Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1371 grasps the beast!

After separating with Qu Yang, the sword is unbensed alone in the endless star river outside.

Within the Star River, the sword is unparalleled, but the power of the soul is constantly sweeping around and looking for the beast.

"Well, there is a one there."

Only a diarrhea was found to have the existence of a beast, but unfortunately, the beast was too small.

There is no more than half of the height, it is obviously that the kind of disciple who is being pulled by the star, after the Yuan force, the Yuanyuan put it out, its morality has not been recovered, and the sword is unparalleled. The energy capable of extracting will not be too much.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of beast is met, the stars will not be able to catch again, they only grasp the kind of Yuan Li has recovered a lot, at least there is a one-or-two-meter-high border.

"carry on!"

The sword is unparalleled to continue to find it.

This star river is quite huge, even if the sword is unparalleled, there is no more than half a month, and it will be remembered.

After a time, the sword was unparalleled and found the existence of the second beast.

And the volume of the beast is close to three meters.

"You are the one!"

The sword is unparalleled, but the figure is quietly toward the beast near the past.

But I haven't waited for too much approaching, and that is now 'walk' but suddenly turns, a pair of transparent eyes instantly locked him.

This beast has been born in the starheater for many years ago, and it has already been caught many times by the star disciple. It is very clear that this group of human 'terrible', so when it sees the sword unparalleled moment It didn't hesitate to rank it directly.

In this , the speed of this beast run is very fast.

"Haha, want to run!"

Seeing the Yuanyuan escaping, the sword is unparalleled, and the speed is also out of the way.


Two body shapes chased, rapidly brushing in the star river.

"This speed is really fast enough?" The sword was unparalleled to look at the madness of the madness, but the heart was quite horrified.

He has already played completely, but he can't catch up with each other. He has never stared from the distance of the beast.

"It seems to have some means." The sword is slightly tight, and it is immediately a golden gourd.

As the sword is unparalleled, the golden gourd is in a large number of parasites.

The speed of the Basula Sand is better than that of the beast, only a moment of the beast is covered, and the field of the Basquan Sand is open, and the speed of the beast is immediately reduced, and the sword is unparalleled. It did not be affected, and his distance between the beast began to be close.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled, catching up with the beast.

"Little guy, where can you ran? Oh, you can't kill you anyway, anyway, will I kill you?" The sword didn't smile.

It seems to understand the sword unparalleled, that is the original crazy flee, but suddenly turned it, the transparent eyes also flash a rare fierce.

The beast of the gestation in the Star River, the book is very warm, but the other beast is willing to be beasts, and it will not be bundled when the crisis arrives.

Let alone in front of these humans caught it twice.


A low-rampant self-babernate broke out, this beast did not only escape, but it was a hole in the face without a pair.

At that moment near the sword, the front hoof is awkward, and the sword is directly in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, I will hurt the beast, and I haven't used the blood peak sword, but directly swayed, and the via the beast.


A great sound, the surrounding Star River seems to be dark.

After the collision, the sword is unparalleled, but it is like shells.

Half a ring, he re-stationed.

But at this moment, he is a horror.

"what's the situation?"

The sword is unparalleled to the beast. He has collided with the beast. He was shocked out, and the beast was not damaged, the pace did not move one step, this let the sword Unparalleled is unacceptable.

Before Xingxhen Tower, he did not have the first floor, that is because Star Tower will treat him as two heavens, and he can be better.

But now, he will grab the beast in the star river, and the result is just nearly three meters high, and he will directly fly directly?

Obviously, the power of this beast is strong than him?

"When I first arrived at the star, I saw the two-day heavenly god of the stars to catch the beast. The Yuan Yuan has a high three meters, which is much higher than me. But she is handless. I gave the beast to the beast, seeing her relaxed look, I thought that these Yuan beasts were very good, but the results ... "The sword is unparalleled.

At the same time that the sword is unpaired, the beast is also awkward. His transparent eyes also look at the sword with a smashing and doubts.

It has been handled with many humans. Those humans are generally easy to grasp it. Although it tries to resist, those human beings are really too strong.

He is the same as those who are unparalleled with those humans. It has been prepared again, but the result ... This man is so weak?

"I don't believe it!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the body shape will be drafled again.

The beast, and immediately greeted it.

This person is a different beast, in the star river, I will fight again.

And just two hands-on ...

Not far from the two stones, these two men and a woman.

The male is a breeze, as for the woman, the sword is unparalleled with Lei Dynasty. When I came to this star river, I saw the 'one slap grabbed a three-meter high yuan. Robe woman.

"Sister, how many heads do you have?" The brunette man asked.

"Twelve, what about you?" Golden Robe.

"Almost like you, I will catch a few heads, you can go back." The brunette man laughed.

"I am also." Golden robe nodded.

At this time, a roar of the roar was coming from the Star River in front.

"Well?" The brunette man with the godroom woman looks.

"This kind of roar, generally only only in the two people! Is there a killing in the front of the star river? It is impossible, the whole star mainland, who doesn't know this star river is the old nest of my star, who Is there so bold to kill in this star Hano? "The brunette man frowned.

"Go see if you don't know." The golden robe woman smiled.

Soon the two people came to the place where the roar was commented, I could get here, I saw the scene in front of my eyes, the dark hair men's faces of the golden robe have become incomparable.


PS: six more!

Brothers, new volumes are open, everyone's tickets are smoother!

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