Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1104 does not wait

Just for a moment, wearing a blood robe, the sword of the long sword is unparalleled, and it has appeared in the black robe in front of the hunchback old.

"It turned out to be Dream Dragon Tianzun and Yi Tianzun." The sword is unfolded.

"Eternal nominal?"

The black robe is thin Middle-aged Dream Long Tianzun, the hunchback old people are quite quite weird.

"If the old man does not guess, you should be the sword who just added the green palace?" Yi Tianzun opened the mouth.

"It is me." The sword is unparalleled.

"Although the old man has been in the battlefield, he has never returned to the Palace for a long time, but when he communicated with a friend of the Qinghu Palace, he heard that he mentioned you, I heard that you are the South. Son? "Yi Tianzun is a bit indifference.

The sword has no double one, and the next consciousness nodded.

"Hey, when your father was in the Qinglu Palace, there was a bit of arrogance, and you actually be more arrogant than him, there is an empty world in the district. Even if some special reasons, there is a medium-sighted power, but in this battlefield In the middle, you can set the number of crisis that you die, you are alone, and you have broken into the unprecedented area, and it's so deep place? "Yi Tianzun low.

The dream dragon next to it also frowned to look at the sword.

Insight, even if it is in the middle of the second day, it is alive. So long years, there are two of them, and they will join hands to enter unveiled area.

Most of the second day of the Qinglu Palace, they alone, I don't dare to enter the unveiled area.

Like the Silver Moon, she has been alone alone, but she has been in the area where the area has been in the area, there are many crises to be much less, despite this, she still accidentally encounters the crisis being given by the golden country. Kill it.

And the sword is unparalleled ... alone, I'm going into the unprecedented area, but also to such a deep place, this is in Yi Tianzun, the dream Long Tianzun seems to be dying.

When I heard Yi Tianzun, the sword was unparalleled, but it was still open: "Two, I dare to get alone to this unveiled area, naturally it is some." "

"Really? What is the young people, arrogant, you don't know how dangerous this battlefield, waiting for you to meet, you regret it." Yi Tianzun said with the tone.

"Okay, since he is looking for death, we have not used anything." The dream dragon is also open, the voice is indifferent, "the sword is unparalleled, if you don't have anything, let's go, and I will remind you, Take a lot of dancing yet, hurry back to the Qinghu Palace, waiting for you to achieve the road, then come here. "

I heard the words, the sword was unparalleled and smiled. "In this case, I will say it."

After finishing, the sword is no longer stayed, and it turns directly to it.

Yi Tianzun will not pay for the sword without double. After seeing the sword unparalleled, he has not prepared more, and immediately fell to the mountains that spread the purple laminated.

Can just have a moment of engraving ...


A roar, accompanied by amazing fierce, the deepest place in the bottom, followed by the two incomparable sorrows, and immediately slammed from the ground.

These two people are naturally Yi Tianzun with the dream dragon.

"Fast, escape!"

Yi Tianzun is drinking, the two instantly burst out the fastest speed of his own life, and flee in front of the front.

And their figure has just been out, the next moment, from the bottom of the country, the same is completely made up of purple spar, and the shape of the weird, this is the purple scales on this other beast, and there is lightning Renewing, he is smoothing, immediately Chaoyou, Dream Dragon, chasing the past, fast amazing!


Above the void, the sword is unparalleled, and the front is flusted.

"Kid, hot face is cold butt, this feels, is not good?" Yu Wang smiled.

"I just want to fight a greece, but I didn't expect it. They would not see me so much?" The sword was unbolded.

"Because of your mother's relationship, this green palace is so strong, I am afraid that few people don't exclude you, you want to get their respect, you have to rely on his strength but conquer him, let them believe in your potential, And you now, you can't reach that step. "Yu Wang smiled.

"I know." The sword was unparalleled.


"Well, what is going on?"

The sword is unparalleled, and he can be very clear through the contest. Yi Tianzun also has a dream Dragon Tianzun, with an amazing speed to catch up with his own direction, and his distance is not pulling. near.

"This is fast ... here is not an area, even if it is me, you have to be careful, don't dare to flush too fast, and two, this speed should not be able to flip the road, is it, it is escaped ? "The sword didn't think of a double consciousness.

And immediately stopped, and turned to Yi Tianzun, the position of Dream Longtianzun.

Soon, he saw a scene that happened in front.

I saw Yi Tianzun with Magong Tianzun in the crazy escaping. Behind them, there was a shared beast that was full of purple scales.

The other beast, all the fierce breath, the fierce breath, the sword is unparalleled.

"That is?" The sword didn't look at the purple alien.

"It's the beast." Yu Wang said.

"Beast?" The sword has no double, he only knows the war.

"This beast is the strong man of the vast chaotic world. It has been formed directly into the alien, although it is already embarrassing, but it still keeps his own consciousness, and this is the beast in front of you. Less talk also have higher levels, even the great war of Tianzun, "said the king said.

"Is this? No wonder is easy to respect to Evil Dragon Tianzun." The sword is unparalleled. "

Yi Tianzun follows the two people in the middle of the middle and Tianzun. If it is just a general higher level, with the energy resistance of their two, it can be better than the two, and it is not so much wolf.

But this is the beast, they join hands, and they can't resist it.

"The speed of the beast is very fast, Yi Tianzun follows the dream dragon Tianzun immediately to be caught up." The sword was unparalleled, and the blood peak sword appeared in his hand. His body shape immediately slammed .

"Worse, bad!"

Yi Tianzun has been extremely ugly in the face of Dream Tianzun. Its Yi Tianzun is even more vivid, and the breath is quite weak. It is obviously not a light injury, and once the beast is chasing them, they are two people, It is very difficult to live a life.

At this moment, they noticed that the front is empty, and the sword is unparalleled and straight.

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