Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1033 is him! ! !

Emperor Cerem City, swords are unbooled and live in the house of Ding Mo.

Wink, five days.

In the empty courtyard, the sword didn't have a double self.


The beautiful sword suddenly broke out, the speed is too fast, it can't be captured with the naked eye. This sword shadow is very easy to wear the void, making space to tear a mouth, instant, and disappear in the void.

This sword, Hed, is a sword.

After a sword, the sword was unparalleled.

"My sword, the power is getting stronger and stronger." The sword was unparalleled.

In these years, he has been in the sword swords, and the sword has greatly growing, and the priest power will naturally follow.

Like in the Aurora Sword, although it is still just a normal level, it is not far from the heaven or earth.

In addition, it returned to a sword ... Wanfa is returned, the sword is unparalleled in the middle of the swords, until the nine swords in the mysterious scroll, have been integrated into the sword Inside, and eight disagrees have also been combined together.

I reached this step, returned to a sword, and I really got into the level threshold.

Now, he is equal to opening two heaven and earth levels and a normal level.

It is important to know that the stronger of the opening, the stronger the power of the road, and the improvement of strength is also greater.

"The Taoist Tao, it is not difficult to open, but I want to upgrade to the grade level. As for the strongest sword, I am afraid I don't know how long it takes to spend." The sword didn't mutter himself.

His goal, but the strongest sword, and now although it has opened up three swords, but the strongest swords are far away.

At this moment, the number of matters suddenly rose from the House, and it was Ding Mo and there were several power of him.

They appeared in the House, and they looked in front of it, and it seems to be waiting for someone.

"Who is it, can you let Ding ink to meet?" The sword has risen and a surprises.

Ding Yum can be the old town of the temple, the identity is unique, and it is absolutely known in the reincarnation of the mainland. It can make him personally welcome people, and the identity must be very prominent.

And just a moment, there are three three shadows to connect steps.

The three movements have been emitted with a magnificent breath. It has reached the ranks of the three turnover, and the two of the rear is more than the trip to the three-way peak, in the middle of these two people, it is one Young man in a golden robe, a handsome face.

This golden robe has a touch of smile, a temperature of Wenya's gesture, and more eyebrows are his eyebrow, with a vertical scarlet mark, this imprint is a sword mark.

Seeing people, That people standing on the upper void immediately greeted.

The sword in the fall below the fall is unparalleled, and the eyes go to death.

That gold robe man, he is too familiar.

This face is even more than once in his mind.

After so many years, it is now finally seen.

"It's him!"

"It's him!!!"

The sword has a roar, his eyes have become unprecedented at this moment.

"The sword is unparalleled, do you know him?" The sound of the King said in the sword.

"Know, of course, know." The sword is unparalleled, and each contains a pound killing.

But very fast swords are calm down, and he immediately transferred the line of sight.

That Golden Robe is talking about what is said with Ding Sun. It did not pay attention to the sword and unparalleled. Under the leadership of Ding Yum, they have entered the most central conscious hall of the city owner.

And the sword is unparalleled, but it immediately found a strong player who lived in this city.

Ding Yum is the owner of this emperor, and there is a strong guard army, and in the guard army, it is a strong prostitute, which is the high price of the price, these leaders, there are some lives in this city.

"Xu Song collar." The sword is unparalleled to a consider named Xu.

"Is blood peak small friends, is there something?" This Xu Tang collar is quite polite to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled in this city a few days. It has been using the blood peaks. It is also taking photos with this Xu Tong leader. Xu Tang leaders knowing that the sword is unparalleled is a guest.

It is natural to be a guest in Ding Yula, and the identity is natural, so, even if the sword is unparalleled is just a eternal, this Xu Tong will not dare to have a slor.

"Nothing, I just curiously arrived, I could let Ding Ski always greeted, and I have an expression that I have not?" The sword is unparalleled. "

"Just three?" Xu Tong got a brow, smiled: "The three people are strong from the ancient demon family, and the origin is certainly uniform."

"Ancient demon family?" The sword is unparalleled.

Ancient demon family, one of the four peaks.

"No wonder, it turned out to be the strong man of the peak ethnic group." The sword didn't have a double.

"Hey, if it is just from the peak ethnic group, you can not let my family meet people, the reason, because the nine swords of the head, is the middle of the middle, although the strength, he can't catch up with another Both, but in the status of the ancient demon, it is quite high, and the two three-way peak road behind him is actually the ancient demon family dedicated to protect him. "Xu Tong said.

"Jiujian Road Respect?" The sword has no double eyes, "" This nine swords are honored, very powerful? "

"I don't know, I only know that this nine swordsman is very famous in the sky monster, and it is said that the ancient demon family will regard him as a baby bump, but what is unique in the end, I don't know, However, if you are curious, you can find an organization that trafficking information, you should find his information. "Xu Tong said.

"I understand." The sword is not a hyper point, "Xu Tong collar, thank you."

After that, the sword is not double.

According to the Xu leaders, the sword is unparalleled away from the city mainfate, and the shops in the city have found a store in the city. They quickly got an ancient demon family, and the detailed information of the nine sword road.

After returning to the city mainfate, the sword was unhesed in the door, and he looked at these information alone.

And when he browsed the ancient peaks of the ancient world, the sword had a sharp straightened, and a cold is also faintly flashed in his.

"I guess, it's okay!"

"The ancient demon family, the ethnic group with the blood of the ancients!"

"Nine repairs, no, it is the nine swords, after two thousand years, we finally met again ..."

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