Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 115 Bloody Pool, arriving!


When I saw the black Dan medicine that the sword was unparalleled, everyone was amazed.

"Break the barrier?" Xiao Mang also looked at the sword unparalleled. "How come you?"

"Don't forget my identity." The sword is unparalleled but some speechless.

Dan medicine, which is extremely high, but not only refining materials are extremely precious, and throughout the Tianzong Dynasty, there is a qualified refining, and there is also a little less.

It is because it is extremely difficult to break barrier, so the average person wants to get almost luxurious.

The sword is unparalleled. He is from the Dragon Palace. The Dragon Palace The Secret Pavilion collected thousands of treasures, and it is necessary to have it. This is almost difficult to find a broken bar in the outside world.

He before, in order to break through the congenital Jin Dan, a breath is redeemed in the secretou, of which he uses two, there is still one, it is what he is now.

And if the sword is unparalleled, I know that this Xiao Mang is desperate to fight for black lotus lotus. If he will break the barrier, he will break the barrier to Xiao Mang, there is no need to fight at all.

"You are not bad, this is broken, I will send you." The sword is unparalleled to break the barrier to Xiao Mang.

Xiao Mang has some hesitibly, but it is finally taken, deeply read the sword is unparalleled, "Thank you!"

There is no double brow, and the body shape has appeared in front of that big tree, waving a tree trunk and smashing, and the Qiankun Ring in the trunk is naturally falling into his hand.

"Black Solitary Lotus." The sword is unparalleled to watch the Qiankun Ring, a faint smile.

"III." Su Soft was now on the side of the sword.

"Oh, fortunately, you can't insult." The sword didn't have a double Qiankun quarter.

After Su Soft, I got the Lord, I immediately inquired the black lotus flowers in Qiankun, and the smile was revealed.

"The old three, thank you." Su Zudao said, then she also reached out, with a black lotus seed.

"Black Water Lotus?" The sword is unparalleled to see Suofu.

He ran to the top of the mountain of the mountain, while Jing Shanghuo, those Jin Danwu will be crazy for seven black water lotus seeds, the competition is bound to be fierce, but the sword is unparalleled, Su soft I can take a black water lotus seed in so many strong people.

"Old three, this black water lotus is given you, I can see you still want to understand the sword of the drip, this black water lotus should help you." Su Zudao.

"You don't? You also feel the meaning of dripping?" The sword didn't help but ask.

"I have that black water lotus is enough, this black water lotus is not used by me." Su Zudao.

"That's good." The sword is unparalleled, and immediately reached out the black water lotus seed.

"This time, the black spoiler, it is finally over." The sword has no double eyeliner.


It is over.

Seven black spares have their own owners. Even the black lotus flowers fell in a fierce battle.

This battle is indeed completely ended.

Although it is over, everything on the battle today will become the topic of everyone, and how long will it take to circulate throughout the Tianzong Dynasty.

At the same time, the dragon list will definitely appear new rankings.

Everyone will also remember the name of the swordsman, and will remember the ultimate battle on the top of the lakeside of the lake today!

A Jin Dan Xiao Cheng, and also comprehend three kinds of swords, beat Xiao Mang.

Such a brilliant record is enough to make the world, the famous dragon list is also easy.

Just at the surrounding people are still talking about the swordsman with Xiao Mang, there is a unpopular thin man in the crowd.

This thin man is just Jin Dan's smashing, and it also participated in the battle of Hemotine. It is generally very good. If there is no one, no one will notice him, but this is thin man, this is a cold and unparalleled sword. I have seen the past.

"Black Swordsman ..."

"Jin Dan Xiao Cheng, and also comprehend three kinds of swords, the feelings are extremely high!"

"Yes, he is a sword."

"Blood color must kill the goal, sword is unparalleled!"

After the thin man confirmed, immediately passed the news.

Soon, the night is coming.

Although the moonlight is cleaned, it is impossible to shine to 100,000 mountains, and there is still a black lacquer in 100,000 mountains.


A dark figure is like a ghost, rapidly in the woods, so soon, it stopped in a wood near Jingyue Lake.

These people are all wearing a black robe, and the face is wearing a mask, a total of twelve people, and ten people wear a golden mask, and there are two people wearing ... purple masks.

Ten golden noodles killed, two purple killing, this is the lineup of the bloody feather.

"The goal is in front." One of the purple kills opened, the sound is low, "the blood shadow team, the blood shadow team, you first shot, find the opportunity, one hit, it is best not to let me two . "

These two purple kilms have some scruples, so I can naturally don't shoot if I can shoot.

Ten golden noodles killed the cold standing there, and a golden noodle for the head smiled. "It is nothing more than a Jin Dan Xiaocheng's dragon palace disciple. Even if you feel high, it is, what is it, my blood A team, the second team shot at the same time, and it was already a face, as for two, just look at it, "

"Dark Blade, you still don't think too little to see the goals, according to the news we get, it is in the battle of Today, he defeated the twenty-two of the landlord, and that Xiaomang is The ranking on the landlord list can be above you. "The purple killer sinks.

"What is it?" The golden noodle killer, called the dark blade, is still disdain. "I am a killer, the front is not my strength, but once I found the opportunity, don't say the landlord list Twenty-two, even if it is the top ten people, it will be undoubtedly. "

This dark blade is full.

And he does have the qualifications of this.

Dark Blade ... Dragon List Rank forty-first.

Although ranking in forty, his real identity is the killer of the bloody ripple, as a killer, find the time to assassinate, but it is terrible.

"I still want to be very good, don't forget that the other party is the goal of the blood, the gray clothes are personally ordered. This time, no matter how it is going to kill it, if it is failed, I will wait until I will die!" Zi noodle murder is alive.

"Remember, you can't give him any chance!"

"One hit must kill, immediately leave after killing."


The Ziki killer is finished, and the ten golden killings are moving.

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