Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1162, see Xuanyi

The sword is unparalleled to ignore the ancient gods, and they came directly to the front of the white robe.

"Master." The sword is unparalpious.

Being behind the hands of the white robe, but also the mystery of the sword unparalleled teacher, slowly turned.

"came back?"

The mysterious face is gentle, with a smile looks at the sword. "It seems that it has been broken. The speed of your progress is better than I imagined, there are many things."

"Disciples just have to get some opportunities." The sword said unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, and this person is the mysterious teacher who gaves a picture of the mountains and rivers." The voice of the King was in the sword.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

"How can this be?" The voice of the king with a wonderful, "My sense of physical strength has been very good, under normal circumstances, this world is not what I can't see, but you are your master ... ... I actually don't think it is? "

"Oh?" The sword was unbeded.

"Your master, in my induction range, it is a generality of ordinary, and it is ordinary, but if it is just a normal eternal, how can I give you chaotic god? How to Give you the secret of improving awareness? "The sound of the king is low.

The sword is unparalleled and dark.

His Master has been very mysterious.

The sword is unparalleled, I have never known what identity of his master, and how it is really strength.

Before, he was too weak, not to see, I was originally rumored, he can see some of his own people, now ...

Even the king did not see the mysterious one, so that the sword is unparalleled, it will be more unfair.

In the Sword Wushuang Soul, Xuan is just a common eternal.

Xuanyi didn't know if there is no sense of soul of the sword, and his look is still indifferent, no change in change.

A waving, the sword has a strike in front of the sky, and there is a futon.

"Act, sit down." Xuan Yi.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is sitting directly before the criteria.

"You come back this time, what happened to be encountered?" Xuanyi asked casually.

"It's not in trouble, just left for a long time, I naturally want to come back, and by the way, some things will be done." The sword has no double.

"Some things in this?" Xuan Yi doubt.

"Master, I don't know how long the life and death of the hundred years, will it take to open again?" The sword didn't ask.

"Life and death eternal," Xuanyi reveals the color of the weird, watching the sword and unparalleled, said: "What do you ask for life and death?"

"This is the case, I took a hundred years of life in the eternal circles of life. In that hundreds of years, the ancient god group in the eternal circles, I have a lot to take care of me, I am leaving, for them Commitment, will go back to a trip for thousands of years, and complete some things for them. "The sword has no double.

At the beginning of life and death, the ancient gods did gave him a lot of help.

Because he has the relationship between the royal gods, the ancient monk of the three-star ancient God wings, Zeng Zudao himself with the blood of the holy place, and the sword is unparalleled and I promised.

At that time, the sword is not too low, so the sword is unparalleled to leave, and thousands of years will return to the ancient gods in thousands of years, and seal the holy place of the ancient gods.

Now I sway two thousand years, the sword is unparalleled is also back to fulfill the promise.

"The life and death, you don't have to go, even if you want to go, you can't go." Xuan said.

"Why?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Life and death, you have already disappeared in two thousand years ago." Xuan Yi.

"What? I disappeared?" The sword was unparalleled.

"How? Life and death eternal circles have for so many years in the sky, how can you suddenly disappear? Is it a king?" The sword is unbentered.

"Yes, it is the ancient king."

Xuan Yi smiled, "Since you stay in the ancient god of life and death for a while, you should know that those ancient gods believe in a king, they are the people of the king, just later Wang Enstrokes disappeared, they will fall to this day, and their holy land will be sealed. "

"In fact, the ancient king is their king!"

"The ancient king is the king of the ancient gods of the eternal circles." The sword didn't have a double, and he nodded.

As early as two thousand years ago, when the King of the ancient king shot, the sword had no double has some guess. Now it seems that his guess is true.

"Master, what is the ancient king, what is going on?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Oh, it is very simple, the ancient king has encountered a robbery, near death, although it is fortunate to survive, but it has been devastated by a viral power, leading to the strength, and the vitality has always been losses. Later, he met me, so he made a transaction with me. "Xuan Yi smiled.

"Transaction?" The sword was not double.

"Very simple transaction, I refine a medicinal medicine, remove the power of the viral in the body, and he is owed to a human condition. He has been staying in this world, but he is not left. Also my life, until two thousand years ago, the battle of Dongtun Datang, I asked him to shoot, this person is still almost. "

"After got my human situation, he took the eternal circles of life and death, and left directly." Xuan Yi.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

He finally understood that the Guan Wang is clearly a seven-star king ancient god. Although the strength has not recovered, he should not let the identity, it is easy to listen to the dispatch from others, it turns out, the ancient king is owed. Mysterious one person.

"Since the ancient king has taken back to the eternal circles of life and death, the ancient gods in the eternal circles will naturally open, this ancient king will appear in front of those ancient gods, don't have to go out again. Xuan Yi smiled.

The sword has shrugged.

He was originally thought about helping the ancient god family in the eternal circles, completing his commitment, but now, it does not use him at all.

"Hey, the ancient king, but a seven-star king ancient gods, how strong strength, even the power of the poison he can't resolve, your master, free to refine a medicinal medicine, will give it the power of the poison If the sword is unparalleled, what is this explanation? "The King of Kings sounded.

"What is explained? Describe that my master is very strong." The sword smiled in the heart.

Of course, he opened a joke on his mouth, but his heart is a very high evaluation, but a bit higher.


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