Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1397 Lessons!

Before the Yue Yue, I learned that when they were on this Taiyuan, the sword was unparalleled.

After all, Qiu Yue they are their own mates, they have to do it, just serve him, and help him manage the sword star, where to do anything else.

And now, see this scene in front of you ...

The sword is not needed, but the bottom is already.

"Kid, who are you?" The bald older old old man who hand held ink green whip is also smashed, and the sword is unparalphed.

"Sword, sword is unparalleled." The sword was unparalleled, the voice is indifferent.

"The sword is unparalleled? Star Chen Gong Di?" The bald old workers were shocked.

Although he is a three heavens, it is not a true disciple of the star, it is said that it is in the stars, it is just a lower person, and there is no identity. Therefore, he feels that the sword does not have a truste on the brother of the Swordless. However, it doesn't matter if it doesn't matter, but the sword is unparalleled, he has heard.

Although now the star is in the case, even the ordinary disciples have not paid the sword in their eyes, but they are not in one of them.

"It turned out to be a double adult, and the old man Bai Lipeng." The bald old man is humble.

"Baili Peng? Is you bringing me to this Taiyuan star?" The sword was unparalleled.

"This ... sword is unparalleled, I think you are misunderstood, I didn't force them to come here, but they voluntarily, don't believe you can ask them." The bald older Baili smiled, he is not worried In the autumn month, they will come out, because they as long as they are not stupid, they should know their people behind him.

In this way, they can only say that they are voluntary, so this thing is small, and everyone is good.

If it is true, the sword is unparalleled. If you have a heart, you can don't have the strength, and finally it is just self-study, and they will not have good fruits.

The sword is not a bit slightly, and the people around him, but found that these maids, the servants have lowned their heads, and they are also in the autumn month, and finally the same low.

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a great whip in his hand, the cold voice: "Do you be a blind man when I am a blind man?" Is it voluntary? "

"The sword is unparalleled." Baili raised his head and smiled: "I am doing things under Xia Feng's adults, Xia Feng is a benevolent, knowing that our servants are not easy, so I will give us time to practice However, this is no one to take care of the matter, so I will want to ask you to come to the Sword Star. "

"Xia Feng adult, is for the understanding of our servants, is good, I can't refuse, I want to be a sword without a double adult, I don't want to see Xia Feng unhappy?"

"Xia Feng?" The sword was unbentered.

He has heard of this summer, and it is the same two heavens, and like him, it is also a disciple of Xingchen Palace!

But with him is that Xia Feng has already proved his identity with his strength, and the sword is unparalleled ... Now, almost everyone thinks he is not qualified to become a disciple of Stars.

"Ordered to let people go to practice, but let me do things for you, it is ok."

The sword is unparalleled, but the next moment, his eyes are long.

"Don't say this thing is that this summer is commanded. Even if it is a disciple of Xingchen Palace, there is no person who has been forced by myself, and he has that qualification? ? "

"And you not only for people to do things for you, but also teach me people ... Hey!"

The sword is unblocked in a bumper, but its body is instantly riped.

The sword has directly appeared in front of the Baili, the latter also reacted immediately, just wanted to shoot.


A horrible soul attack, and it is a sharp spike, directly stabbed into the sea of ​​Baili Peng.


Baili Peng made a miserable call, and his eyes were immediately full of blood, and the consciousness was in a pain, and the whole person had lost its resistance.


The sword is unparalleled, and the Baili Peng's face is taken directly, and the whole person of Baili Peng will take it out, and he also won the ink green vulcan in Baili Peng.

"Dare to teach me, today, I will teach you well!"

The ice-cold voice was issued in the sword. He was holding the long whip, and the sharp waves, and the long whip was a stricken snake, and the continuous pilgrims were taken.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

A crisp sound was connected to the sound, and the sound of the sound contained Baili Peng's roar and roaring.

Baili Peng is a three-day god. At this moment, he tried his best to resist. The sword is unparalleled when the long whip is swaying, and the long whip is naturally clipped with a soul attack. Among them, there is no way to dodge, and it is better to compete.

I can only be smoked in front of the long whip again and again, and when he was killed by the sword without double.

I have already striped up hundreds of times, Baili Peng's clothes have already broken, and the skin has been smoked, and some of the skeletal flesh and blood is smoked. His whole person is in order to a flesh, miserable But life is not a matter.

"Forgive, the sword is not a double adult, forgive!"

Baili Peng began to give up.

No way, he had to ask for money.

No more, he is estimated that he is really killing living alive.


The sword is unparalleled is a whip to be on the face of the Baili, which is stopped.

"Listen, this time, I don't care about your personal idea, or that Xia Feng really has a command, in short, my people, don't often agree, no one eligible for anything!"

After saying, the sword has lost the ink long whip, and then the waiter around the surroundings, "Go back, return to the sword!"

Qiuyue and others finally returned to God, and then immediately followed the sword unparalleled, only the Baili Peng was still lying there.


Sword, the palace.

"I don't have this time, what happened?" The sword was sitting on the throne, overlooking the autumn and other people below.

The autumn month is the first time, "the son, the autumn month did not manage the Sword), if the son wants to blame, I blame one person in Qiuyue."

"I didn't blame you, I just want to ask, what is going on?" The sword is unparalleled, "said."

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