Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1152, Red Snow


A loud noise, two terrible power crazy, but it is obvious that the force in the red-haired cold young man is absolutely superior.

I saw the sword where the sword was bombarded, and the scarlet gun was shot, and the lightning continued to move in the sword without a double chest thorn.


The scarlet chi-sword gun is stabbed on the bloody stunned blood robes, but it is a sound of metal impact.

The fear of the torch, which was scared by the blood, and it was descended by the blood, and the rest of the 1% is still transmitted to the sword.

Time, sword is unparalleled only, I feel that my body is in organizing, and I immediately sprayed a blood in my mouth, and my body shape was in the first time.

"Strengthen this?" The sword is unparalleled in the way, and it is still full of horror.

This red-handed cold youth, first received oppression in the field of Sand, and desserts a burst of sand formation in the formation of Palaisa, and the power has weakened a lot, then he also collided with him a positive collision. After his day, he slammed himself.

The result is still seriously injured.

Obviously, it has been greatly weak, and the remaining power is much stronger than the fullness of the regularity.

"Directive peaks, this guy, there is absolutely a sense of fighting, swords are unparalleled, quickly escape!" The roaring of the King kings in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the red-haired cold youth is now able to resist it.

After standing stabilized, the spiritual force in his body immediately started crazy burning, directly showing the second heavy blood blood, crazy, escaping.

The red-fashioned youth saw that he did not kill the sword. The heart was very surprised, but he was a cold, and immediately walked immediately.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is rushing to contact the five palace owners.

"Five Palace owners, I met a Jin Guo's boundary, his strength, more than other three tributes, I can retreat from the three Tianzun hands, but I didn't grasp this The man escaped in hand. "The sword is quite urgent.

"Another trip?"

"Four Kings shot?"

When you know this news, you will be shocked.

"The sword is unparalleled, that day, the king, Jin Yan Wang, Tianying Wang three people teamed up, you can get away from them, the rest of the golden country, there should be no one can be alone. Are you? "The void pair frown.

"Yes, Jiuwang, Golden King, the strength is similar, and there is no very strong existence." Tang Huang nodded.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have quickly said that the fourth truthful means will be said to us." Rising Sun Jie Di said.

"This Tianzun, youth appearance, one red hair, use a long gun, the strength is extremely terrible, at least ten times more than the King King, just a shot, will seriously hurt me, yes, when he shines, there is also a gun method Blood color snowflakes. "The sword is unparalleled.

"Red and hair, use a long gun, more than ten times better than Jinyan Wang, and there is a blood color snowflake when shooting?" The five palace owners sneaked, the next moment is back to the temple, the void hall is fierce Targe.

"Is Red Snow King!"

"It's him!"

The void palace is shocked.

"What? Red Snow Wang?" Tanghuang, Xuri Jian Di, Honglian three heard the name of Red Snow King, and it was also shocked.

"How is this possible? How can this red snow? How can I live? Five million years ago, my Green Palace with the Golden National War, he should die." The void temple is a little trembling.

"Did you die, this red snow king didn't die!" The main voice of the Temple is frank.

Five million years ago, when the golden country was just coming to this battlefield, it did not only only nine kings.

Instead, there is a fourteen king.

This 14th king, the strength is in the first, and this is the Red Snow King.

It is also the same, but this Red Snow King is much stronger than the other 13 kings of the Goldenko, it is definitely a strong person who stands in the top level.

However, five hundred years ago, the strong people of the green fire palace will die, spend a great price, resisting the attack of the golden country, in the fierce battle, their green palace is clearly Red Snow King is killing, but now ...

The handheld a gun, a shot of the sword, the sword, is obviously that the Red Snow King.

"Red Snow King, the strength is far more than the ordinary ride, the strength, our whole green palace," also takes back to the main hall, with some treasures, can fight against this red snow, and we No one is, in the face of this Red Snow, it is estimated that only fleeing. "

Tang Huang said, "And this Red Snow King is very good at attacking power or speed, is very good at, now he personally chasing swords, this little guy, it is really dangerous!"

"Reincarnation, you are also in the battlefield, if you don't he hesitate any price, how long does it take to get to the sword unparalleled position?" Asked the void hall.

"Although I am in battlefield, there is also a distance from the area, even if I don't have all the price, I want to rush to him, at least a few days." Round returned to the temple.

"Count?" "The other four palace main colors are ugly."

The sword is unparalleled, now being chased by Red Snow, don't say a few days, can you support a time?

And the sword in the crazy escape is unparalleled, and it has already known this answer.

"Do you have a few days?" The sword was unparalleled, but his eyes were looking at him, and this louder did not come up.

I saw that behind him, the back of the Red Snow King actually opened a pair of red golden wings, and the red snow king itself was so fast, plus the red gold lobby assist, bursting the speed It is amazing, even if there are some restrictions in the field of sand, it is not slower than him, and even faintly hi.

Seeing this scene, the sword is unparalleled.

"Five Palace owners, you don't have to take me, I will do our best to make the gold price!" The sword was unparalleled, and then interrupted the message.

The five palace owners of the Qinglu Palace heard the sword without double words, but they were silent.

They are very clear that the sword is unparalleled to say this.

Obviously, the sword is unparalleled, escaping, and it has been planning to die, and it will bring a loss to Jindang as possible.

"Hey ..." Tang Emperor sighed, but the bottom is no.

On the battlefield, the sword with the five palace main news is unparalleled.

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