Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1141 returns!

In the world of the sword, the sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are the god of the gods.

At this moment, he has risen many feelings.

At the same time, it will find a path.

A sword will be returned to the path of the strongest sword.

"Returned to a sword, Wan Jian returned, it is like a big sea, and all of the thousands of rivers will be integrated."

"Haina Baichuan!"

Gradually, the sword is unparalleled to the eyes and start to experience it.

He carefully looked at the drafting process of the big tree, and in his mind, he gradually formed a huge picture.

Among the drawings, there is a point in the core, and the peripheral dense numbers are the bus.

He is doing now, it is to integrate the dense numben light, all of which integrate into the core of the most core.

Over the time, the sword is unparalleled to the understanding of the sword, and it is getting more and more deep.

If there is any place in other places, the sword is unparalleled, I want to find a breakthrough direction, I don't know what to wait until the Year of the Moon, but in the world of this sword, I saw this big tree crossing, branching the process The sword is unparalleled, but it has clearly found the direction.

With the direction, the next evolutionary enlightenment is much simpler.

In this case, ten years have passed.

Before the big tree, the sword was unparalleled, and the sword of the swords on his eyes were spread, and the swords of the bullets were completely changed. It was originally fierce, with endless front, now his Sword is like a huge black hole, swallowing everything that absorbs around.

His swords are deeply unspeakable, just like no bottom.

Not only mysteries, but they are not more than zoom, you can include everything in the world.

"I opened three swords, the earliest opened, it is home to the sword, and now, this is the continuous evolving, reaching the strongest sword!" The sword is not worth it. Surprise.

In the 10th year of the world of Jianzhi, he also experienced a continuous evolution of ten years in his mind.

The strongest hierarchy is a sword, which can accommodate the world except for the other strongest levels, all the swords.

As he opened, two other swords ... speed swords, yin and yang swords, is just the level of the campaign, which is actually within the inclusion of the sword.

Just then ... ~ a shaped invisible fluctuation is delivered.

The sword is unparalleled.

"I just changed into the strongest swordway, the ten-year period was here, but it was just good." The sword is unparalleled, and the next moment, he is shaking, and there is already the world of the sword.

It is still in front of a big tree, just that there is no sword that is very high, nor does it contain a special sword, and the Sun Jien is waiting there.


The radiant flashes, the sword is unparalleled from the big tree.


When the Jian Jian Di saw the sword, the look was now moving.

He is a confirmed first sword repair in the hot community. There is no one on the swordway and the induction of the sword is also unusually keen. He can very clearly induction of the sword unparalleled from the world of swords. Amazing change.

"The sword is unparalleled, congratulations." Xuri Jian Di Road.

"Haha ~~" The sword is unparalleled.

"I can induce a very vast sword from you, and the sword seems to be able to include everything? If I have not guess, you should have opened a strongest sword?" Xuri Jian Di Asked.

"It was opened up a strongest sword, I named it as a return!" The sword was not paired.

"Returning to a sword? Wan Jian returned? Interest." Rising Sword Emperor nodded slightly, said: "You have opened up a strongest sword, then you can make a breakthrough to the road, distance Tianzun should not Too far away, waiting for the future, when you break through Tianzun, I want to fight with you. "

"Good." The sword nodded.

In the sword unparalleled, the king is a laugh: "This Rising Sword Emperor's sword talent is good, but unfortunately, it is limited to this green world, the eyes are still too low, he is still unclear your true potential, still think Waiting for you to fight back to you again? Hey, I need to reach Tianzun. Even if it is just a road, it is enough to compare with him, or even surpass him. "

"Amount ..." The sword is unparalleled.

"Okay, let's return to Qinglu Palace."

The Rising Sword Emperor said, and immediately returned to the green palace.

After returning to the green fire house, the Rising Sword of the Jianji left, and the sword was unparalleled, it has begun to make it a breakthrough to the road.

From the end of the eternal, the most important thing is to open up a way that belongs to himself.

This step, the sword is unparalleled, and the other factors that break through the respects, he has already had it early, just because the ambition is big, I want to open a strongest sword and then break through, so I have been pressing myself. realm.

By now, he has opened up a strongest sword, naturally can be shocked by the road.

However, he is reversible, the threshold for breaking the road is much higher than the ordinary military, and the sword is unparalleled to prepare it.

"The sword is unparalleled, with your current strength, the breakthrough should not have any changes, but as a reversal, the movement of the road is time, it should be quite huge, if you stay in this green house, Then there is a little too much. "King said.

"Well, I understand." The sword is unparalleled. "

Dao Zun, in the top of the green industry, is the top of the top, this power will generally have no small movement when breakthrough.

And the sword is unparalleled, once a breakthrough, it will definitely be more huge.

Now he has proved his potential with absolute strength, let the many Tianzun of the Qingquan Palace convince him, no longer exclude him, naturally there is no need to shake, like this breakthrough, it is best to find Nobody is a place to break through.

"Before going to the battlefield."

"This battlefield is huge, I am very strong in the battlefield, but I want to meet in the battlefield, I can find a hidden place in the battlefield. I don't want someone to disturb me. "

"And, after I plan to break through, I will continue to go to the battlefield."

The sword has not been awarded the idea.

Subsequently, he immediately left again to the battlefield.

He went to the battlefield again, there were not many people who knew in the Qinglu Palace. In addition to several palace owners, there were several days of the day.

However, the gold ax is a matter of knowing this.

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