Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1355 Communication!

"It takes longer, and is more dangerous." The sword is unparalleled. "That said, I don't want to go to the purple moon."

"You don't worry first." The king smiled. "Single by yourself wants to travel from the East Huang to the purple land, even a little hope, but you can't get it, don't you let the stars? The power of a pulse takes you to find you, come to pick you? "

"Receive me?" The sword has no double.

"The sword is unparalleled, you don't forget, you are more than just a stars, you still enter the Star Palace, in the stars, the disciple of the main star Chenchen Palace, very high, any one is enough Let the Star will pay attention to, and now you want to give a one in the stars, tell them that you are here, no accidents, the Stars will naturally send strong people to come to pick you. "Kings smiled.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

"As for how to communicate ... I have been in the world, I want to pass a news to the purple moon, and I am quite difficult in the stars, but since I arrived in the East Huang, it is simple to pass the news. More, according to I, the top ten cultivation holy land, there is a great power, named Vientiane Tower! "

"Vientiane Tower, Paul Tiandi Vientiane, its forces all over the top ten cultivation of the holy place, even every city, this Vientiane building operates in things, trafficking, buying and selling treasures, even assassin, in short, As long as you give up the price, you can do it! "

"And you are just simple to pass on, this Vientiane is of course helping you easily." Said King said.

"Vientiane Tower?" The sword is unparalleled, but the thunder is a horror, "Just give the price, what can you do? Is it to assassinate the top genius or strong? They also dare?"

"Of course, I dare." The king smiled: "Vientiane Tower, there is nothing dare not do," once someone pays a very high price, we must assassinate the peerless genius of the big door, and the party is in the middle of the country However, the presence of the top three, the existence of the hegemony, the strength, the ratio of the stars is not inferior, even more hidden. "

"However, the Vientiane Tower is still out. After you have it, the big Gate is anger, but also a battle with Vientiane's building for a while, but they can't have a Vientiane Building, and finally I can only have it."

"Is this powerful?" The sword was unbeded.

From the words of the Kings, he heard it, the heritage of Vientiane is definitely not small.

"Let's go to Vientiane Building."

The sword is unparalleled to go to a nearest city.

In this city, there is a Vientiane building existence.

"This is the Vientiane Building?"

The sword is unparalleled to look at a tall purple castle. This purple castle also has a huge different beast hole pattern. This big mouth is open, as if to swallow all the earth, it is soaken.

The sword is unparalleled directly into the Vientiane Building.

I entered the Vientiane Tower, and the sword was unparalleled to see many cultivators walking within the hall, and these cultivators were still following the waiters wearing a black robe.

"People are really much, and almost all are strong." The sword is unparalleled.

He can see the people in the hall, almost all the gods, even those who follow the Wanxiang Building behind him, it is also the world.

"The waiter is the world, the world of the top ten holy land is really worthless." The sword is unmarkarized.

"The sword is unparalleled, you must figure it out, the top ten cultivation holy land, is the most important place in the world, the paradise in the heart of the cultivator, the whole of the whole monumental chaotic world is more than half of the strong, as for the world, in one ordinary In the domain, the reversal is strong, but in the top ten cultivation holy land, it is very common. "

Dynasty Wang suddenly, and continued: "You are just a heavy heaven, in this holy place, you can kill you, so you haven't truly attracted it in you. Before you go to the Star, you still don't easily urge it. "

"I understand." The sword is unparalleled.

At this time, Vientiane Tower also had a robe to come to the sword unparalleled.

This is a very beautiful woman. She has a smile, and the sword is unparalleled. "I don't know what happened, what?"

"I want to pass by you." The sword is unparalleled.

"Communication?" Beautiful woman looks moving, and I will ask: "Who is it?"

" , star." The sword has no double.

"Crossing the Shengdi?" Beauty is more smiling on the face, "You, come with me."

The beautiful woman leads the sword and has come to a secret room.

"You, please record your message on this inventory, I am going to pass this message as soon as possible, it is worth the cost, two million chaotic crystals." Beauty woman smiled.

"Just passing the news, is so expensive?" The sword was unreliable.

In the world of chaotic world, the ordinary heavy heaven is all about 560,000 chaotic crystals, and two million chaotic crystals are almost the same as a two-day peak.

Although the cost is extremely high, the sword is unparalleled or immediately paid two million chaotic crystals.

In this way, he also fought countless times, but also killed a lot of strong, accumulating the chaotic crystal in his hand, there were a lot of chaotic crystals, two million chaotic crystals, he did it. But after payment, the remaining chaotic crystals in your hand is not much.

"If you want to wait for a while, you can't take it for a while, and you will have to respond for three days." Beauty woman.

"Well." The sword nodded, just waiting quietly in this secret room.

The efficiency of the Vientiane Tower is indeed very fast, the sword is not double the day, the second day of Vientiane, has passed the message to the ear of the star in the stars.

The East Emperor is extremely distant as far as the farmland.

A huge vast star river is hung, and the interior of this star river has endless stars, and the core area of ​​the Star River is the place where the star is located.

A huge cave house consisting entirely of special polish, a white robe is coming in.

"grown ups."

White robe is sitting in front of the front stone bed, like a sculpture-like long-haired middle-aged congratulations.


Long-haired middle-aged is still moving, and the eyes are never opened, but with a bit of hoarse voice has spread.

"From the Vientiane Building, it is a commander. The idea said that he is my star, and it is still a disciple of Xingchen Palace. Now I am in the east of the holy place, please send a strong To attach him. "White robe said.

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