Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 139, Huo Yizhi

See the sword unparalleled rejection again, and the northern evolas are narrow.

After sinking for a moment, Bei Ziu once again opened again, "Without a double brother, if I have not guess, your consciousness attacks the law, the calendar should be very unclear?"

"I have said this awareness attack method is that my teacher is left to me, I don't know what North brother, what does you mean?" The sword has no double silence.

"Don't this the door don't come from the Tianling Continent?" Beibei said with a sword.

"Beyond the continent?" The sword is unparalleled to show a stunned look, "There are other mainland or the world outside this day."

I saw the sword unparalleled expression, and the North Repair should not help but wrinkle.

"This kid, I really don't know, or I don't know it?" Northern Xunxin did not have bottom.

"Northern brother, my consciousness attack method is impossible to give you, if there is no other thing, then I will leave." After that, the sword is unparalleled, and the reaction of this northern break will get up. Go outside the palace.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled out of the palace, the face of Northern Remaining is difficult to look.

"I use Feng Ling to exchange bronze mirror, he actually refused?"

"Hey, how do you refuse? You think you don't change, I can't get the five beast control in your hand? It's really ridiculous!"

"Wait, how long does it take for it, the fifth beast control is still in my hand!"

Bei Hui is holding hands and is overwhelming.

And the sword that came out from the North Repel is unparalleled, and the look is also an abnormal dignity.

"This North is awkward, I have recognized the five-beast-controlled spirit, and I also know that the five beast control is from the Tianling mainland?" The sword was unparalleled and frown, he did not think of this.

The Tianling continent is just a secret in the stars, and the strong people in the secrets of the Tiandian Secrets should not be too large with the ancient chaotic world.

Wancha Chaos World Some powerful laws or secrets, the strong people in the Tianling Continent can also be seen.

As a result, this northern break is seen.

"Fortunately, he just saw that my five-beast control is from the Tianling mainland, but it can't see that I am also a cultivator outside the Tianling continent!"

"And I am now good now is the Samsung Peak of the Lingshi Tang, in this Ling Island, the North is even with great background, but it can't be clear to deal with me, that is, my current situation is still safe!"

"Despite this, I don't care carefully."

The sword is not very cautious.

And the next time, the sword is unparalleled, continue to stay in the island.

In the island, cultivate, and often go to the fighting spirit to talk to those spirits.

His five-beast control is only to be entry, and there is a great improvement room.

Time is like flowing, a sway, sword is unparalleled in the island, has been in a full foot for two hundred and sixty years.

In this two hundred and sixty years, he puts his entire efforts in the proficiency of the five-must-beast.

In these years, there are countless times in the year, with a large number of spirits in the island, with the war, his mastery of the five-beast control is deeper, and now, this five-beast control will be great.

In the secret room, the sword is sitting without a double disc, and the rich variety is burst.

"Five beast control is big, my soul attack becomes more horizontal, terrible, so overall strength,"

"Unfortunately, so many years of cultivation, my strength of my soul, but I still have to break through the bottleneck."

Sword is unparalleled.

As early as the stars, his strength of his soul has reached the limit of the three heavens and high spirits. It is only a step to enter the three days of peak.

But unfortunately, this last step has been bothering him for a long time.

If his strength is able to break through, then his soul attack will really improve it.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

The sound came from the mids, and the sword was unparalleled, and immediately appeared outside the secret room.

"Feng Tao, Huo Yi, how come two?" The sword didn't look at the two people.

The sword is unparalleled in the year, although he often talks to people, but there is no strongest friend, the only relationship is good, that is, this Feng Tao and Huo Yi two.

"There are two things to find you." Feng Tao Road.

"What?" "The sword didn't have a double question.

"Huo Yi, you said." Feng Tao looked at Huo Yi.

"This is the case." Huo Yi said directly. "I met some of the kicks in this time. I need a few ruptures to assist, but the absurdness ... too precious, although there are many spirits in Ling Island. The division has a rural crystal, but they have the price too high, I can't afford it, so I can only go to the wilderness to hunt those deceased. "

"Radial crystal?" The sword is unparalleled.

After staying in Ling Island for so long, the sword is unparalleled early, and the absurd crystal is the Tianling crystal, but it is only a different.

In front of the Temple of the Temple, the Temple of the Temple gave him the task of giving him the task of giving him the mission to the Temple of Temple.

"You come to me, don't you want me to go to the wilderness with you?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes." Huo Yi nod, "the wilderness, is the most dangerous place in the Tianling mainland, and there are countless things in the desert, strong strength, single by me, want to go to the wilderness, and some Not big, so I found you with Feng Tao, I hope that you can go with me so that I can also get more guarantees. "

"Of course, the absurd crystals that hunter desert beasts I only have two, and the rest is yours, and as long as you will help me, if you have any told, if you have any instructions, even the knife mountains, I also Huo Yi also Never resignate! "

When I heard this, the sword didn't look at Feng Tao, and the two laughed.

"But you can accompany you to the wilderness, you can don't use you to go to the sword." Feng Tao smiled.

"Huo Yi, when is it?" The sword is unparalleled.

"The sooner the better." Huo Jingdao.

"That's now." The sword laughed.

Huo Yi and Feng Tao are the best two people who have sex in Ling Island. He will go to the wilderness. The sword is unparalleled.

What's more, even if Huo is not going, he will definitely go to the wilderness in the future. After all, his mission is still there. During this time, he has been hinding the five-beast control, there is no time to scruple, but the future When he wants to leave the Tiaolian secret, he must go to the wilderness to find a way to get ten Tianling (absurd).

"In this case, then we will start now." Huo Yi said.

Immediately, swords are unparalleled, Feng Tao, Huo Yi three left the Lingdao and went straight to the wilderness.

However, the sword is unparalleled before, and the TMA northerners have already got news.

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