Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1279 vibrating

In the sword, there is no double in the misty pattern, the high-rise power of hematology, but all of them have already blown a pot.

"What? A god of my blood is a god, killing the world?"

"The Bydending Challenge? Not only successful, but also kill each other?"

"Who is the world that is killed? Why is it equal?"

"Zhugeqiu of the Shengfu? How is it possible?"

Those who got the news were shocked.

If the sword is unparalleled, it is just the most ordinary, or the weakest power has not been completely transformed, but they are surprised, but they will not be too surprised. The Zhugeqi killed, it is extremely strong in a heavy heaven, close to the peak!

A world, killing this existence?


"real or fake?"

"I have a super genius in it in the island of hematology?"

"It is really true." The brunette leader that convetes the news, smiled. "This god will call the sword unparalleled, just joined my bloody island, before, when he went to the Red Waterfruit, he killed red water. A residual boundaries of the league, but the strength of the world is very weak, only to spend the robbery, I don't care so much, who once thought that he is now in the haunting island, and actually kill Zhugeqiu! "

"This is a thousand people, I'm telling me that everyone on the hairy island is not only my bloody island, and the cultivators of repairing the country include the two bounds. The clear, although now only we know, but how long does it take for it, this will be completely circulated throughout the Dagu world. "

"Terior is a heavy contest, such genius, in the history of my Dagu City," "

The big wing of the big wing is obviously quite excited.

He is naturally happy with bloody island.

"But now there is a trouble." The big wings are also said to: "The sword is unparalleled before joining my bloody island, and the Holy Holy Holy Holy House has not been small, but also killed a core disciple of the Shengfu. This time, the reason why Zhugeqiu will shoot, it seems to be because of this. "

"Tian Shengfu?" The gods frowned.

If it is usually, they don't care about Tianshengfu. If the Shenglifu is to fight with them for the sword, they directly take the battle, but now, the bloody island is in this nine-star sea, both sides. The war is not available, this time, if the Shengfu is coming in, it will be trouble.


One message is delivered.

"Islander." The big wingdom collar immediately sent back.

At the entire hematitis, the status of the big wings is extremely high, there are a lot of strong incense island, including those the gods call him in the next day, dare to call his name, the whole blooditis island, There is only one, it is the top of the island owner of height.

"I have already known, the sword is unparalleled, it is a non-critical genius. Although I just added my blood island, there is not much place for my bloody island, but since I am a bloody island. , My bloody island has to maintain him, don't say that he is only a natural garden, even if he is sinned, my hematology is not simply handed out. "Heigh Island The sound contains gentleman.

"I think so too." The big wing big leader nodded.

"Where is the sword unparalleled?" Asked the top of hematitis.

"He also stayed with the thousands of people on the fogwood island.

"He just killed Zhugeqiu, the Tian Shengfu knew the anger, will definitely send strong people to kill him now, you will immediately return to the military camp now."

"Yes." "Barbarian universal leadership.

I immediately made a unparalleled message to the sword.


At the same time, there are many high-level high-level high-rise high-level warfare that sword unparalleled this battle.

In that day, many high-level strong people in the Holy Government have also received news from the Tuning Trinity.

They all learned that Zhugeqia was dead, and a 'god in the island is kills.

Within a passionate hall, the Tianshengfu has a top ten gods gathered here, and the head is a whispering white-haired old man.

This white-haired old man looks like a fairy style, but the breath, but it is cold and suffocating.

He, is the Jiuhai House of the four governmenters of the Shengfu, is also a goddess of the Ding Ding of the Daxie Domain!

The nine-seam of gods is the two heavens of the robbery!

It is important to know that the two heavens are known in the entire Dagu world, no more than 20, this nine royal is one of them.

"Things, can you find out?" The nine royal gods were cold, overlooking the below.

"It has already been found." One of the bounds in the bottom of the world: "Killing Zhugeqiu, it is indeed a god of hematitis, name is unparalleled. He is indeed only a truth, and just added to the blood Inflammation is short. "

"In addition, we have also confirmed by repairing the Tuning, there is a resentment of the core disciple of the Shengfu, which is the resentment of the core disciple of the Shengfu. This is the scorpion, the sword is unparalleled, and the original Zhugeqi wants to The sword has no doubles back to my Shengfu, but I didn't expect the sword where there was no double battle, but I was very terrible. I killed the front of Zhugeqiu without falling, and then I also showed a shade of the sword, and I killed Zhugeqi directly. ! "

"Dynasty, actually killed the world of the Shengfu near the top of the sky?" There is a flaming flame in the nine royalties, and then asked: "You can know that this sword is unparalleled. What is the core disciple of my Shengfu? "

The world will continue to open, "But from the resentment, it is impossible to judge, but according to the strong people said, the resentment of the sword is very strong, and should be the core disciple of the Shengfu in the past few times. The core disciple of my Shengfu has a total of such a total, falling in recent times, only one, that is the mother of the house, the private disciple of your home ... Ninth eve! "


The nine-necrical gods have become violent. "In the beginning, the invitation of Jin Yangzong Jinfeng Community, said that it is to go to a secret, not seeing news for many years, and, she will break, this The seat knows that she is already dead, I want to ask Jin Yangzong, but I find that Jin Feng is also dead! "

"Since the two are dead, then this is also unable to say anything. The matter will not be there. I haven't thought that my disciples are not dead in the secret, but die in this sword. Hand! "

"Kill me, now kill my God's boundaries, hehe, this sword is unparalleled, damn !!!"


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