Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1359 is alarmed!


"This is a real monster, a monster in the purple heart, not, in the whole bloody continent, even in the whole East Emperor's holy borders!"

"I actually said that this monster is not worthy of the words of these two words?"

The road is unparalleled, but the bottom is full of horror.

He is very clear, with the genius of swords, you can easily join some powerful forces or Zongmen, becoming a core figure, even in the fairy conference, showing a sharp man, and is seen by a strong person, Disciples are all possible.

And just a sentence, although not a big thing, but it really has to have a sinful sword. If the sword is unparalleled, he is worrying!

"He, he should not find me in the previous sentence? Big, I changed the name, I will use other names, should you eliminate the anger in his heart?" Cheng Wushuang is incomparable.

But he does not know, the sword is too lazy to follow him.

After the three heaven god announced the results, he left, as for the next Xianyuan Conference, he didn't want to participate.

However, although he left, he can play the battlefield, many people are excited.

"Fast, I will go up and go up, there is a real top genius in the city!"

"Hey, I have a fifth floor of the unintentional illusion, especially the fourteenth floor of the Jiujie Building, that is, the fourteenth floor, the nine-year building is also the seventeenth floor."

"According to our reliable news, the preselection of this fairy conference is now, the whole purple heart, the fourteenth floor of the Jiujie Building, but only two people, and this sword is unparalleled, but the third A! "

"I will give it to Zongmen soon, let them send a strong, if it is late, this genius may not be set to other forces."

There are a lot of probes from all parties forces, and they have begun to pass messages.

After only half a day, there were many strong people from the Zongmen forces, and they were able to get to the Dish City.

The sword is unparalleled in the courtyard.

"My sword, has fallen into the bottleneck, if there is no big machine, I want to break through, create a stronger shed, there is no possibility." The sword was unparalleled and frowned, and after the Jiujie Building, the sword Unparalleled Swordsmanship is also clearer.

At the same time, he also knows his sword, caught in the bottleneck.

And this bottleneck is not so easy to break through.

When the sword is unparalleled, when you are in distress, you! A shape is abrupt to appear above his courtyard.

When there is, the stock is sufficient to make the breath of the heart of any world.


The sword is unparalleled, and when he saw the black robes standing on the void, his faces could not be changed.

He has already felt that people are a top power that is above the boundaries, and they are at the same level with the Lone Hall of the Flying Snow.

And that level, the sword was unparalleled in the time of the drift.

"Zhen God!"

The sword is unparalleled and paired.

On the world, it is true!

Real god, although it is less than a big energy, but it is absolutely strong in the vast chaotic world.

Placed in any party, the real god is the super existence of the hegemon level, even in the top ten holy places, the number of true gods is not much, for any party, it is a medium-sized pillar, even for those weaker. Words are even like Optimus Pillars.

And this person is a true god.

"You, is the sword is unparalleled?"

The gentle voice sounded, and the old man's face was also in the face of a good smile.

"I am a sword is unparalleled, but I don't know if the adult is?" Sword is unparalleled.

He thought that he was a star, but he rejected him again.

After all, he has a stars of disciples of Stars, this identity is the same, the same is to be induced.

However, this black robe is obviously not at the stars.

"The old man is dust-free, from the Tian Luo Xing Palace!" The old man in the black robe said.

"Tian Luo Xing Palace?" The sword didn't have a pair of frowning, and he did not heard of this paradise before, there was no intersection.

It seems to be a wonderful confusion of the sword, the old man is dusty and also directly open: "I don't think about it, the old man is aware of the kimony, you will have the tenth of the Jiujie Building. Four layers, this is specially coming, the old man hopes that the kimono can join my Tianguixing Palace, becoming the core disciple of my Tian Luo Xing Palace, and the little friend will agree to join, I must do my best to cultivate you. "

I heard this, the sword was unparalleled.

He finally knew that the old people in the black robes were in order to recruit him.

"Little Friends, I am the Tianguixing Palace is the first door recognized by Zi Xinfu, with a large number of resources, absolutely allowing your talent to be perfect." The old man is dusty.

"This ..." The sword was unparalleled, and he did not return.

"There is a dusty and strange, you are really honest." A sound with a few unfertile sounds.

The old man of the black robe wrinkled, and the source of the sound looked at the source. I saw three shadows simultaneously, and it was a purple woman.

The breath of the Ziyi woman is equally strong, and it is no weakness than the dust, obviously she is also a true god!

"Another one?" The sword was unbeded, but the bottom is bitter.

He went to participate in the preselection, just to verify that he drifted these years in the Jiujie Building, he didn't even have to keep it, just not to pay attention to, who once thought, even So still someone is looking for a door, and it is still two real gods.

"Confucius!" Seeing people, the dusty eyes narrowed, and the face is somewhat hard.

"Hey, if I don't come, I really don't know what exactly you will blow you Tian Luo Xing Palace, but also said that you are the first door of Zi Xinfu, it is really a laughter, if you Luo Xing Palace is the first door, then what is the golden class? "Ziyi woman tangled, and then she was in the sword, and his eyes became soft.

"The sword is unparalleled? I am a golden wing. I came here. I came to represent my golden wing. I invited you to join, if you promise, my golden wing will promise to make a strong strength And good at the true God of the sword, give you a teacher, personally point you, how? "

Kong Jing Xiao smiles.

However, whether it is Kong Jing or that dust-free including the sword unparalleled, there is no void in this hospital, there is still a indifferent figure.

"The disciple of my star, is very popular!"


PS: Today, Today is more!

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