Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1249 Golden Guo, dead! !

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

A low metal impact sound is connected to the entire void.

That burst of crazy swept, just a time to breathe, and a breath was completely dissipated.

In this breathing time, the sword has no trip to a total of one hundred and thirty-six swords.

Every sword has made every effort, and every sword is accompanied by the soul attack, and every sword has the power of the stars.

The golden protector is a madness to resist one hundred and thirty-five swords. But the last sword can not resist, that is, this last sword hole wears his head.

"This seat is to die?"

The main core of the golden country, hidden in the heads of the skull, also instantly crushed, and its voice has begun to slowly dissipate.

Before you dying, he still couldn't help but read the sword. The eyes were complained, but more is amazing.

He used to swim in the chaotic world, knowing what kind of dangerous chaotic world, he also gouave himself a day of falling, and he will not think about things, he will fall in a chaotic world. Almost isolated ordinary interface, killing him, just a world that has always been regarded as a antite!

~~ As the last consciousness disappears, the golden corpse of the Golden Guo is also slowly falling down.

His sword is unparalleled, but the power of the pounds flourifies, directly shocked the corpse of the golden country, and also charges the golden country of the Golden Guo.

In addition, the Golden Guoda is dead, and the fire is naturally separated from the Golden Guo's main control, and it is also hidden by the sword.

After all, the sword is not too slight.

On the most edge of the battlefield, the strong people of the two camps saw the scene of the sword without double killing the Golden Golden Golden Golden Lord, and these strong people were all over.

One party is naturally surprised by the green world.

The remainings of the golden countries are all incredible.

"The big man is dead?"

"The sword is unparalleled, kill the national owner?"

"I, we ..."

The inspect of these golden countries is there.

Others, a cold scorpion swept directly to them.

These golden worlds are a shock, they all have found this eye that swords are unparallled, and they also see that the sword is unparalleled.

They immediately understand that the sword is not going to let them!

"Quick escape!"

A golden world is immediately flying, and it is also ambiguous, and he has not been noticeable from the sword unparalleled.

One person escaped, and the other golden worlds also want to escape.

For all things, even the bottom of the land, these golden countries have played the means of escape.

Desperately escaping.

They are very clear, don't escape, they have to be killed by swords.

Even the Golden Guo owner died in the sword unparalleled hand, they were only respectful, only by the sword.


The sword is unparalleled, and the amazing speed is displayed.

Although his star secrets have stopped, but the stars secretly consume all the stars, but there is no great impact on his own spiritual power. He is still abundant, and this speed is out. These tributes don't know how many times.

On the battlefield, I saw that the shape of the sword was constantly flashing. She appeared in front of a famous Golden Country, and the free swordsmanship or soul attack showed that these tributes were able to resist, including that the most Strong Dragon King is the same as the Red Snow, the same resistance, and it is killed in an instant.

A slaughter!

But this slaughter only continued to have a moment of Kung Fu. In this moment, the rest of more than 50 trees left before the golden country, only ten people were lucky, others were here. In an instant kung fu, I was defeated by the sword.

"Let the woman escape." The sword is unparalleled in the void, and the eyes are cold staring at one direction.

That was arranged in the nine watches of the cold woman who did not die back to the big array, just fled along that direction.

That Niyun has been unusual. It is quite unusual to save, and she is smarter than others. I saw it wrong. She immediately fled, and the sword was unparalleled. I couldn't catch her.

However, although now escape from the sword, it is not easy because there is a relationship between the battlefield around the battlefield, and that the Townah wants to escape this battlefield is not easy.

"Although the golden country has escaped some people, but if these people can't turn out any big waves, no matter what to say, this battle is over!" The sword is unparalleled.

The Golden Guo is killed!

The large number of golden countries are all slaughtered, and only more than ten kings are escaping.

This battle, here, the party really fell.

"At the end, this battle is finally over!"

"I am a green world, keep it!"

"Golden Guo, destroyed!"

There are many strong people who have shed one in one camp.

This battle is for them!

They won the green circles, and the golden country was destroyed.

However, even if the ending is the great victory, these strong people in the green circles are not happy one by one.

No one is happy, some, just a bit of bleak, a bitter.

This battle, they wins, but they were tragic!

One of the fires in the green fire world, it is too much!

The cost of paying is too big!

"The Round Temple Lord, the Void Temple, the Red Lotus Palace" ... "The sword is not a double mouth to read a name.

"and also……"

The sword is unparalleled and lifted, and he looked at a void in the battle fortress.

In the void of the war fortress, a shadow is quietly standing there, is a mysterious one.

"Master!" The sword was unparalleled in front of Xuan Yi.

"You are coming." Xuan is turning his head, the sword is unparalleled, the sound is still mild.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but the mysterious in this moment is obviously too much than before, and the breath is even if there is anything.

The oil is exhausted. At this moment, the time, has reached the state of oil, only the last breath is hanging.

Seeing this scene, the sword has no double shape is not trembled, and the palm is also tight.

"This is the mountain river community that is borrowed, now you." Xuan Yi smiled and handed over the paintings in his hand.

When the sword is unparalleled, three strongest swords, and when they started, Xuanyi has completely pulled the unwanted turn into the big array into the mountains and river communities, and the mountain river map is also completely repaired.


PS: The system is called, and it has been updated at 7:30. I don't know why. Everyone understands that the update time will be understood, not to die more, I am updated at 7:30!

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