Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1182, Sword, Sword, 'Dawn'

"Yulong Jin!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the black dragon that is derived from the blood peak sword is immediately roaring.

The burly man just gave the sky-covered sword light, and this black dragon walked.

"Roll!" The burly man exploded, and the giant ax in his hand shot.

The mighty ax, the black dragon is torn directly, but the black dragon is torn, but it is hidden in the dragon, but it is sudden outbreak, the burly man. After the shape, I can't help but pay a few steps.

At this time, the sword has no double shape is a strange magic. He stared at the burly man, and the time is rising.

"Wind wave!"

The sword is unparalleled, and only the sword is accompanied by the wind, forming a real storm, and completely covered the burly man.

The unique swords of the dense numbness, directly in the Kurai man, these swords, each sword affects time and space, fast speed is incredible.

The burly man also made every effort to wield the giant ax.

! !

I only heard the criminality of the criminality, and the burly man was caught in the sword shadow storm.

Surprising, since the storm, the shape of the sword has appeared quietly, and he burst into a rich Li Mang.

"Triple Wave!"

" " "

Connected to three swords and shadings, and the momentous came out from the sword.

It is obviously three swords and shadows, but the three swords shadings are combined, just like the three waves.

The burly man also immediately resists.


Three low silences, the burly man took the three steps, every step was detonating, and each step was made to break the broken down.

After the bureaucratic man returned to the body, his eyes once again looked at the sword, although the expression is still indifferent, but it still has a shock.

For a short time, he can detect the strong power of the sword, and it has not improved it with a thousand and fifty years ago, but in swords, it is too great.

It is completely a height.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the face is also quite surprised.

"Look, I still have a little bit of this war before." The sword has no double and dark, "I have just put the many swordsmanship created in these years, but the result is just barely occupied. Upper wind? "

Just then, the sword is unparalleled, but also has a lot of swordsmanship.

These swordsmanship are all created by himself.

Among them, the sky, Yin Dragon, wind wave, this three tricks are greatly improved on the original basis.

Like Yinlong, there is a perfect sword lyric wave, Yin Long is equipped with darkness, and more than one heavy, and the power is also more important.

Wind wave, it is perfect from 'astonography', which is faster than the blossoms, but it is a hundred swords, and every sword affects time and space. Every sword contains powerful soul. Attack, it is terrible.

But this trick, but it is still the same as the burly man.

As for the ' ' '' 'Triple Wave' is his newly created sword trick, it is also very good.

The burly man paired in the sword.

"Your sword, than before, it is necessary to increase much. With this sword, you can occupy the wind, and even press me, but I want to defeat me, but it is still some." The burly man is low.

The sword is not a double brow.

If you want to pass this ultimate test, you need to suppress this burly man, but to be completely defeated.

The suppression and defeat, it seems that the nature is similar, but the gap is still not small.

If the strength of the sword is unparalleled, there is only such a thing. This time, he still can't give this ultimate test to the past.

"I have already said before, this time, I will definitely defeat you, my sword is unparalleled, never let go for no reason." The sword is unparalleled.

"This is said, do you have any other means?" The burly man stared at the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is not possible. The bottom is dark: "This fifty years ago, my two major division of labor cooperated, put all the energy in the drilling research of swordsman, my sword talent is inexpensive, There are so many swords cheats, mirror screen assist, the most important thing is that the time of drilling is too long! "

For a thousand five hundred years, the sword is unparalleled or the first time.

For him, this thousands of years, enough to make his strength changed.

But these time, he used to drill the swordsman, how much is he improved in the sword?

Another level?

"These years, my biggest gains, it is in a single chance, I realized a sword!"

"This sword is just divided by dawn, and the dawn is temporarily realized, so I am a sword, it is called Shuguang!"

The sword is unparalleled.

"Dawning?" The burly man frowned, even though the sword was unparalleled, but he had felt the ever of the next sword.

And the sword is unparalleled, and it is directly out.

He lifted the blood peaks with his hands and looked quite random.

The moment you can lift in the long sword, you ~~~ The whole world is completely dark.

A darkness, a piece of virtual, no longer can't see whit, as if the true night is general.

This night is still silent, no one has a sound, even the breathing is not.

The sword is unhappy, the long sword is lifted, and the look is indifferent, and there is no change in change. When the next moment, the high sword is showled.

This wave, but immediately has a lightweight shining.

This rays, shining the world, as if it is the first dawn of the dawn.

Represents unlimited hope.

When I saw this light, the burly man was a sharp way.

" Sike, the 'Dawn' has come to the front of the burly man.

The burly man has a bright, the strength is draging, and the first time waves the giant ax in his hand.

This burly man is already doing his best.

Come out ... "Hey!"

The sound of a metal impact, the giant ax in the lazy man is actually shocked, and the dawn is not hindered on the body of the burly man, but fortunately this burly man is the body of the war. If it is replaced with a normal human power, even if it is a world, under the shock of this dawn, the body shape will be quiz.


That smell 'dawn' drove the endless gas waves and swept around, for a long time, this dark void is completely calm.

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