Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1143, the fourth step in the sky, the ancient to respect!

"I know that I will not be small when I break through, but I didn't expect this moving and quiet."

The sword is sitting in the top of the mountain, and everything around it is full of shock.

The unusual road is broken, and it will produce unsained movements, but this shocking scene with the sword is now made, it is too much.

At this moment, he has been emitted by him, he said, even if it is a sky, it has to be treated.

"Dao Zun is so, wait until I have reached Tianzun in the future, or how will it be higher?" The sword is unparalleled secretly.

While the breath occurs, the sword is unparalleled, and its body is also a huge change at this moment.

This change is a transformation.

His flesh, including his body's bones, muscles are cells, every breath, is in a substantial transformation.

"It's so comfortable." The sword is unparalleled.

This process of transformation, very comfortable, swords are unparalleled and completely silent in this transformation.

Time lapse, this transformation has continued to have a hard work in nearly a half days, and finally ... everything will calm down.

From the sword unparalleled, the shackles of the strong, and slowly converge, and the world has returned to calm.

The sword is unparalleled, and then it is slow to stand up.

At the moment he got up, his body was sent to the burst of the rumor. He clearly scored that it was less than a day. Long.

"This feeling is Dao Zun?"

The sword is unparalleled to see his palm, his five fingers open, but the next moment is a fierce.

Snapped! The space is immediately smashed, bursting, the sword is unparalleled to be very clear, the power you have increased!

"I am already the top of the Samsung Top Royal God, the flesh is unparalleled, but now I feel that my flesh is better than before, I have to be strong, and I have been stronger than ten times!" Sword There is no binding in the highlights.

The gap between the neconsive and Dazun is very huge.

Single is the power of the sharp outbreak, the gap is calculated in dozens of times, the sword is unparalleled, and a breakthrough has achieved the explosion of Daozun, the spiritual power, and naturally.

And the most important thing to Zun is the mastery of the road, will be more perfect than before, and the power of the road is naturally stronger.

Especially the sword is unparalleled, the strongest sword is the foundation of the foundation, and the power will break up, which will be very terrible.

"Strong, this powerful feeling." The sword is unburden.

From birth to now, he has never had this powerful feel.

Now he, even feels that even before a truth is in front of it, he can not be afraid.

"The sword is unparalleled, fast, quickly you break through the Dao Zun, the difference between it." The King is a bit forced.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled.

Decomposing the big days, as a reversal, it is step by step, step by step and distinct.

Every step is cross-out, and there will be some differences compared to ordinary warrants.

This level like Eternal Babils, the sword is unparalleled, it is unsteady, it is called a day.

Now he breaks through the road, this is the first level of the fourth step in the big day of the day, and he certainly has some differences.

The sword is unparalleled and started to take a closer look.

"Well, what is this?" The sword didn't have a double look.

He can induce, within his own sea, I don't know when I have a strange black flame.

This black flame is very weak, as if it can go out at any time, but the sword is unparalleled, but the force is very powerful from this black flame. The power is very similar to his consciousness.

"This, this is ... The fire of the soul!" The voice of the King with a strange voice suddenly sounded.

"Fire of the soul?" The sword is not a double.

"It's impossible, it's impossible !!!" The king is crazy, "" You have a good, the district road, how can I have a soul? "

"It's impossible, it is impossible !!!"

"When Luo Zhenwang is also reaching the top level of the chaotic world, it takes a lot of energy and cost, so it's hard to make your consciousness, ignite the fire of the soul, but you ... You a road, distance At the level of Luo Zhen Wang, it was 1888 years ago, but actually ignited the fire of the soul? "

I heard the roaring of the King, the sword was unparalleled.

He didn't understand the fire of the soul, but from the reaction of the King, the fire of this soul should be quite good.

"Abnormal, reverse repair is a big metamorphosis!"

"The existence of such abnormalities, no wonder will be can't be can't be can't be caught by heaven!"

The king is still low, for a long time, he barely calm down, but his mood is still very complicated.

"What is the king, what is going on? This soul is fire, what is it?" The sword asked unparalleled.

The king was silent, and then slowly opened, cold tang: "Kid, you are going!"

"Walking the Universiade?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Hey, the fire of the soul is evolved by your consciousness. You should now feel that the strange force inside the soul, is actually integrated with your consciousness?" .

"Yes, I have been induced." The sword is unparalleled. "

"That is the power of the soul that is evolved." King began to explain.

"You should also be clear, a person's consciousness, very wonderful, can be called a virtual, although there is in the human mind, but it can't form a substance, like the consciousness of you, is also just an invisible attack. , Let's talk, conscious is not substance. "

"I know." The sword is not a hyper point, a person's consciousness, there is no shape, nor size, nature is not substance.

"However, when a person's consciousness is strong enough, after a strong level, his consciousness will gradually become substantive, and it will eventually evolve into a complete soul, consciousness, will also completely transform into soul. "The King said Shen Sheng.

"The power of the soul, can be strong than the consciousness, the power of the soul can be completely substantially substantive, and even some substances, in the world's top, the top of the world, can use the soul to become a soldier but kill, chemize the composition, Everything is very high, it is a very high-end means! "

"This is the case?" The sword was unparalleled, and he couldn't help but shock.

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