"Third level?" The sword is unparalleled.

That's too much thunder, I didn't solely in Star Island, I barely cultivated to the second level, and just the second level was just started, I never had improved, but now he can make this secret Direct cultivation reached the third level, it is enough to make his strength greatly improve.

"Look, this chaotic god, I have to think about it." The sword was unparalleled, and the lips were lick.

If you want to get the chaotic god, first, you will naturally give the giant ax.

"Directly". "

The sword is unparalleled, and the figure immediately rushed toward the direction of the giant ax.

And he approached the past, the purple impaired beast was perceived.


A burst of The rapid claws come to the sword without double head.

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword appears in his hand, and the casual sword tatched out.


After a metal impacters sounded, the sword was not refunded immediately.

"The dead man."

The purple different beast is fierce, it has already recognized the sword, and the surplus will immediately chase.

This time, it is not intended to let the human beings in front of them.

Two figures, one chase, soon quickly slammed out, then the voids were empty.

Just when the purple different beast was unlessless, it has been hidden in the nearby Yi Tianzun with Meng Long Tianzun. They entered the bottom, found the huge ax, put the handle of the giant ax later, Yi Tianzun will give the sword unparalleled message.

"Is it too late?"

The sword is unparalleled to Yitianzun, and there is a smile. He is too lazy to continue to follow this purple chronic, the blood of the blood, and it is easy to get this purple beast.

On the empty, the sword is unparalleled, Yi Tianzun, the dream of the Dragon Tianzun once again gathered together.

"Yi Tianzun, hurry out to take out the giant ax." Dream Long Tianzun laughed.

"Okay." Yi Tianzun smiled, then waved, and took the giant ax.

"This power, so strong, it is much better than the ordinary chaotic gods. It should have reached the chaotic Qibao level?" Dream Dragon Heaven stared at the giant ax and asked.

"It is indeed chaotic odorant, but unfortunately it has been damaged, and the power is not as good as before." Yi Tianzun regrets.

"If you are big, it is better than you use the soldiers you use." Dream Long Tianzun turned over.

"Haha, this is." Yi Tianzun smiled and was very happy.

After a cold, Yi Tianzun is solemn, "the sword is unparalleled, Dream Dragon Tianzun, this time two shots are helpful, I can get this giant ax, especially the sword is unparalleled, this giant ax value is extraordinary, If it is placed in the fire point exchange, you should be able to redeem nearly 20,000 fire points. I have accumulated the accumulation of the years, and now I have accumulated 15,000 fire points, I will give two bits, see how the two is allocated. "

Yi Tianzun said very sincere.

This giant ax is just suitable for him, and the sword is unparalleled with Meng Tianzun. So the giant ax is of course him, but he also has to take the corresponding fire point, compensate for the sword without a double and dream Dragon Tiansheng.

The giant ax is chaotic, but unfortunately, if you put it in the fire point redemption, you can only redeem the 20,000 fire point. He now takes 15,000 fire points to compensate the sword unparalleled with dreams of Dragon Tianzun. Already very good, after all, I can get this giant ax, he has also been very strong.

Without him induced the existence of the giant ax, no one can find the giant ax.

"This reason can be able to get the giant ax, all with easy Tianzun you induce your induction, then the sword is unparalleled to open the purple alcohol, but I have no effort, this fire point, I can't Yes. "Dream Long Tianzun laughed.

And the sword is also shocked. "This giant ax is that Yi Tianzun you discovered, naturally you, as for the purple different beast, just raise the workers, this fire point is not necessary, if Yi Tianzun, you really want to Thank you, I really have an unfortunate. "

"Please ask for love?" Yi Tianzun is unparalphed, so cool: "Little friends do it,"

Before the sword is unparalleled, it is said to have saved the life of Yi Tianzun with Menglong Tianzun. Later, it opened the purple impaired beast, so that Yi Tianzun got a giant ax, Yi Tianzun's heart is full of gratitude to the sword, no matter what the sword is unparalleled. As long as he can do it, it will not be resigned.

"When I just saw the giant ax, I found a very strong chaotic god, I didn't know if You Zun, I would like to give me this chaotic God." The sword said unparalleled.

"Chaotic God Lead?" Yi Tianzun's eyebrows, he has made the giant ax, naturally knowing the hidden chaotic gods in the giant ax.

"This huge ax is indeed a chaotic god, should be left before, but this chaotic god is not too big, the little friend wants, it is directly." Yi Tianzun promised.

"That's more thanks." The sword has no double.

Yi Tianzun is about the chaotic god of the giant ax guided, so that the sword is unparalleled and carefully inhaled.

The process is quite smooth.

It is inhaled in the sword, but this chaotic god is still unparalleled with swords, only such a sword is unparalleled, and he can slowly absorb the power of chaotic gods. Improve the power of the Taiyin Shenlei secret surgery.

"I got the chaotic god, I have to find a place to be closed for a while, there is no need to wait for me, go to the sky." The sword is unparalleled.

"In this case, then we have two, say."

Yi Tianzun will soon report with Menglong Tianzun.

After the sword is unparalleled, after the dream of Dragon Tianzun, I immediately found a secluded place, temporarily opening a cave.

In the cave, the sword is sitting without a double knee, in his body, at this moment, there is two Thunder's strength to beat it.

The two Thunder's strength is the too yin god of his own relying on secret surgery, and there is a chaotic god that has just been obtained from the giant ax.

Now that he has to do it, it is to refine the chaotic god, a little absorption, integrate into his own too yin.

"let's start!"

The sword is unparalleled and spit and immediately started to refine.


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