Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1286 Dynasty!

The big palace, as the level of the Emperor's "Emperor" of the Dagu City, is among the unparalleled mountains.

The endless mountain range is within a vast hall.

"Heart island, I have given you what you came to the Palace. The palace owner has come together with Wuxians.

"Where is Witch Cang?" Heat island is surprised.

"Witch's adults have been living in my big palace during this time. It seems to be with the palace owner to study a pavilion." TM's clothing.

"Chess Bureau?" The Heigh Island is even more surprised.

"Island Lord, who is the Witch?" Who is next to the sword, no pair of doubts.

The hematology is not open, but the white god has explained: "Witch Cang is from Flying Snowland, like my house owner, is also a three-day god."

"Three Heavenly God?" The sword was unreliable.

For now, the second heaven is far away from him, and the three heavens are god, and it is estimated that you can kill him.

The sword is unparalleled with hematology is not waiting for how long is it in this cave, and he sees two body shapes and drops in.

These two people, one of them is waiting for white, and the shape of a fairy belly.

As for another person, it is a middle-aged man wearing a black robes, a messy hair.

"Heath, see the palace master, have seen Wuxians."

In the top day, he was in the top of the island. At the same time, it was also the hegemonic island of Heart, but it was very respectful at the moment.

Even the hematology is the same, the sword is unparalleled, it is also very respectful.

"Let's get up." The old man who had a white-white is a waving, and the heritage island is unparalleled with swords.

"I heard that you have brought a treasure treasure for the old man?" Daxie Palace is overlooking.

"Yes." Head, "But this treasure is not mine, but my bloody island god will be unparalleled."

"The sword is unparalleled? Just next to this hierarchy?" Daxie Palace scanned the sword and unparalleled, single, whispered, but the sword did not have a double system sweat.

This feeling is as if all the secrets are exposed to each other.

"Strong." The sword was unparalleled.

"The world is three days, step by step, the three heavens, even if it is in the vast chaotic world, it is true strong, of course, is very powerful." The parasitic said in the sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, take it out of the golden gourd." Heart Island main opening.

The sword has no double nodded, and it will take the Bi Yan dragaco.

"Is this a gourd?" The Dagu Palace was in this Bi Yan dragonfly, and the face is indifferent, some is nothing.

Since he is three hundred years ago, he announced that he needs a treasure or secret surgery. The parties will be sent to have a treasure for a while, and the number is countless, but there is no need to meet the requirements. He is tired of tired.

As early as a hundred years ago, some people sent this kind of domain treasure, as long as I didn't meet the requirements, the world of the Dagu Palace would not inform him.

Today, if it is not because of the arrogance of the bloody island, he will not appear.

And now, he got this, it will be expected.

Because the treasure is not a bloody island, but the sword is unparalleled with a small guy.

A boundaries, what kind of field treasures can you come?

The big heart of the Dagu Palace is no longer hoped to the sword.

The hematitis is Obviously, I also noticed this. When I immediately became a color, my sword didn't have a double point, and then opened the golden gourd plug.

Booming ~~~

The vast blue ,,,,

I just didn't think of a light spot in the main eyes of the Daxie Palace, "This is ... Bi Yan Sand?"

The hair messy middle-aged man standing next to the Dawei Palace, and he looked up with his endless Bi Yan Sand. It was finally locking the golden gourd in the sword.

"This gourd, is it difficult to do it, is that Bi Yan ?" The Shu Cong's voice took a bit of hoarse.

"Bi Yan hazolly hoist?" The Lord of the Dagu Palace is also a moving, obviously heard of the name of Bi Yan.

Bi Yan ranges, there is a small name in the vast chaotic world, and it is quite extensive, but the value is too amazing.

Conservative estimates that the value of Bi Yanzi Sandaco is absolutely more than 60,000 chaotic crystals. If you encounter people needed, or put it on some high-scale auctions, you can even sell millions of chaotic crystals!

There is no doubt that this Bi Yan halves is definitely a very strong domain treasure.

"Witch's brother, with your strength, if it is full of the rush of this Bi Yan, how big is it in the field, how much is it?" Dagu Palace owner directly looked at the Witch Cang next to it. Being hot.

"Bi Yan ranges, I just heard it before, I didn't really see it, I don't know how strong it is, but it can have such a big name, and the power will definitely go. In this past few hundred years, the treasures or means sent by others are certainly stronger! "

"With my strength, if there is auxiliary in this Bi Yan Sand, the test in the secret, I at least 50% of the grasping!" Witch Heavy Road.

"50%?" Daxie Palace is big.

He and Witch attached to a secret situation under the chance of the chance, and the urgency was abnormal, and it contained great opportunities.

They paid a lot of money into the secret, but unfortunately, the secrets had a heavy test, they tried many times, they ended with failure, and finally only helplessly left.

After returning, they have been pushed through the research, and they have been conclusively, and it is necessary to have a domain-based method auxiliary team to have the hope of the test.

Therefore, the Dagu Palace will come out.

In this past few hundred years, the Dagu Palace also has Witchcraft to use its own power to search for a domain treasure that can meet them.

But for three hundred years, the best sector secret surgery, but only let them get through the test to reach 30%.

But now, there is a self-cultivation of Bi Yan Zhalo, and the grasp of the test is that it has 50%?

50%, it is already huge!

Enough to give them a huge price into the secret in the secret.

After the Daxie Palace was exchanged with Witch Cang, the eyes were finally seen in the sword.

"Little guy, what is the sword?"

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