Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1172 wants to cry without tears

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a top secret, but only five palace owners know.

And now, the blood of the diamond is respectful, but I know.

The next thing is imagined.


In a mountain range, there is a huge bloody castle.

This bloody castle is the place where the bloody old people live, the deepest place of the castle, the bloody mouth is half a bed.

"Roll, give me out!"

The anger of the bloody taozza sounded in the entire castle, and the many beautiful beauty of the women who served in the surrounding castles and the many beauty of the beauty of the United States.

The bloody teeth is sitting up, but the face is ugly to the extreme.

"Emmail that stupid goods, I should not accept him as a disciple, before, because of doing unscrupulous, by the enemy, escape from the ancient world, I will not easily let the enemies will be flattened, only need him to recover some, After returning to the green circles, I didn't expect this stupid, and I will enhance the sword unparalleled! "

"The sword is unparalleled, how horror exists? Lian Tianzun is extremely taboo, kill me, then it is like playing, such a person, is the one of him?"

"Stupid goods, really stupid!"

The bloody taozzles were cramping.

Although the emblem is dead, the blood-blooded Taoist is still can't help but want to save the empty, and then kill again with cruel means.

It is really empty this person who is guilty, it is terrible.

For a long time, the anger of this bloody toothpow is slowly saving.

"Fortunately, the sword is unparalleled. Seeing that I am in front of him, he angered, and he did not conceive it to me, or ..." The blood of his blood is dark.

If the sword has no double iron, he will kill him. He is in this green world, is the real thing that is really no tolerance.

"No matter what to say, you will keep it." The bloody wife is relaxed.

It is at this time ...

"Well?" The blood of the blood moved, he had already pericated that there were two breaths into his castle, and the time has appeared in front of him.

Two people, a man and a woman, the breath is very magnificent, and it has reached the level of the three turnover.

"It turned out to be the Yan Zun Lord of the Void Temple and the Lord of the Lord, I don't know if the two respecters are coming, what is it?" The blood of his mouth is immediately greeted.

The void Temple 18th Lord, no matter which one is not guilty, he naturally respects.

"Blood Dao Zun, I came this time, it is the order of the main people of the temple, come to kill you." The bitter of the Lord directly.

"What?" "The blood of the blood is very shocked," I am screaming: "How can I kill me? This is possible? I am the bloody teeth from me sinful the temple, and I will not let the void hall personally ordered to kill me. Ah? The two did not make a mistake? "

"The monks of the palace personally issued the order, I will wait naturally impossible, so you go to death." The Lord of the Lord is cold, and the next moment is directly shot.

"No." Be a master! "

" ?" The bitter of the Lord smiled, "He is now unfastened now, how can you have a trust?"

The two people who have suffered from Yan Yan, who had been prepared, before the hand, the ban on the castle, so that the bloody tooth Dao is not able to escape, even the message can't transfer it, only a moment This bloody teeth is killing directly.

And on the other side, in the distant Beihai God.

That is a secretation in the secret room alone.

Suddenly ... a shadow, and the incomplete power has been covered with the entire secret room, preventing the message from passing out.

"Music, the Temple of Voids?"

The sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred

On the void continent, the highest void palace is one of the five palace owners of the Qinglu Palace, and actually appeared in front of him?

"See the void hall." immediately, "I don't know what to tell you?"

", this is asked you, can the bloody wife are people under your hand?" The void palace is indifferent.

"Yes." Nodded by the awareness of the sky.

"As soon as I have given you the message, this is awarded you again?"

"Yes." is still nod, "he sent me, saying in the ancient border, seeing the sword is unparalleled."

"That's right." The void palace became cold.

"The main people of the temple, what happened?" is doubtful.

"This secret room is already in this seat. This seat may wish to tell you that swords are unparalleled. Nowadays, there is already the strength of the Green Vendor Palace. It is enough to sit flat with this level, and his potential is huge, and it will definitely become a green palace in the future. Leader.

"Be a leader? The sword is unparalleled?"

He is a Tianzun, and it is also a member of the Qinglu Palace. It is not to stay in the Qinglu Palace for a long time. Therefore, the news in the Qinglu Palace is not very good, but he also knows the green palace master, blue That's horrible existence.

And the sword is unparalleled ... He has no double contact with the sword, and there is a bit of hatred, but the hatred is just the battle between the North Sea and the Tang Dynasty, and there is no private grievance.

He also admitted that the sword was unparalleled, and the three major koars jointly attacked the Eastern Tang Huang Huangcheng, the sword was not paired with his future, but he didn't think of it. How long has you been in the past, is the sword that has grown to the place?

"It's because the sword has no double potential, the enemy of my green palace, I assassinate him at all costs, and in that murder, the sword is unparalleled." The Void Temple said.

"Damn? That's now ..." , looked up at the void hall.

He has guess the void hall, and he personally came to find him.

"I want to come to you." Overlooking the void palace, "The sword is unparalleled, there is a top secret. There is only a few palace owners in my green palace, but now, but now you know?"

"I, I ..." is desirable to cry.

This news, he didn't want to know.

It is purely the bloody tooth, there is no reason to give him no reason.

"The bloody tooth is still dead, and you respect you, since you are a member of my green palace, it is also a big force in my green palace. This is not kill you directly, but you can't Let you stay in the empty continent, so ... Next, until the sword is unparalleled to become my blue-fire palace leader, and the time to deal with the golden country, you have been staying in this seat. "

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