Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1196 is destroyed into the incarnation!


The golden protector of the swordsmanship is revealing, but the paint black spear in his hands is also stabbed, it seems free, but the priests of swords and unparalleled swords are all resistant. Down.

"My wind wave, but the time and space swords are played on, every sword affects the power of time and space, how fast, but he actually resists every sword, but also resists this easy?" Sword Unparalleled frown.

"What else can be resistant, even though make it." The golden protector laughed.

The sword is not double-finished, but the body is shaking, the second present appears next to him.

"Well, blew?" The golden national owner browed.


The sword is unparalleled, the first, the second, the second, the second, the second, one left and right, the lightning is killed.

The two major respects of swords, the same is true for swords, and swordsmanship can also show the dawn. The only gap is that the second present has never wearing a bloodline, so in power, it is better than the first difference. However, it can also be a world-honoring force.

"Round back to the main, together!"

At the same time, the sword is killed, and it is also open.

"it is good!"

The turn of the temple will be returned to the temple of the temple and immediately look back.

The next moment, the main body of the main body has skyrocketed, under the coverage of the black tai armor, it is a huge fierce beast, and it directly killed the golden protocol.

The round temple is the main, but the void palace, Tanghuang, Xuri Jian Di, Honglian four people, but only look, the top of Honglian Shi, the nine-procurement, the golden country, to bring some pressures to the golden country .

No way, the golden country of the Golden Guo is too strong, and if their strength is involved in this battle, it will be killed by the Golden National Dragonfly Motion.

The Golden Venean and Golden Decisive War I am in that any one of the levels of the world is very important. If it is not necessary, they will not train to rush to the golden national owners to die.

Furthermore, the sword is unparalleled and two major books, plus the round back to the temple, and there is a Honglian's Jiufang area, and it is enough to take this Golden National Lord's consciousness.

"Kill!" "Death!"

The two major respects of the swords, and the Returning Temple has once out of their strongest war.

Especially the first national respect of the sword, the swordsmanship of the show is extremely sharp, and the power is not weak than the Golden Guo Lord.

Plus the second present and the main turn of the Temple, and then attacked, the Golden Guo owner immediately fell into the wind.

And how long does it take?


The round temple is cold, grabbed the golden national owner to resist the sword, the neutrality of the first sword, the huge body like the mountains of the mountains, and the golden protector The battle of the war has been damaged, and the half arm is bursting the burst.

Seeing this scene, the sword is unparalleled with the round, the eyes are bright.


The sword is unparalleled, "" This soul "is only awareness of the Golden Guo's owner, but the body is the body of the war, and this war is just a preliminary battle, the flesh defense is also Ordinary championships, there is no nature, even if the attack of the casual is coming to him, it is enough to make it damage, let alone the mainstay of the Tempse of the Temple. "

"And where the war is damaged, he can't fix it."

The main battle of the Temple of the Temple was sharply reduced, and the next is even more rolling,

Soon, this trick has reached the rushing edge.

The Golden Guo's consciousness is still left on this battle, and I also detected that the war has reached the edge of the rush, but he didn't have an angry color, and some were cold.

"The sword is unparalleled, this seat remembers you."

"How long does it take? The book of this seat will come to this battlefield. When I arrive, I have to look at what to resist this seat!"

"Don't think that I destroyed my golden country in this battlefield, you can have a line of life, impossible!"

"This time, this is fully prepared, no matter what the heritage of your green palace, it will be ruined!"

"You are waiting for death!"

The voice of the Golden Guo Lord sounded in this world, and it took a long time.

However, its body is completely rushing, the body of the war is rushing, and the awareness of the Golden Guo Lord is also dissipated.

The sword is unparalleled back to the temple of the Temple. In the void, the "battle" slow down in front of this, and the two faces are still cold.

"Just just awareness, it is so hard, this golden national owner will come to personally, will it be?" The sword is unparalleled with hands, but there is a haze.

Single awareness of the body, many of the golden protector, including his strength, could not play out, but even so, he still made him two major respects, and the main footage of the Temple was defeated.

The Lord of the Golden Guo is inevitably divided by the more than ten times or even hundreds of more than this consciousness.

If his book is coming, if you arrive, what can I stop him?


The void hall, Tang Huang, Xuri Jian Di, Honglian four people brush.

"The sword is unparalleled."

These four palace owners, including the sword who is grateful to the Temple of the Temple.

This time they were holding the golden nest, destroying the golden country in this battlefield.

I didn't expect the Golden Guo to show the resolution of the soul again, let the Golden Guoda's consciousness.

If the sword is unparalleled, the Golden Guo's consciousness is absolutely able to kill the ring. They have a few palace owners, I am afraid that few people can live.

At the same time, they also shocked the strength of the sword and unparalleled.

It was the first strong person before the green fire palace was the main point of the Temple.

But by this battle, the first power of the Qinglu Palace, but it has to be replaced with a sword.

Just just now, no one is in a mood.

After all, the green palace and even the fire world, can you keep it, or a problem.

"What is the strong people in Golden Keno?" The sword didn't ask.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled with the reincarnation of the Temple, and the owner of the Victoria Temple works with the Nine-prune field of Honglian. In this golden boss, he will kill the quit in this golden country.

"There is a red lotus in the nine classes in the Golden Lotus, and the strong people in Golden are rarely escaped. Those Tianzun, Jiu Yesiu are killed, only a few lucky, it is, as for the truth, In addition to the Red Snow King, others were killed! "The void Temple said.

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