When I heard the king, the sword was unparalleled.

This is the case, he can imagine that the green palace has accumulated long years, what is the treasure you have found.

Of course, those treasures that are really valuable are estimated to be in the five palace owners.

"Now, don't say this, King, you tell me directly, what is the use of this soul crystal?" The sword didn't ask.

"The soul crystal is used to store the power of the soul, and these some souls that can be stored, they can use awareness to guide the attack, and this person takes the soul crystal, there is still some soul, she is now planning Guide to attack you with the knowledge, sword is unparalleled, this is the attack of the soul, you can be careful. "Yu Wang said.

"Soul attack?" The sword didn't have a double gaze, but it was not afraid.

"The sword is unparalleled, go to death."

The sound of the sky is cold, the moment, the moment, her consciousness, the soul of the soul crystal, instantly formed a soul spike, directly in the sword without a double attack.

"Stupid goods, so embarrassing to guide the soul to show attacks." The king did not care, "the sword is unparalleled, this soul attack, you don't need to pay, because it can't hurt you at all."

"Oh?" The sword was originally thought of himself also showed the soul attack to resist. After hearing the words of the king, he gave up this intend to give up this intention.

On the empty, the sword is unparalleled, and it is close to the eyes.

"Is it dead?"

The native king is white, and the death is staring at the sword.

She is still a consciousness, like the strength of the soul, the power of the high-end, not she can control, even if it is guided, it is difficult, like this soul attack, she is shifted.

"I have led the attack of the soul crystal, which has exceeded the category of consciousness attack. It is the soul attack, this attack, don't say that the sword is unparalleled with a road, even if it is a truth, there is not a few people to block, He, must die ... "

The words of the Sky have not been completely finished, and they are completely obedient.

I saw that the sword in front of her void is unparalleled, and I have already opened my eyes, and I am deliberately blinking to her.

"It's impossible, it is absolutely impossible!" The king of the Sky screamed, and it was unbelievable.

She didn't know, the sword was unparalleled and reversed. After breaking through the road, I was different from the ordinary road, that is, he ignited the fire of the soul!

The fire of the soul, that is, it is from awareness, and it is the power of the soul.

This day, the soul guided the soul of the soul crystal to show the soul attack, indeed threatening the general ride, but the sword of the fire that has ignited the soul is unparalleled, but it is not too much affected.

He has bred this soul attack, but he is the same as if you have anyone.

However, the sword of the number of heavy kills will be continued, but there is no intention to continue to be entangled with this three kings.

"Three, your means I have already got a lot, if so, I will not be accompanied." The sword is unparalleled and smiled. It is going to go.

"I want to go? How is it?" The King of Jinyan did a burst, and the blood bow was once again opened again.

At the same time, the king of illusion is also killing again.

This fierce battle, they can feel huge threats from the swords, this threat, more than the Niuri Sword of the Palace.

Such a huge hidden danger, they never allowed the sword to leave today, after all, miss this time, it is difficult to find the opportunity to kill the sword next time.

Three kings are unwilling to give up, and see that the three kings continue to shoot, the sword is unparalleled but smile.

"I just broke through the three people as a test gold stone war, but I didn't want to leave, I didn't qualify for me." The sword was unparalleled, and there was a lot of wealth. The parasites are crazy from the sand.

~~~ The vast paravity of Basquan has formed a great storm to sweep the four sides.

Just instantly, this parasites have a long million miles away.

"Sands in the field!" The sword didn't drink low.

~~~ invisible domain power is immediately turned.

Before the sword was unparalleled with these three kings, although it also used the parasites of Booth, it was just a simple anti-impact of the parasites, but never truly showed over the field.

Until now, this sanding field is real display.

The huge field of field, like a heavy smash, constraints in the three kings, this three kings immediately felt that they were in the quagmire, and their speed was pressed, and they were compressed by this field. .

And the sword is unparalleled, it is turned out in front of the stream.

"Chasing, we chase!" Kingyan knocked, but he found that he was unparalleled with the sword.

"Damn, there is this area, my speed is suppressed, and I can't play it out." Sheng Dynasty Wang Shen said.

"I was also suppressed a lot, but I barely could keep up with him." Tian Ying Wang said.

The three kings were suppressed by the field of sand, in addition to the day, the Tian Ying Wang, which can be barely follow the speed of the sword, and the other two obviously worse than the sword, only the sword is unparalleled.

And with a day of a day, I can't stop the sword.

"What should I do? What should I do?" Sheng Dynasty Wang low.

"There is no way, this sword is unparalleled, far beyond our expectations, just three people, essentially kill him, can only make the person in person." Jin Yan Wang. "

"That one?" Skywang and Tianying Wang are all.

This golden country came to attack the sword and unparalleled is not only the three digits, and there is one.

That one, but the golden country is a great base card, it is intended to take the time when it is critical, but now ...

"I have already sent it to that, as for the move, I will see himself." King King said.


In the most central and swords of the endless parasites, the swords and unparalleled figure were rushed forward. He took note of the movement of the three kings, and the corner of his mouth immediately wiped a cold smile.

"The sword is unparalleled, how is your current situation?"

At this moment, the five palace owners in the Qingquan Palace, the five palace owners of the Qinglu Palace have gathered, and there are two, although in the battlefield, it also formed a sense of consciousness.

They have already learned that the swords are unparalleled in the battlefield.

The five palace owners are very nervous.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, "Five Palace Lords, I just got with the three kings, they used to use it, but I didn't kill me, now they are still chasing, I have a paralyzed gourd, and I should get rid of them. "


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