"Yu Ding Tianzun said, I want to go to the battlefield, say hello to Tang Huang ..."

The sword was unparalleled, and then took out a trick, "the teacher!"

"Little guy, to the green palace, everything is to adapt?" Tang Huang also sent back quickly.

"Not bad." The sword has no double smiles, then directly into the theme, "Teacher, I plan to go to the battlefield."

"Going to the battlefield? Is it so fast?" Tang Huang slightly, but he said, "You come to the palace where I live."

"Good." The sword nodded.

On the floating land where the green fire palace is located, there are also several mountains, and the top of these mountains has a palace.

Tang Huang, one of the palace owners of the Qinghuo Palace, he lives in one of these mountains.

The sword is unparalleled to come to this palace. In the main hall, I saw Tanghuang.

"Little guy, I know that you have the war of secondary days before entering the Blue Punter, and in the past few years in the Qinglu Palace, the strength is also improved, but the battlefield of our surroundings, not only, not only The most important thing is that this battlefield has many dangers in this battlefield, and many dangerous, it is undoubtedly. "

"You are too young, the potential is still very huge, or you have to reach the road, and then go to the battlefield, how?" Tang Huan advised.

"Since the teacher, since I dare to go to the battlefield, I naturally think about it. The teacher is not worried." The sword is unparalleled. "

"In this case, then I don't worry, I just got to ask you, in recent hours, I plan to go to the battlefield, only one, is a magic shadow, but he is in practice The secret surgery, only 50 years will be left, you will be more than 50 years, waiting for the magic shadow Tianzun, go to the battlefield with you, he is also the power of the second day, and join hands with you Also take one or two each other. "Tang Huangdao.

"Can't, I am going to go to the battlefield alone." The sword is unparalleled.

"One alone?" Tang Huang frowned.

In his opinion, the sword is unparalleled to join hands with the magic shadow day, which is full of great risks, and let alone go to the words ...

"Do you have a grasp?" Tang Huang couldn't help but ask.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled.

He knows the danger of the battlefield, if the magic shadow Tianzun is not closed, you can leave immediately, he does not mind to sway with the magic shadow

But the magic shadow Tianzun is still closed, he has to continue to wait for 50 years.

Fifty years, other Tianzun don't care, but it is not short.

And he is also accustomed to a person who is alone, as for the risk ... The Silver and Moon Festival that has fallen, only the power of the second day, but the ability to lose weight is slightly strong, but still dare to smash one person alone in the battlefield. Long-year long.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the strength is strong than that of the silver moon and the moon, and it is also stronger.

Silver Moon Tianzun dared to swim in battlefield alone, he certainly dared.

"Since you have decided, then I also stop you, there are three things here, I have a strong person who is going to the battlefield in the Qinglu Palace, you have a good look." Tang Huang waved, three The radiator is not a double throw.

These three streamer floats in front of the sword, and the sword has seen the past.

Three things, in the first, is a map of the territory of the beasts.

"This map is a large number of strong people in my green, for tens of millions of years of continuous exploration of this giant battlefield." Tang Huang said: "Of course, despite the great effort, you can depict this map Out of place, still just a star of the whole battlefield, more are some unknown places. "

"Since you have to go to the battlefield, then this map, you should also help you."

The sword has no double nod, he has seen many places marked on the map, which is like the three secrets of the Qinglu Palace, like the Taiqing Temple, and there are many natural crisis in these assuments. The danger is also marked one by one.

In those places that are not marked, it is virtual, obviously that unveiled area.

No way, the battlefields they have are really too big, too much.

Tens million years of hard work, the area that is explored, is only a small part of the frontal battlefield.

The sword is unparalleled and looks to the second thing.

This second thing is a toilet.

"This enumeration is to let you take the crisis to use the people nearby to save." Tang Huangdao.

"Help? People nearby?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Little guy, you also know how big this battlefield, I am in the battlefield in the battlefield, if you encounter the crisis, such as the chasing of Jinguo, then he is like a green fire house, I am a green palace It is also impossible to send a strong person to save him in time, but there is a difference. "

"This enumeration, is a rescue of comrades nearby. Once the information is sent, as long as it is a strong person in my green palace in its vicinity, it will be induced immediately, and it is also able to exist in his position through jade. Thus immediately rushing to rescue. "

"But if there is no strong in the vicinity of this person, there is no way." Tang Huang said.

"I understand." The sword has no double nodded, and the role of this match is also understood.

Tight, the sword is unparalleled, and it is the third like.

The third like, but a golden water droplet, this golden water droplets, simply use the naked eye, the sword is unparalleled, and the power of this golden water contains the incomparable power, and this force, the sword is not very familiar.

"The power of the ancient god!"

The Tang Huang has not opened, and the king in the sword is unparalleled, has been in the origin of this golden water.

"The power of the ancient gods? What is it?" The sword was unparalleled.

"This is the power of the ancient gods, which contains incomparably pure power, the use is also very broad, even if it is for the ancient gods, it has to be qualified to condense this ancient god." The sound of the King of King took a solemnity.

"Oh?" The sword has no double look.

And the Tang Huang is opening, "the third thing, is the power of the ancient god, this ancient god is incredible, if the war is absorbed, it is enough to make your strength in a short time, like my green fire The palace of the palace, if it absorbs a drop of ancient gods, his strength can absolutely improve in a short time! "

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