Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1353 is going on

Head flying!

The sound of the monster man in the black robe begins to dissipate, and before the death, the black robe demon man is still wide, and it is incredible!

He didn't dare to believe that he was turned over by a heavy heaven.

This is a heavy heaven, it is originally a surprise.

But now, everything is gone.


The monster of the black robe is thoroughly inferior, and his body is also falling down to the bottom.

Seeing this scene, the sword has no tone.

"Fortunately, he is dead, otherwise I can only escape, and the chance to escape is afraid." The sword is unparalleled, and he is also glad that, fortunately, he was a secret that he was in the secret of Tianyuan. Surgery.

"This is a constipation, which makes it better than I think." The sword is unparalleled, he is the first time to show the secrets of Tianyuan today.

"This soul attack secret can be very strong, but it is too weak to say that the Swallow is too weak." The King said: "A three-day peak world, but his consciousness is just barely reached Three heavens and higher levels, your soul intensity is comparable to the three heavens, and you can make a threat to the general three-day mystery, and you just use the stars secret, enough to three days higher The world has a threat. "

"The most important thing is that he has no preparation, can't work harder." The sword was unparalleled.

He tried his seriously injured risk to exhibit swordsmanship, which is to make Tianyuan secret test.

And finally, he won.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The sound sounded, Duan Shanfeng appeared in front of the sword, "Are you okay?"

"Fortunately." The sword was unparalleled, but he was grateful to: "This time, thank you!"

The sword is unparalleled is sincere gratitude.

He is very clear that when he kills the monster man who has just been mad, he has played a key role.

However, if there is no Duan Lingfeng shot, the black robe monsters will be entangled, and no matter what the sword is unparalleled, it is impossible to force the black robes into the youth into the real desperate, so that killing the black robe demon As a man, it is also the hand of Duan Lingfeng.

"You just show, is it awareness attack?" Duan Lingfeng looked to the sword.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

"You a heavy heaven, you can conscious attacks, actually make a three-day peak of the gods affected?" Duan Lingfeng was slightly eye-catching.

"I also show many big cards and means, these means, can not be as simple as it is, and just that person, actually awareness is not strong." The sword was unparalleled.

Duan Lingfeng deeply saw the sword is unparalleled, but there is no more asking.

At this time, there was a cross-overed spacecraft that was hung in the distance, but once again, I came to the front of the sword unparalleled and Duan Lingfeng.

"Duan Lingfeng adult, sword unparalleled friends."

The owner of the spacecraft smiled at Yushan.

The scene of just that war, Yushan and others can be seen very well on the spaceship.

What is terrible?

It is not afraid of them, and this Yushan is directly called Ling Feng as adults.

As for the sword and unparalleled, although there is no great strength, but it is critical to create a great opportunity to create a great opportunity to Duan Lingfeng.

"Do you still have a face?" Duan Lingfeng hugged his hands and glanced at the people on the spaceship.

You Mountain and the gods on the spacecraft are somewhat embarrassed.

"Forget it, they are also don't help themselves." The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes." Yushan said: "Just a person, a three-day peak, our team is in the Duan Lingfeng adult, and no one can resist, so we can only ..."

Yushan's words have not been finished, the sword is unparalleled but has already waved him.

"Duan Lingfeng, I also have a spaceship, anyway, it is not far from the ancient star, it is better to depart from yourself as yours." The sword has no double.

"Can." Duan Lingfeng nodded directly, "Yuner, Xiaohai, come over."

Luo Yu on the spacecraft has not hesitated and immediately brushed it.

And I saw the movement of the swords and two people, Yushan also had the faces of the gods on the spaceship changed, but they did not stop.

If they are still in the central government of the ancient star sea, see the sword is unparalleled with Duan Ling Feng to be self-ended. They are afraid that they will worry, they will find ways to retain, after all, there are Duan Lingfeng this strong, they can have many guarantees.

But now, only one month left is just a month, so short time, they think that they should never touch the danger, so there is no need to pull the face to retain the sections of Ling Tian and swords.

The sword is unparalleled, and an out-of-one spacecraft appears in the void.

Du Lingtian, Luo Yu and Luohai also appeared on the spaceship.

Then the sword is unparalleled to drive the field spaceship directly.

"Hey, don't want to continue to work with me? Now just a month, just one month, even if you don't have two, don't we leave here?"

"Is it, isn't it a strong strength? Is it still a high look, what?"

"These two people, I thought we would take a face to seek them? Running!"

The sword is unparalleled with Duan Lingfeng, and the contestants on the spaceship will immediately hit.

Most of these worlds believe that the sword is unparalleled and Duan Lingfeng self-righteous, now although the sword is unparalleled with Duan Lingfeng, they don't care.

"They have to leave with them, let's take your own, let's go." The Yushan is played, and then the spacecraft will be handled again.

It is at this time ...


The horrible sound waves resounded through the horizon, and only a large piece of different beasts came over.

These different beasts are all bulky bats, and the color is different, these bats have unbusteen cold claws, and the speed of the outbreak is very fast, from the distance, the next moment will be outside the world. The spacecraft is covered directly.

"not good!"

The many trends on the spacecraft are very shocked, and only one instant, when they have not reacted, the reincarnation on the spacecraft has been directly shredded.

A large amount of bats rushed into the spaceship, and a terrible killing began.

"Do not!"

"It's over!"


A screaming and roaring sounded, and these words were also entangled in the words "Duan Lingfeng, Help, Help!".

However, the skylight of the sword is unparalleled, and the spacecraft taken up, it has already been placed, and these rescued sounds are unable to hear.


PS: Card Wen, today is more normal to update!

Waiting for me to finish thinking, reorganize the flag, tomorrow ... or six!

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