Time passed, sway, eight years.

The sword has a shake in the green fire palace before, but after eight years, it gradually succeeded.

The giant battlefield is over a vast plain around the Yinfeng Valley.


A strong body suddenly appeared there.

He wore a black war helmet, and there was a black unicorn on your forehead. He overlooks the ground below with a few cold eyes.

"It should be here." The round temple was muttered, and then directly, "the sword is unparalleled, I have arrived, let your insect beast come out."

"Okay, wait a moment." The sword has no double back, and then gives the king.

The King of the Kings is in the sword. It is not too far from the sword. As long as it is not too far away, both people can communicate with awareness.

Soon, I received a king of sword unparalleled messages, from the bottom of the bottom.

"This is the sword unparalleled worm." The Round returned to the temple, and then opened, "the little guy, your owner let me pick you up."

"Little guy?" The king heard this, but the bottom is dark, "Laozi followed Lu Zhen Wang in the vast chaotic world, this kid is still not born, don't say him, even this old chaotic world, I haven't yet been pregnant, he dare to call me a small guy? "

Although I am angry, I didn't have episodes. Its body began to shrink, it became only the adult finger, and it was attached to the main body of the Temple. He went to the green palace. This area returns to the green house, but it still spends more than ten years.

"The sword is unparalleled, this is your worm beast." The Round Temple gave the king to the sword.

"Thank you." The sword has no double road, thank you, the bottom is unusual.

Soon, Kings will integrate the sword in the body.

"King, you are fine?" The sword didn't have a double.

When the king of King was escaping, it was hit by the red Snow King.

"You look at me, is there anything like?" The king didn't take care of it. "It is a small child, but fortunately, you have two major respects, and you will not be a life, otherwise it is really miserable. "

The sword is unparalleled, can't help but dumb.

His two major, indeed a big brand, with many benefits to him.

However, his two major respects, can't presented forever.

He is now just Dao Zun, but also can continue to maintain two major respects. Once you have to break through the sky ... Tianzun should integrate the road to the immortal, then his two major books have also been integrated, only one left. .

"The sword is unparalleled, this is your treasure, you can get it, this time I have been in a small injury, if you come back to the danger next time, don't you expect me to bring it again Hold your treasure to escape. "King said.

"The experience of this wolf is enough, can you have a second time?" The sword is unparalleled, and it will belong to the treasures of your own.

The bloody will be in his body again.

"Unfortunately, the paragraph of the Slavo salague falls to the Yinfeng Valley. I don't know if there is any chance to come back in the future." The sword is unparalleled.

"But a piece of paralyzed salad, lost, it is nothing, what is nothing, this battlefield is a huge treasure house, as long as your strength is strong enough, what is the treasure?" . "

"This is." The sword was laughing, nor did it.

Next, the sword is unparalleled to wait in this secret room.

And didn't wait for how long, the five palace owners finally planned to respect the gold ax.


Inside the Qinglu Palace, in a magnificent hall, the gold ax is standing alone on the hall, it seems that it looks a little sight, but it is slightly nervous.

"There is no double body from the sword, and I haven't been over. At this time, what is the rising Jie Dynasty to call me?" The gold ax is secretly.

"Is it true that some cat turned?"


The gold ax is shaking his head, and it is also comforting yourself. "I can't act cautious, there is no flaw there, and the sword is unparalleled, it should be dying, and no one knows him to have their position and told me!"

"Even if he is chasing the time, he must only take care of it, and it will not think about it."

"Perhaps, several palace masters of the Qingquan Palace will be a bit embarrassing when the sword is unparalleled.

The gold ax is also a certain confidence.

The so-called death is no loss!

The sword is already dead. No one knows that the sword is unparalleled to tell him his position before death, and of course, he will not think about him.

But this gold ax is unknown, the sword is unparalleled, the roots are not dead!

At this time, from the outside of the hall, there were two people fluttered.

"Bai Feng Tianzun, Feng Tianzun!" The gold ax is immediately showed a smile.

"Gold ax". "

The arrival of Bai Feng Tianzun and Feng Tianzun are also humble.

"The two of you also called in the Sword Emperor." Golden Ax is asked.

"Yes." Bai Feng Tianzun nodded with the wind.

See this, the gold ax is full of light, and the heart is completely released.

"The Rising Sword Emperor is not a separate summoned me, but also called Bai Feng Tianzun and Feng Tianzun, it seems to have encountered some trouble on the array, not because the sword is unparalleled." The gold ax .

Whether it is Bai Feng Tianzun or Feng Tianzun, it is quite good at the array of law, and the gold ax is also.

The three Tianzun didn't wait for how long it was in the hall, and the Sky Jian Di was present.


The Rising Sun Jie Di is overlooking. After the purpose, I will clearly tell you more. "

"Yes." The Golden Aviao is looking forward to Zheng.

Soon, these three Tianzun took the battlefield under the leadership of Rising Sword Emperor.

It took a few years of hard work, and the Rising Sword Emperor took these three days to come to an unprecedented area.

At the bottom of a cliff, there is a mysterious place that is completely covered.

"here is?"

The three people of the gold ax are full of puzzling look at this mysterious place in front of them.

"This secret is that when I passed this cliff, the opportunity was unpredictable." Xuri Sword Emperor said.

"Middle secret?" The gold ax is full, Bai Feng Tianzun, Feng Tianzun is very shocked.

On this giant battlefield, those who have the opportunity have a variety of places, and they are eligible to be called the secret, but there are not many.

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