Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1357 Unparalleled Boat!

When I heard the king, the sword was unparalleled, nodded and agreed.

As the king said, more people see you, and it is also beneficial.

I immediately came to this city, and I was selected for the fairy conference.

The selection of the Xianyuan Conference is from the bloody mainland, and every city is starting, and anyone on the bloody continent, as long as it is the boundary of the gods, you can participate in the selection, but this selection is only preselected, only through The pre-selection can get the 'ticket' of the fairyland conference.

When the sword is unparalleled to the place, it is shocked by the scene in front of him.

I only saw the vast play of the vast people in front of the past, and I was secretly waiting for someone. I went at a glance, at least 10,000 people!

Of course, in this thousands of people, it is truly to participate in the preselection, only one percent, but there are more than 100,000 people.

These 100,000 people are world gods, but the realm is inconsistent, there is a heavy heaven, there is also two days, three heavens.

And the sword is unparalleled, so soon, this is learned through the pre-selected way.

That queue is divided into two, and it is to go to the Jiujie Building with the unintentional fantasy.

Among them, the Jiujie Building test is the sorrow, and there is no sense of test.

Double test, all meet the requirements, you can get the 'ticket' of the fairyland conference.

"The sword is unparalleled, the Jiujie Tower also has a small famous name in the East Huang Hao, which is a test of the school. You are in the years, the swordsman has also increased a lot, and you can try to go. Can break the second layer. "Said the king said.

"I am going to squat? But I didn't plan to participate in the fairy conference?" The sword asked.

"Who said that you have joined the Jiujie Building, through the preselection, you must go to the Xianyuan Conference?" Yu Wang smiled.

"Can you take it?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Staplened." Yu Wang smiled.

And I learned that after the preselection, the sword is unparalleled directly after the news of the Xianyuan Conference.

On the downtown, the sword is unparalleled in the crowd, waiting quietly.

This day, it is half a month.

"I didn't have a round of me, it is really slow enough." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Just joke, a city is at least 10,000 gods to sign up for this pre-selection, and one of the challenges, of course, is not the case, the preselection of this fairyland will not be in advance! "

"You don't worry, the power of the Star is not arrived, slowly, etc., and I estimate that it is also fast to you."

The sword is only waiting for it.

After a long time.

"Next, Cheng Ward!"

A three heavenly gods, which were responsible for pre-seal, rumored, and suddenly the entire performance of the past.


"It is the first day of our lion city.

"The unparallel son also came to participate in this pre-selected, not saying that the old man has a Zongmen saying that he is a core disciple?"

"With the strength of unparallel son, through this pre-selection should be light and easy, even even at the fairy conference, he should also show some head corners."

Many practitioners on the play of the Warm have discuss them.

Everyone's eyes are almost concentrated on one person at this moment.

That is a white robe, holding a folding fan, a fan of the feathers, this Confucian Youth With a faint smile, this smile is drunk.

This person is the first day of the many practitioners of this lion city.

At this moment, under the attention of everyone, this white robe is slowly moving toward the ninejies tower in front.

The crowd ...

"Cheng is unparalleled. This name is to have a few points with you." Yu Wang smashed.

When I heard the king, the sword was unparalleled to see the white robe, but the complex is quite quite.

Wancha chaotic world, countless cultivation, don't say names, even if the same name is the same name, I don't know how much, sword is unparalleled.

"The first day of this lion city, I don't know if he can get the first few layers of the Jiujie Building?" The sword waited quietly.

And how long, the result came out.

"Cheng Wushuang, passing the eleventh floor of the Jiujie Building, the fourth floor of the unintentional illusion, the three-day gods hosted by the presend!".

On the downtown, it was instantly blown a pot.

"Sure enough!"

"There is no suspense, there is no bobony to pass, and through the preselected standards are the tenth floor of the Jiujie Building, the third floor of the unintentional illusion, but the unparallert is exceeded, it is really powerful!"

"Unparalleled, he is our lion heart city, the first one is preselected!"

Many cultural people on the field are dark.

Although the preselection in the Senaic City has been lasts for a month, but until now, it is truly preselected, and there is a unparalleled one.

Under the eyes of all the attention, the Confucian Youth has no doubles.

The three heavenly nerves who presided over the preselected is to continue to shout: "Next, sword is unparalleled!"

When the three heavens and the gods shouted the sword, the whole performance of the past is unilaterally.

And that is slowly moving the Confucian Youth of the Walking Walk, and the pace is also awkward.

"The sword is unparalleled?" Cheng did not say slightly.

On the downtown, it was a burst of strange.

"Haha, I am interested, just played a unparalleled unparalleled, now I have a sword."

"Is there a second unparalleled couple in the Senaic City?"

"Two people are called unparalleled, and there is a good one in front, one after the preselection, this ..."

The face of everyone on the field became a quirky.

And the sword in the crowd is unparalleled. After hearing the three heavens, he didn't hesitate to go straight forward.

The surrounding eyes are also immediately looking at him.

Just in front of the sword, I came to the front of the military farm. When I was ready to enter the nine, I was suddenly sounded, "" You are a sword is unparalleled? "

The sword is unparalleled, and I watched the way to talk next to the unparalleled eyes, nodded slightly.

"You ... change your name." Cheng has no double-faced indifferent to stare, "Wushuang this name, not you can have this kind of goods, you can't afford it."

"Oh?" The sword has no double eyes, the mouth is also slightly posed, smiled: "The name is the parents, can you change free? And say, how do you know, I can't help this name? Will you be you? "

After saying, the sword is unparalleled too lazy to have a unparalleled case. He has taken a quick turn into the nine building.

That is unparalleled, standing on the workwood yard, and has not left immediately.


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