On the sword, the sword was unparalleled and did not show Luoquan and others left.

"This Luquan's strength is really strong!"

"I have made all right to show blood night, the soul attack is also extremely outbreak. According to the reason, it is necessary to be a general three-day god, want to resist it too easily, but he encounters my soul attack, but not affected! "

"His sense of consciousness is very strong, and the strength is far from me!"

The sword is unparalleled, but the eyes look at the autumn moon next to them.

The expression is quite a quite in the moment of Qiuyue.

"Why, is it very disappointed with my strength?" The sword is unparalleled.

"No, I believe that since the son can become a disciple of Xingchen Palace, it will inevitably be a powerful, even if it is not the opponent of this Luoquan, but how long it will be able to catch up with it."

I heard the words, the sword was unparalleled, but the eyes were already dark.

He doesn't care about winning.

Even if you lose to Luoquan, he doesn't care, after all, his current strength, compared to these two-semi-Tianxian disciples, it is relatively weak.

But this is weak, but it will not continue.

"Qiu Yue, when Luo Quan walked, said that the disciple of Xingchen Palace competes, what is it?" The sword didn't have a double.

"That is a competition for the quota of Xingchen Palace, in the stars, will be held once." Qiu Yue Road.

"Oh?" The sword walked over.

"Bonology, you just arrived at the stars, many things to the Stars, I don't know much. In the stars, I have been determined by strength." Qiuyue said.

"Under normal circumstances, Xingchen Palace disciple has only fifteen, of which five heavens are five, the two heaven is five, one heavy heaven is also five!"

"That is to say, from a heavy day to the three heavens, all of the strongest five, enter the main stars, and this way is the way, it is the star in the stars, every five thousand years. The stars of the stars fight, in the battle, every five people, the strongest strength, become a disciple of Xingchen Palace, the other is a general disciple! "

"Is this?"

The sword is unparalleled. "That is to say, I am now a stars of Stars, but if it is in the eight hundred years, I can't become the strongest five people in the second heaven, I will become a general disciple. ? "

"Yes." Number of autumn.

The sword has no double brow, and the bottom is also immediately in the heart.

In the stars, the disciples of Xingchen Palace and the ordinary disciples are very different.

Especially the true God of Temple, Tibetan Golden Pavilion, and the three major cultural resources belong to the palace, only the disciples of the Star Chensong can occupy.

The sword is unparalleled to keep the position of his disciples of our stars, but the strength of his current strength, in the second day of the Sundia, but the bottom.

"I only have eight hundred years!" The sword was unparalleled with hands, and a heavy light was swayed.

For 800 years, it is not short.

With eight hundred years, there are aids of many cultivation resources in the stars, and he may have a chance to struggle.

"Bonology, today you are defeated in the hands of Luo Quan, there are several other disciples look at it, no accident, they will definitely promote this matter, they will cause many disciples to question or dissatisfied. There will even be other disciples to challenge you, you have to have a mental preparation. "Qiu Yue reminded.

The sword is unparalleled, "I am really weak now, this is my acknowledgment, the quality is not doubted, that is also their own, I have nothing to do, if they want to challenge me, then, although it is, Anyway, there is no difference in defeating a hundred fields. "

The sword is unparalleled. On the contrary, he also hopes that the disciples of the stars have come to the door.

Hands with these genius, this is also a blind practice for swords.

And, he has already lost to Luo Quan, even if it is lost to other ordinary disciples, what is it?

He doesn't care, he cares, it is just his strength, there is also the result of the battle after eight hundred years.


As the Qiuyue said, the sword is unpaid to Luo Quan's news quickly spread in the stars.

At the same time, there are also two mirror images of the war, and the previous swords are unparalleled in the star horses.

One of these two exposed, suddenly made the whole star there was a complete disturbance.

The disciples of the Star Winner are even more horrified.

They were shocked, not the sword where the sword was not lost to Luoquan.

After all, the stars have a generous genius, occasionally, the disciples of Xingchen Palace have been defeated by ordinary disciples, and it is normal. Plus the sword is unparalleled. I just arrived in the stars. I haven't used the resources of the stars to practice. Not in Luo Quan, this is nothing.

It can truly let these disciples are shocked, the strength of the sword is unparalleled ... is too weak!


"How can it be so weak?"

"The beast of a three-meter high is not, this is a disciple of Xingchen Palace?"

"I heard that he can't serve the first floor of the Star Tower, what is joke?"

"On the second heaven of this power, I also arrested a lot in the purple moon. What did the Yuan Dynasty think of it, will it make such a color of Xingchen Palace?"

These disciples can't understand how the sword is unparalleled, how is it becomes a disciple of Xingchen Palace.

And it is impossible to understand that they have created their dissatisfaction with high-rise in Stars.


"I have made great efforts, I can only keep the position of ordinary disciples, but this sword is unparalleled, on this strength, also becoming a disciple of Xingchen Palace?"

"This sword is unparalleled is the illegitimate child of a star of the star, or he has a little dry department with the palace.

In the stars, there were some sounds that were unsatisfied and complained.

The disciple of Xingchen Palace is definitely the existence of countless ordinary disciples.

The most precious three major cultural factories of Stars have always been eligible for the disciples of Xingchen Palace, and ordinary disciples have almost no hope.

For a long time, these ordinary disciples broke their heads in order to have the opportunity to become a star disciple, and those who were fortunate to become a starry palace, but they had demonstrated their own strength, these ordinary disciples also worked orally.

But now, the sword is unparalleled, and the strength of his show is not to serve these disciples, these ordinary disciples naturally complain, complaining that the star is unfair, the high-rise is eccentric!

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