Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1296 is quite fighting!

Xiao Luo Xingshi, the more difficult, the greater the difficulty.

Just just the first step, no more difficult to anyone.

time flies……

On the air in front of the Fairy Palace, the competition of the Qingyang Dynasty with Chu has been carried out under the eyes of everyone's eyelids.

"Tenth step, Chu Xiaoyan has cracked the tenth step, this only one month!"

"This Qingyang Dynasty ... Well, the tenth step is also crackdown."

"It's too powerful, both people are very powerful, but the speed of Chu Hao brothers is better than that of the Qingyang Dynasty."

The disciples of many big palays have gathered here, they are at the contest.

One is the Qingyang Dynasty, and the other is indeed the highest talented Chu!

They certainly hope that Chu can give the Qingyang kings to the gods, so they see that when they are in the beginning, when Chu has always occupied the wind, the disciples of these big palaces are quite happy.

For a month, the Qingyang Dynasty God has crackdown on the tenth step, and the sword in the secret room was unparalleled, but it couldadically crack down on the seventh step. The speed is obviously slow.

At the eleventh step, the difficulty is getting harder and harder.

Previously, the Qingyang Dynasty God is generally in two or three days, but now I have to spend more than ten days of time to crack one step.

One year later, the Qingyang Dynasty gods in Chu was in the twenty-second step, and this time the sword was unparalleled, but it was still in 18 steps.

In the third year, the Qingyang Dynasty gods cracked the twenty-six steps with Chu, but the two were sleepy in the second 27th step. At this time, the sword was unparalleled, but it also cracked the twenty-fourth step. .

In the fourth year, Qingyang Dynasty God with Chu has solved the twenty-seventh step, but at this time, the sword has already cracked the twenty-six steps.

Until the fifth year, when the Qingyang Dynasty God was still in the twenty-eighth steps, the sword was unlocked, but the twenty-eighth step was broken, and it was already trying to crack the twenty-nine steps.

However, everyone in the Dagu Palace, including the big Yue Palace, who has been attracted to the two people in Qingyang, and Chu Wei, plus the sword is not only a truth, and some restrictions Normally, there is not much step size, so no one pays attention to the sword.

Natural, no one knows that the sword in the secret room is unparalleled in the fifth year, the number of steps that crack, has exceeded the two big geniuses on the air.

In the sixth year, the sword in the secret room was unparalleled. The eyes opened, showing a smile, and on the chess bureau in front of him, the thirtiethless black son has slowed down.

Thirty-step, crack!

"Kings, you taught me that the way is tube. Although the number of steps behind this Xiao Lu Xing Bureau is more and more difficult, but it can't give me too much trouble." The sword was unparalleled.

"Hey, you don't know who I am?" The king did quite proudly: "When I followed Lu Zhen Wang in the vast chaotic world, even the big Luoxing bureau saw that this Lord How to use it in the star. "

"This Little Star Bureau, against the essence of swords, and the essence of swordsmanship, but is more accumulated!"

"Crack this Little Luoxing Bureau, the most taboo is impatient, have to come slowly, in the process of cracking the sword, you can have the ability to break the sword, you can try Crack in another way. "

"Step by step, steady, so you will experience more, the more accumulated," Although the number of steps will be getting harder and harder, but as long as you give you time, you can slow down, but if you are Too impatient, just want to cracize more steps in the shortest time, but will be restricted, it is very likely that in one of them, I have been in a bottleneck with practitioners! "

"Is this this?" The sword is unparalleled.

From the beginning of cracking this small Luoxing Bureau, he has been following the way to the King, step by step, slowly cracking the number of steps, sometimes he can get the sword, but he will still be That level stays for a while, do more accumulation.

This leads that he is unpleasant at the beginning, and it is even more slow.

However, with the more accumulated, the sword moves in those steps, but they can't give him too much hindrance.

He cracks from the first step to the thirtier step, and it feels like water to the channel.

"Unfortunately, this little Luoxing bureau only ten years of time crack, if you give you enough time, you are just a truth, you can justify my method, crack down, fifty-step It is possible, but now ... "The king sighed gently.

"The sword is unparalleled, and now I have been in the past six years. In the past four years, I have just started to fill the crash in two years, but in the last two years, you don't need a scruple. Many, go all out to solve more steps as possible. "

"Understand." The sword nodded, and immediately continued to make cracks from the thirty-first step.

On the air in front of the Fairy Palace, when the time reached the sixth year, the competition has happened.

Originally from the beginning of the crack small Luo Xing Bureau, at the speed, it has always been leading with a weak advantage.

From the first step to the twenty-eighth step, it is church first crack, and then the Qingyang world is also cracking, and Chu is often better than the Qingyang Dynasty.

But in the sixth year, Chu is still trapped on the twenty-ninth step, but the Qingyang Community has already opened the twentiethn.

"Look, the twenty-nine black sons of the Queang Queen", disappeared! "

"He cracked the twenty-ninth step!"

"Damn, he cracked the twenty-nine steps, but the teacher, but he was still on that step."

The disciples of the Dagu Palace are anxious.

And Chu also saw this scene, the completion became unusual.

"How? I have been more than him before, but I have now crackdown on the twenty-frior step, and I am still in this step? The death, this twenty-nine step, how to change Crack? "Chu is tightly biting and continues to crack.

In the way to crack, no matter who it is, you can see the anxiety of Chu's heart.

"He is anxious."

On the front throne, the Dawei Palace owner saw this scene, can't help but shake his head, "this is anxious, this competition will not be suspected!"

It doesn't have suspense, after all, this Lord Star is so high and exquisite, and it is necessary to make a flat gas and it is not subject to the outside world.

Now, I see the Qingyang Community is headed to himself, and Chu is immediately anxious, more urgent, and the more difficult it is.

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