Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1362 Thunder Means!

Thunder is not far from a huge mountain range.

"You, this is the Camp near the White Flammates. The four real gods of the White Flame Palace are in the inside." Thunder fire said.

Behind the old people of the purple robe, there are many high-rise powers from thunderstandings.

As for the thunder, the sword is unparalleled, standing in front.

The Lei Dynasty hugged his hands, and the face is indifferent overlooking the Moza Mountains in front.

When they appeared at this time, the strong people in the mountain range were immediately alarmed.

A strong body shape is rushing up, and there are four people in a large group of white flavor.

The breath of the four people is far away from the gods, apparently this is the four real gods of the White flaming palace.

"Haha, Zi Qiu is expensive, I thought you would have been turtle, I didn't expect you to send it to the door." With a ridicule, the laughter also sent from the mouth of one of the somatoes.

"This person is talking now, it is the most powerful power of the White Flammal Palace, and the strength, he is the strongest of the four real gods of the White flaming palace. Even if it is too old, it is estimated that it is not that him. The opponent, while the crane haired by him is the palace of the White Flammation Palace. "Thunder fire Zong Zong Zi Qiu said.

"Well." Lei Dynasty nodded.

And the four real gods in the opposite white flame palace have also noticed the existence of Lei Dynasty.

"Hey, no wonder, it turned out to have a helper, but you thought to have a true God, can you keep you?" The bald man smiled, he saw the Lei Dynasty It seems that it is not convinced, but it is not too much for self-confidence in your own strength.

"You, what should we do now?" Zi Qiu asked.

"You are watching it at this time." Lei Dynasty faintly opened, and the body shape was suddenly moving.


When the thunder figure turned again, it has been coming to the front of the head of the male man, and his right handfint is directly pointed out.

A horrible destruction of the breath suddenly broke out.

The strongest of this destroyed breath, the four real gods in the White Flaming Palace immediately exposed the color.

The sturdy index finger of Raytaro is constantly enlarged in the eyes of the murderous man of the bald, and he can't make any response.


The lodging from the eyebrows of the bald man wore the eyebrows, this bald man is not sent to the man, and it is directly killed.

This scene, the people present, but they were very shocked.

"How can it be?"

The many strong people in the White flaming palace, it is completely complete.

"Just one finger, it kills a true god?" That Zi Qiu also blinked.

"This ..." The sword is unparalleled.

Task, this is still the first time in the sword, I saw the power of the real god level personally shot, and the first time I saw a strong man who was killed by the gods.

And it is still in an instant, and there is no room for struggling.

He is finally finally understood, why is it in the Lion Ceremouth, the dusty and well is quiet, and it will be awesome.

The same is true, but the gap is like a heaven and earth.


After killing the bald man, the Lei Dynasty was lightning again.

laugh! laugh!

Two subtle sounds in two, there are two stones that have no sound in their shape.

The four real gods of the White flaming palace, and they were killed by Thunder, only the last one was left, that is, the White flamengong master also survived.

Of course, he survived, and the Lei Dynasty did not deliberately kill him.

"You, you ..." The main side of the White flame palace is already in the past, he is dead and staring at the Lei Dynasty, and the Chinese side will spit a sentence. "Who is it?"

"Star and a pulse, Lei Dynasty." Lei Dynasty did not conceal his identity.

The white flame palace master is instantly rolled, "the true God list is the Lei Dynasty?"

"How is it possible? How can this thunder? How can I have a strong relationship with you?"


The White Flam Palace is crazy to grow crazy.

"White flaming palace master." The sound of the Lei Dynasty is cold, "I can do it, I can give you a born road of the White Flame Palace."

The White flaming palace master is also calm down.

He knows that when it is not sad, when it is horror, it is the most important thing to keep the White flaming palace.

The Lei Dynasty took out the list of the thunder fire before.

"I have a list here, where you call it, you stand it out."

"First, Luo Xu!"

The indifferent sound of the Lei Dynasty sounded in the entire mountain.

The large number of strong people gathered in this mountain range, most of the most excellent geniuses also gathered here.

When I heard the sound of the Lei Dynasty, the name called Luo Xu's heaven gods, although horror, but still standing.

"Luo Xu, things are very simple, I will give you a chance to give you a living in the White flaming palace, as long as you can defeat him!" Lei said that the sword is unparalleled, the sound is cold, "otherwise, only dead road, The white flaming palace is only completely destroyed! "

"Beat him?"

This is called Luo Xu's heavenly God Talent.

And the sword has been standing out at all, and the face is also very calm.

When he had a list of white flame palace genius, he has guess the intend to Iron.

Obviously, the Raytime is planning to use the white flame palace to thoroughly inspect his strength.

After all, although he has passed the fourteenth floor of the Jiujie Building, the fifth floor of the unintentional illusion, but it is just a confidence with the perspective, with its own strength is not too much.

The sword is unparalleled through the star, the founder of the star has become a disciple of Xingchen Palace. This is the difference between the disciples of other stars, and the stars have a high-rise power. I want to know that his real strength is normal.

"Sword is unparalleled, since this Lei Dynasty is to test your strength, you will take your strength, don't hide, after all, the high level of the star is based on the strength you show, talent to assign you. Resources, if you are the more powerful strength, the more benefits get the benefits. "The voice of the King sounded.

"I understand." The sword has no double heart, and the eyes have become sharp.

And that name is Luo Xu's genius, but it is a fierce spirit.

He saw that the sword was unparalleled with him, but it was only a heavy heaven, since he was a heavy heaven, he didn't have anything.

After all, he is the first person in a heavy heaven in the White Flame Palace, is a real genius.


The sword is unparalleled, standing there, the blood peak sword has appeared in his hand.

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