Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1335 Ranking Start

"This time we went to participate in the nine heavenly gods of the ranking war, including me, there is no consciousness attack, this sword is unparalleled, and the strength of his consciousness can really give us more Many help. "Long Hao said.

"In this case, the sword is unparalleled ..." The young man is unparalpal. "These three months, you are ready, three months later with the dragon and they participate in the qualitative god of the gods, be sure to win Get the victory of the ranking war. "

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

"The sword is unparalleled, these three months, you also exchange with me, thank you for your understanding, wait until the qualification battle, cooperate, more tacit." Long Hao smiled.

"Good." The sword is not refused.

The last places have been settled, and those geniuses around them have come.

As for the black, you can only leave the east.

On the way back.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can really do it, I have never revealed the real strength." Witch also looked at the sword.

"There is no need." The sword is unparalleled, but I will not stay in the flying snow road, just just a passer, as long as I get something I want, I will leave, and in this process, no It is necessary to be too guilty, even if it is in the qualifying battle, if you don't need me, I will not shoot. "

"You are really low-key." Witch laughed: "You can't show up now, but you must take a shot, after all, in strength, I flying snow, this session of this session, heron The trendy palace is compared to it, and it is still a bad thing. If you don't shoot, that battle is almost too suspense. "

"Reassured, I have an inch, when I shot, I will shoot." The sword has no double.

"That's good." Witch Co also said more.

In the next three months, the sword is unparalleled, and the gifted genius and the geniuses such as the qualifying war are to understand each other's strength.

Occasionally, when someone is looking for him, he will not reject it, but never use really strength.

He is very low in the flying snowfield, and he is not Zhang Yang.

So, that is also for him to think about himself, he is worried that if he is a show, it is too amazing. The high-level row of the flying snowpower will use some means to think of him to stay in the snowy road, so he does not want to cause Too many people's attention.

In the past three months, the end of the 10,000 years, the ranking battle finally opened.

The Flying Snow Road and the Tree Palace, it is the two big genius condensed camps that Flying Snowland, and the ranking war of these is naturally eye-catching.

On a huge downtown, the dense numbers of strong numbers are gathered here.

In the Snow, some great power, the big family has dispatched strong people to see this qualifying battle.

On the top of the performance of the battlefield, the two throne stands in parallel, and the throne is sitting in one person.

These two people, one of them is a red robe, the hair is also the old man, this old man is flat, but not angry, from him, there is a violent violent breath, he is sitting there, It is a flame that can be given to the sword.

Another one, a black exquisite short hair, the face is cold, and the eyes are fascinating, it is like a gem. The whole person is sitting there, and the whole person seems to be dark whirlpool, boundless, deeply unpersurgery.

"very scary!"

"Good terrible two people."

The sword is unparalleled in the crowd. I can't help but look at the two people, but I can't help but rise.

"The two people, the strong breath is far from the idea of ​​the world, no accident, he is over the world!" The sword was unmarkarized.

"Indeed." In the sword unparalleled king, "these two people have exceeded the category of the world, reaching a new level, the level in the world of chaotic world, even the top ten Among the cultivation of the holy place, it has also belong to the real power, but it is still not big, and the founders of Luo Zhen Wang, the star of the stars are still too far. "

"Even if it is not a big energy, but to kill me, it is a good thing to blow." The sword is unparalleled. "

"The sword is unparalleled."

Standing on the sword where the sword is open, pointing to the cold man who is like a dark vortex on the stage, the opening: "That is the Lord Lord, in the strong, the power I know, only he has went to Ten The cultivation of the holy place, only how he knows how to go there. "

"Is he is the Lonely Hall of Lord?" The sword was unparalleled.

On the standstight, the Lonely Hall is with the fire redhead old man from the Trendy Palace.

"The Lord of the Lonely Hall, the Tree Palace has left the five-session battle. If this will win, then there is no need to play the ranking, and there is no meaning, you fly in the snow It is already qualified to be the opponent of our hometown. "The fire red hair is indifferent.

"It's not qualified to be opponents? You really dare to say!" The Lord of the Lonely Hall is cold, "" This session battle, I flying snow, winning. "

"Look at your look, it seems confident?" The fire red hair laughed.

"Of course." The Lonely Hall of the Lord is full of confidence.

"The last time you are confident, you can last three qualifying, you can't win, this time ... huh,!" The old man smiled in the old man, and the ridicule between the words It is someone who can hear it.

"Hey, this year, if I flying snow, I will give it all the deacons of the snowfield!" The landscape of the landscape is like a rain, and then he glanced at the first delegator's herself, told: "Go, all of the golden clothes of my flying snow farm."

"Yes." The young man should have, then convey the command.

"The sword is unparalleled, the Lonely Lord is called us, you will go to Longyu. It is ready to prepare." Witch Road.

"Good." The sword is unparalleled.

And very quickly, this unusual qualified ranking battle is officially started.

Three field qualifying, from the highland of the realm, this first qualifying battle, the appearance is those three heavens.

The Flying Snow Road and the treasure palace, all sent ten three heavens and gods, a total of 20 three-day gods quickly came to the most central.

There, there is a huge space insect hole.

"let's start!"

On the table, the Lonely Hall of the Taiwan waved, and the three heavens of the trendy of the throne and the trendy palace were directly grounded into the space insect cave.

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