Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1064 is defeated!


The campus void, the sword is unparalleled with the Lei Wi Tianzun once again.

The two major days of fighting, the movement is too big!

Single waves, it was extremely horrible, like the ground on the campus, it has been completely set off, and the scene of the whole day is coming.


Lei Yi Tian has a s fullness, he uses his hands, and waving the two-handed spear. The vast purple Thunder has formed a huge, foot filled with thousands of miles, and the sword is in an instant. The void coverage of a unparalleled place.


The sword is unparalleled, and it is cultivated to a Gay Sword.

The strong swords were burst, and the sword was unparalleled, and the blood peak sword was ruthless, and it was a day.


A horrible roar with the sound of the energy collision, and it was in the void.

On the campus, come to participate in this supervision to make the powerful power of the parties to the General Assembly, are very shocking.

They have never thought that the swords are unparalleled, they dare to shoot at this meeting!

And he is just a eternal, but the other party is a long-awaited Tianzun strong. The strength of both parties is obviously not on the same level, but he still does not hesitate to shoot directly.

"It's really grateful!"

Everyone admires swords and unparalleled courage.

This kind of gallblatte, even more unable to be more than healensey.

After all, although the old ancestors are , but they don't dare to take the first day, take the initiative to show a day.

The sword is unparalleled not only directly, and his strength is also scared.

"Tianzun, this is definitely the war of Tianzun level!"

"Old days, an eternal border, actually followed a Tianzun, fighting into a fan?"

"I, are I dream?"

A large number of strong people can't help but send roar.

They can't believe this scene in front of them.

At the beginning, when they learned that the sword was unparalleled, they were very shocked when they didn't die, and they were very shocking.

But shocking is shocking, they can still understand, perhaps because of the swords, there is a very anti-day defense treasure, so they live.

That battle, only proves that the sword is unparalleled and the life means extremely anti-sky, but it can really strength, but there is no.

But today ... Directly and the Lei Yi Tianzun positive killing, even in a short time, it is quite, this has been fully explained, the sword is unparalleled!

One eternal, strength is comparable to Tianzun?

Many strong people in the scene, I think about it, I feel that my head is.

"That little child ..." The old man is also slightly smashed, and the gripped palm is again hard.

There are also many strong people around, and I have seen him, and most of them are more quirky.

One hundred and twenty years ago, the heavenly old ancestors shot the sword and unparalleled, full of three strokes, but the sword is unparalleled, this is spread.

But at that time, the strength of the sword was unparalleled with the heavenly ancestors, and the big gang of the ancestors he felt. At that time, the sword was unparalleled, the strength also three turns, the top, the top Close to the general road.

Can you now?

In short one hundred and twenty years, the sword is unparalleled. It has already had a genuine Tianzun battle, and it is not a general Tianzun. It will never be in the bottom of the sky. After all, the Lei Yi Tianzun is in the sky.

"Horror, this kid's talent is too horrible!" Dynasty old ancestors couldn't help.

On the battlefield, the sword is unparalleled with the thunder, and the fight is hot. In this case, the sword has suddenly been flashed, his body shape appeared in front of Lei Wing, and then the long sword is roaring Out.

The horrible power, ruthlessly tearing the space.


Thunder wings, a frown, he can detect the sword with a sword, and the power is significantly improved before.

"Is it absorbed?" Lei Yi Tianzun smiled coldly, followed by the two hands held by his hands, but also stabbed directly.

A harsh sound explosion, instantly fried in the void.

This is the strongest trick of Lei Yi Tianzun ... thunder!


Tiandi shot, everything can't help but still.

The voids collided with the two have long been thoroughly crushed.


The sword is unparalleled, and one is unparalleled. After the weaken of the blood, the remaining part rushed into his body, so that he was rolling in his body, and his mouth couldn't help but spill a hint of blood.

The sword is not a buddy, but it is very cold.


A flawless, the sword is unparalleled, and the second heavy power is formed, completely broke out.

"not good!"

That Lei Yi is changing, and the horrible darkness is almost instantly swept to him, so that he is mad, a bloody spurt, and the body is immediately weakened, and the body shape is more The wolf is bursting out.

The fierce battle that lasted a few breathing, finally calmed down.

Lei Yi Tianzun has retired to the most edge of the campus. He covered his chest. It took a trace to stare at the sword. And the sword is unparalleled, the scorpion is very cold.

This scene, let the people around the parties in the eyes, but one of them taking the air.

They have just seen the sword unparalleled with Lei Wing, and it is very shocking, but now ...

This is quite a big feature, it is obvious, the sword is unparalleled to defeat the Lei Wing Tianzun!

An eternal, beat a sky!

If this news is out, it is enough to scare the dead! ! !

"Fortunately, I didn't go crazy, I didn't have a mortar. Otherwise ... I can't kill him, but after many years, this kid can definitely kill me!" Looking at this, but it has become a fortunate.

As for his son's hatred, he has completely let go.

"What are you doing?"

A voice that contained with anger, I saw that the number of things suddenly floated from the distance, and it was from the power of the Temple of the Temple, including the two inner director, one of the swords and unparalleled, exactly Ding Yumin.

Since the power of the Temple of the Temple is already arrived, this battle is naturally impossible to continue, and the strong people around them have a little quirky fencing unparalleled.

After all, this battle today, but the sword is unparalleled.

"what happened?"

Ding Yo appeared in the center of the battlefield, frowning around the surroundings, and then, the sword is unparalleled with the Thunder Tian Tian.

"Sword is unparalleled, Lei Yi Tianzun, you are two, give it a meeting."


PS: Yes, a faithful fan, here, I wish him (Mr. P) a happy birthday!

Big New Year, open your heart!

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