Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1084 of the five people in the void

"Dream, I will pick you up!"

This sentence of Jienan Tian, ​​whether the blue robe woman, that is, there is no dream shape, but she has struggled with a struggle and did not respond immediately.

As if it is a concern that Ji Ni Dream is concerned, Jian Nan Tian directly goes forward, holding Ji no dream, "your concerns, Master has told me, rest assured, you are carrying things, I will If you pick it up, if you can't help, have you both, his shoulders are hard enough. "

Ji did not dream, but his mouth slowly exposed a smile.


Ji didn't have a dream, and then I went straight to the heart of Jiannan.

As for the hand wearing hands, it has been given by Sword South.

In addition to the peak of the sky, countless strong people waiting for the results.

And after a long time, from the heartbeat tower, two figure, hand holding hands, like gods and walked out.

"That, is this southern wife, the sword is unparalleled mother?"

"It feels that it seems that ordinary, there is no surprise, why will it be held in the peak of the ancient demon?"

Most of the strong people who come to watch will expose the color of doubts.

However, there are many strong people in the ancient pavilion, including countless people, in the moment of seeing Ji Dream, and one eye is rolling.

"This, this is ..."

"Strong, a strong blood, more than a birdy old ancestor, is stronger than anyone in my ancient monk!"

"In my ancient demon, there is still a bloody ethnic group?"

"Who is she? Why have you never seen it?"

Ji did not dream, even in the ancient monk, it is also a secret, and the unusual power does not know her existence.

And even those who know what she exists, I only know that she is detained in the peak, but I don't know why I will be detained, I don't know what secrets in her body, but now, as Ji did not show up.

But all the people of the ancient demon can be fearful from instinct.

This fear is completely targeted on the blood.

Just like an ordinary copper antique, facing a true price of a true price.

These ancient monk people have a heavenly feminine, so I saw that Ji did not dream, as if I saw their king.

This blood level is too high!

When many people in the ancient demon family were shocked, there was almost no bloody, but the bubble is very small.

He looked up and did not look at the direction of Jienan, Ji did not dream, but looked at the mighty space in the mightyness.


"Why don't you shoot?"

"Do you want to watch the Jian Nan Tian to take away my disciples, let my blood, completely funeral?"

"You, what are you thinking!"

Becoming Heaven is roaring, but it is full of anger.

And in the vast void of the bubble, the voids, five body shape, quietly floating there.

These five people are clearly standing there, and there is no ban on any ban or the existence of special means. According to the truth, they can see them, but they can see them, but they are not perceived. There is still five existence of five people here.

These five people, four men and one woman, the breath is all ignorant, and people are unpredictable.

At this moment, these five people have aware of the eyes of the bubble and the eyes.

Among the five people, the only woman is the first to open, "four, it is hard to do it, I really look at it, don't do anything? Don't forget, the blood of the Ji did not have a blood, for my green palace How big is it! "

"At the beginning, in order to let her get the inheritance, in order to send her to the world, I spent why waiting for huge price!"

"Now, if this sword is, if there is no dream to take it away, then we have worked hard, the cost of spending, can be full."

This face of black women's voice with a ribbon.

If you hear her, the four of the surroundings have frowned, and they will think about it every one.

The blood of Ji did not spend a lot of energy, this is a fact.

"Reincarnation, you are the Master of the Jian Nan Tian, ​​you should talk about it, what should I do?" Black woman low.

The called reincarnation is a black armored helmet, and there is a black unicorn with a black unicorn. This strong man stands there. It is clear that there is no breath, but it can still be unstoppable. feel.

He, it is this round of the mainland unlagued overlord, and the round is the main!

At the same time, he is also the master of Jian Nany.

"I am very clear, he is very clear from the elderly, until today, all the way to the thorns, experience, don't know how much grinding, its purpose, only for Ji dream!"

"For so many years, he has paid too much, so many difficulties and grinding, it has not stopped him. Now, no one can block him."

The round temple is stunned. "When I was receiving him for the disciple, I told him about everything about Ji didn't have no dream. He also knew that Ji did not dream about my green palace, even for the entire fire world. What is the significance, and since he still insisted on doing this, he explained that he had absolute confidence! "

"Confident? What is confident, distinct is selfish!" The black woman is rushing: "For your own private, the safety of the whole green world is not careless, the reincarnation, this is the good disciple you teach!" "

"My own disciple, I am the clearer, no matter what you say, I believe in himself." The main ring of the Round Temple hugged his hands and indifferent.

The black woman saw this, but it could only be snorted. Subsequently, he looked at an old golden robe old, this golden robe old eyebrow still has a cinnamon.

"Tang Huang, what do you say?" Black women asked.

Tang Huang smiled and laughed: "The blood of the Ji did not have a dream, it is really extraordinary, the help of my green fire palace will be great, but the old man believes that the sword is helpful to my green palace. No small! "

"I ridicily." The black woman immediately smiled, "The sword can reach this step in such a short time, and even open up the strongest swords, it is indeed, but his weak period is too much, and the future achievement is limited. Even if he is lucky, the top of the future will be columns to us, how can I get the dream? "

"If you don't have a single Jian Nan Tian, ​​if you don't have a sword, don't have a sword?" Tang Huang fostered.

Black woman is immediately.

Plus a sword is unparalleled?


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