The sky is a wide range of extensive extensive, and there is also a huge city in the period, one of these cities ... Emperor City.

The old town of the Temple of the Temple is in this emperor city.

And DING can live in this emperor, he is still the city owner of this emperor, in this emperor city, he even created a large scale, many guard teams .

Single alien strength, this Ding ink leaving the reincarnation of the temple of the temple, the body of the old temple does not say, the power he has is not less than one high ethnic group.

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