Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1109 Bloody Wine


The horrible breeze, with a terrible strand force instantly shocked on the sword unparalleled body.

The sword is unparalleled, and the spiritual force is crazy in the body, directly display the second weight of the long blood of the dragon.

The speed instantly increased by 100 times, hard-up the impact of the hard work, finally forcibly rushing out the void in the pit, but also rushed out the range of the breeze torn swept.

On the void outside the pit, the sword was unbounded, and the mouth of 'Wow' spurted a big mouth, the breath was also extremely.

"It's okay, although I was seriously injured, but the life saved."

The sword is unbrilled with the blood of the mouth, re-raising the head, and looked at the voids in front.

In the void above the pothole, the horrible breeze is still swept in the crazy swept, destroying everything, and strands everything.

This scene, so that the sword is slightly poured slightly, fullness is full.

Too dangerous!

Just instantly, it is indeed too dangerous. If he reacts slightly slow, or if the speed is slow, his body is definitely broken in the impact of the wind, and the slag may not be able to remain.

"This hard work should be closer to the central center of the pit, but also a strong horizontal, and I just just just the edge of the pit, it is very far away from the center, despite this, this edge is shocked, I There is a bloody to defense, and there is a golden icon, but it is still hitting, and it is just a moment ... "The sword is unparalleled, and it is full.

"The sword is unparalleled, if I have not read the wrong, this strength should be that there is a rare bloody wind in the vast chaotic world, which not only contains horrible stranders, but also the chills carried in the yin wind are more amazing. In your body's injury, most of them brought the chills. "King said.

"Blood cold wind?" The sword was unparalleled.

When he just touched the hard work, he did induct a very cold force toward him.

"Blood and cold wind, it is generally difficult to form, but this pit hole in front of you, actually spurting such a wide range of bloody winds ... If I didn't guess the wrong, this pothole, inevitable treasures, And it is still the kind of very cold, the treasure of the yin, the value is not very general. "Said the king said.

"What is the treasure hidden? Even if you hide a chaotic god, then I can only do it." The sword didn't smir.

"This is." The king nodded, nor did it.

Whether it is a sword, a unparalleled, a king, is very clear, this pit hole is absolutely treasured, and it is still very precious.

But there is a treasure, they can't get it. After all, this blood is cold in front of them, the sword is unparalleled to resist, who knows the pothole, will there be other crises?

So, there is a treasure, the sword is unparalleled.

The edge of the pit hole, the sword is quiet, and the king has begun to restore the injury for him.

However, how long, the horror of the horror in front of the sword has gradually calm down.

The void of the bloody wind, and gradually returned, and the world was restored to calm, and the wind was calm, as if there was no happening.

However, experienced the sword of the dead escape, but it didn't dare to enter this huge pothole.

Although I don't dare to enter the scope of the pothole, the sword is unparalleled, but I will stay, but stay near, waiting quietly.

After about half an hour, rumble ~~~ followed the same roar before, again from the bottom of the pothole.

"Is it again?"

The sword is far from the far away, and the eyes are also tight.

Sure enough, as the heavens and the earth were screaming, they were in the pit, and they were a horrible blood cold air swept.

As always, we have done everything, destroy everything.

This time, the sword is unparalleled without being blinded by this bloody, he just looks quietly in the eyes.

Blood cold wind broke out only only ten breathing time, once again calided down.

"Ten breathing?" The sword didn't straighten it slightly.

The last blood is blown out, he also calculated, it seems to be ten breathing.

The sword is not double remaining here, continue to wait for the bloody and cold wind to break again ...

A sway, ten days passed.

During this ten days, I broke out again from this pit hole, and the sword was not looked tight, and I have long seen the outbreak of this bloody wind.

"This blood is cold, every half of the time will break once, and each broke out will only maintain ten breathing time."

"In addition, when the bloody wind broke out, there is a certain chance to take the power of the ancient god. When the blood is cold, the power of these ancient gods will be left." The sword has no double.

He stayed in this ten days, seeing that the potholes broke out so many bloody winds, but he had a bloody and yin, but left a drop of ancient gods ... This made swords unparalleled, the pit The bottom of the hole is not only a treasure of the cold and cold, and there is also a lot of the power of ancient gods.

The power of the ancient gods is very pure, and it is still condensed by the ancient god of six stars. Even if it is a bloody wind, it is difficult to destroy, and it will naturally be retained.

This is also no wonder that the sword has just came to this pothole, and he saw four drops of floating in the ancient god.

After taking the laws of the bloody wind, the sword has come out of the mappie map.

"I am in place, is here ..."

The sword is unparalleled to find his position, and then leave a mark, and there is a message in the mark.

The message is the strangeness of this pit, and there is a rule of bloody wind. In addition, the sword is not named this pit hole, it is called Yin Feng Valley!

"This giant battlefield, dangerous, like a place like Yinfeng Valley, I don't know how much, I can find one, the power of my green palace in the battlefield will also be a point." The sword is unparalleled.

Not only him, but all the strong people in the Qinghuo Palace, as long as they are not explored, everywhere, or in a place, it will be marked on the map.

After returning to the green fire house, then give the map to the palace owners to reinitely, and then let each of the green palace strong in the battlefield, know that there is such a dangerous place, avoiding them into this In the case, there is throwing out of life.

The sword is unparalleled for the green palace, and naturally has to do our best for the green palace.

The edge of the yin wind, the sword is not a double still standing in the void, but it is not an emergency, it is at this time ... In his Qiankun quit, there is information to pass.


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