Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1180 White Robe 'Vision'

"What?" Liangyin Island asked.

"I want to communicate with people outside the starry sea, can you?" The sword is unparalleled.

Star cava sea, isolated from the outside, normal case, is unable to communicate outside.

"You are already the disciple of the star, you can freely enter the star sea, not limited by the stars, and you can also send it to the outside world." Liangyin Island.

"So? That is simple." The sword is unparalleled, then it is to come out, "Five Palace Lord!"

The sword is unparalleled directly to the five palace main news of the Green Temple.

"The sword is unparalleled, is there something?" One of the five palace owners back to the street.

"I just made a breakthrough on the sword, I need some swordsman cheats to enhance my swords." The sword has no double.

"Swords cheats?" The void hall smiled slightly, "this is simple, I have accumulated 40 million years in this battlefield, and there is a lot of swordsman cheats, and still There are many mirrored images of swordsmanship, you need it, I will finish some of you. "

"That fire point ..." The sword is unparalleled.

"Don't need fire points." The Void Temple said: "In the Qinglu Palace, we have a privilege, the treasures of the fire point, and the ordinary Tianzun naturally needs fire points, but for us. For the palace, as long as you use it, it is useful to take it, but you can't use it, we also put it directly. "

"You are already one of my green palace owners, just not announced, the treasures exchanged in fire point, naturally, can also be used directly."

"Is this?" The sword smiled without a pair of downs. In this case, "Then there will be the land of the empty temple."

"Small things, tell me your present position, I have sent you from you in a few days." The void hall said.

Three days later, the Lord of the Vacation Temple has already given the sword cheats to the sword without double delivery.

The sword is unparalleled naturally, it is impossible to see the void hall in the stars, but in the division of the temple.

"The sword is unparalleled, these are all I am arbitrarily sorted out, you look at enough, not enough, there are still many." The Void Temple said.

"It's enough, enough!" The sword is unparalleled, but the bottom is quite shock.

The void hall is tired for him, the number is very much, including many of the pictures of swordsmanship, and counts.

If the sword is unparalleled or the mirror picture to drill the extension, the time you need to have thousands of years, or even more than 10,000 years.

Such more swords have high, and the level is extremely high, enough for him.

After bid farewell to the void palace, the sword has returned to Star Island again.

Among the secret rooms, the swords were sitting without a double disc, and the whole body was put into the drilling of these swords cheats.

One shock, three years.

The sword is unparalleled. Suddenly, his brow is also slightly frowned.

"These swords, there are also those mirrored pictures, although I have given me a lot of inspiration, so that my understanding of swordsman is constantly improving, but it is lacking the practice, I want to create a stronger sword, naturally Time, after a fierce battle with different opponents, you can get it out! "

Tight the double hand, the sword has no doubles abrupt.


Another respect of the sword is unparalleled, appearing next to him.

At the beginning of the battlefield, the sword was unparalleled by the four kings of the Golden Guo, helplessly broke into the Yinfeng Valley, leading to this this.

It can be repaired for hundreds of years of repair, which has been respected.

"These swords have a picture of the mirror, and my first this is enough. As for the second, you can go outside, look for actual combat, hone your own swords." The sword is unparalleled.


The second privy of swords and unparalleled, even if they left Star Island.

On the void continent, the second national name of the sword is a white robes in a white robes, and the breath is also engraved in the eternal level, one is a sword, walk the world.


Tianjianmen, is a first-class power in the void continent.

Tianjianmen is extremely deep in the void continent, and there is already a few hundred thousand years, and the most famous of Tianjianmen is a sword.

Many of the military people born in Tiangu, Tianjianmen have always been worried about the swordsman, and the nine-story Sky Tower in it has a great name in the entire void continent, and it is a famous Sword.

On this day, a white rober with a long sword came to Tianjianmen.

"In the next pioneering, Su Tian Jianmen sword surgery is extraordinary, and special visit." White Robe Middle-aged 'is humble.

"My Sword Door has always opened the door to the world's swords, and you are both a sword practitioner. If you have passed my Swordsman's sword stone array, after you, my Tianjianmen must stay in guests. You can enter the Skylou Building below the seventh floor. "A long and old road of Tianjianmen.

"That is annoying."

Under the leadership of the white robes, under the leader of the Tianjianmen, I entered the Sword Gate.

On the same day, this is very easy to pass the sword stone quarter, and then lived in Tianjianmen.

His time living in Tianjianmen is not long. It is only one year, but in this year, he will challenge the top ten of the top ten of Tianjianmen in many guests. And challenge it. The six elders of Tianjianmen, including a deputy door.

Task, the six elders of Tianjianmen, including the deputy owner, can be a strong force.

And this is only the force of the ordinary Yonghe, and the result is that the top ten guests are the top ten guests, or the elders of Tianjianmen, including the deputy owner, all of them.

After half a year, this white robe came to a hustle castle.

"I heard that the muanxin Zunjian is extraordinary, the sword is even more beautiful, blossoming, come and discuss!" The middle age of the White Robe is still a courteous and courteous.

"A eternal, dare to challenge this respect? Looking for death!"

Tai Xuan Dao Zun is anger, directly, this white robe is a good army to compete with the power of eternal, and the result is lost, but it retreats.


Among the endless icebergs, a strength that has already reached the top level of the three-turn, which is equally good at the sword.

The white robes in the white robes were found on the head of the road.


The two major respects of swords, the first book in Star Island, carefully referred to those swords cheats, and the mirror screen left by those swords.

And the other, it is the middle-aged man 'astonian, a middle-aged man who is in the first-year-old bits, and the sword is swaying the world.

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