Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1111 repeats!

"The strong people of the green palace!"

When the sword is unparalleled, the two golden protesters that chased the golden songs were also perceived.

"Hey, Yi Tianzun, Meng Long Tianzun, also throws two middle Tianzun, there is one person, it is an eternal antity, no need to take them, continue to kill, this Jinqu Tianzun, just got a three-sized soul One of them is a long-awaited man.

These golden powers have some understanding of the Tianzun of the Qinglu Palace, so I will recognize Yi Tianzun and Meng Long Tianzun.

In addition, the golden protector is also a scarlet, and the dead is staring at Jinqu Tianzun, and the speed of the two is not stopped.

This makes the sword who have come over without a double.

"Seeing us, there is no refund, still chasing? When you really want to die!" Yi Tianzun is cold.

"Alever, a high-level Tianzun is awkward with a medium Tianzun, dare to arrive so," Dream Long Tianzun is also angry. "

"That high-level Tianzun is handed over to me, the remaining medium Tianzun is handed over to you." The sword said without a double opening.

"Good." Yi Tianzun nodded.

"No problem." Dream Long Tianzun also said.

He can all have a sword where there is no parallel strength, just because there is a sword unparalleled, they say that the two golden powers are dead.

Time, the sword is unparalleled with the two golden powers.

The sword is unhappy, the blood peak sword, the blood peak sword broke out, rushing in the forehead, when they are about to come, the blood peak sword in his hands is out.

"Tianshal!" The sword did not have a good time.

I have a lot of swords and swords that have just been educated, and it is destroyed to the front of the sky. At the same time, while the sword is brushed out, there is also a golden Thunder to enter the sword light, so that this sword is more glare, more It has compression.

"Where is I don't know the dead idiot, give it to me!"

Among the two golden protector, the high-rise purple man was angry, but it was a lightning shot.

This palm contains a thunder, thunderous rolling between the same, the same, the sky is coming.

This purple-haired burly man is not in the sky, but the bottom is not smoothed, and it is directly using the secret.

The two have the offensive of the Thunder, and the front is in contact.


A great sound, the world seems to be completely fried, and a thunder is scattered, and the disruption of the surrounding void.

"Well?" Zifa burd men's face changed, at this moment he felt in his hand, faintly came back, the body was not allowed to retreat a few steps, when he re-raised his head, I found that the sword is unparalleled once again.

" " " "

Connected to the four swords, every sword is strong, and it is extremely compressed.

And when these four swords were brushed, there will be a golden thunder's income from the sword, and the four swords light will rise.

The third level of too yin god ... The sword is unparalleled to play its own attack power to achieve the extreme.

Zifa burd men's face dignified, at this moment, he used his hands with his hands, with the palm of the red boxing set, a thunder's strength.



It is also the four palms, this purple-haired burly man has fully played the strength of the high-level Tianzun.

It can be taken, after hitting the four swords, his body is still being oppressed, and the two arms are also numb.

"I have a high-level Tianzun, but the arguing is more than this kid?" Zifa burry men watched the sword unparalleled, and the next moment was turned and fled directly.

When he fled, he also made another golden protector to leave.

Seeing the purple man fled, the sword was unparalleled and did not chasing the plan, but the scorpion came to another battlefield.

At the same time as he fights with the purple man, Yi Tianzun, Menglong Tianzun is the other golden country.

The golden country is just the power of secondary days, and the strength is mostly with Yi Tianzun. Dream Long Tianzun is similar. If one is one, he is not afraid, but it is three, and the golden song is seriously injured, but the remaining part The war is also next to the tiger, which makes him extremely wolf.

He originally wanted to let the Zifa burry man quickly solved the opponent to help him, but did not expect the latter to actually ended the sword, and fled it directly?


This golden stronger has a drama, and it is even if it is shocked.

Yi Tianzun, Dream Dragon Tianzheng is entangled with him, and this time, the sword is not killing him directly.

"With my current strength, I want to completely leave a high-level temple, but I am too reluctant, but there is a secondary day, but it is more than enough." The sword is unparalleled, in the middle of the golden country At an instance, his sword has been show.

Beautiful, screaming sword light, through the faint Jian Ming, a horrible consciousness attack pinch with suffocation, directly toward the medium-sized day of the golden country.

The medium of the golden country was suddenly attacked, and the conscious moment became awkward, let the beautiful sword light down.

This original madly chased the two golden powers of Jinqu Tianzun, but finally returned with a dead ending.

On the void, the sword is unparalleled.

"Yi Tianzun, Meng Long Tianzun." Jinqu Tianzhi said he greeted, but the shocking gaze is the sword, "this, should be the sword who just added to the green palace. ? "

"It is me." The sword is unparalleled.

"The old man is full of three, the three shots are saved today." Golden Quarten shows.

"Small things, let alone, I haven't greeted my dreams. You really want to thank you, or thank you of the sword without a double friend. If he, just lighted me with Meng Tianzun, but I can't reach the bit. The golden country of the high-level Tianzun hierarchy, let alone, then kill them a middle day. "Yi Tianzun laughed.

"Yes, there is a lot of swords without a double friend." Jinqu Tianzun grateful, but the completion is quite weird.

There is no double in the sword, he also heard that the origin of the sword is unparalleled, and he also knows that the sword is unparalleled to join the green palace, although it is still eternal, but the power is barely comparable to a medium Tianzun.

This is what he knows.

But now I really meet, this gap is too much bigger?

"It's not said that this sword is only a second day. Can I have a medium-sized day? Why is the Golden National High Tianzun by him?" Jinqu Tianzhi is very stuffy.

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