Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1399 Longgang Middle

A sword, the sword is unparalleled in the sword star. It has been closed for three hundred and ten years.

In the secret room, the sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are screaming in the eyes.

This blood is like a bloody sun-like scarlet, and it is extremely eye-catching.

When the North Hugh, I also showed this battle. The eyes were also similar to the 'blood color sun', but the color is far without the sword.

"Three hundred and ten decades, this eighteen-complimentary high prison, the sword is unparalleled."

Eighteen Monozoa Xiao Cheng, that means that the sword is unparalleled can have to show the top six layers of illusion.

Three hundred and ten years, I realized the top six layers.

You must know that Northern Relaxation is to comprehend the time used in the top three layers, it is almost three thousand years.

"Eighteen Monkey Hell, 18th Floor, the more difficult to comprehend, I have realized the sixth floor, but I want to understand the seventh floor, I can't take a hundred years of time, but now It is still less than a hundred years away from the battle. "

The sword is unparalleled, but it is still not intended to continue to close.

After all, the top six layers of single single is actually very terrible.

"The sword is unparalleled, the secret you get, although it is just awareness of the secret, not the soul attack secret, but it is still quite in order to get, it is very huge for your war, you are in the killing of this Trick, the strength of consciousness has not reached the peak of the three heavens, and it is afraid that it is difficult to resist. "The voice of Kings sounded.

"Almost, even if you can resist it, if you fail to break away from the illusion in time, the ending is still the same." The sword was unparalleled.

The scary of the illusion is not only in the illusion, but also struggles in that illusion, the sword in the reality is unparalleled, but it can be directly shot, so the other party is not only to resist the illusion. If you want to break away from his illusion as soon as possible, you can block the attack of swords without dual swords.

"With this trick, the next battle, you should be calm, and you must have a certain level of this stars." Yu Wang smiled.

"It's just a certain level, but it is not absolute." The sword did not shake his head.

The vital chaotic world is far from the Tianling Continent.

In the Tianling Continent, he can directly kill the Samsung Primer, which is comparable to the three-level peak war, can be in the chaotic world, he can only use a sense of attacked three-day high context, whether it can resist the peak of the three days The world is really hard to say, after all, his soul intensity is just a three-day high-level spirit.

"The sword is unparalleled, what is going on next you are." Xiang Wang asked.

"There is still less than a hundred years. I still want to improve the strength this time." The sword is unparalleled, "said the four secret memories of the stars, I just went to the minimum of the crisis. The secret, there are still three major secrets, not going! "

"There is more opportunities in the three secrets, the experience of experience will be stronger, the remaining time, then choose one of the secrets to go."

The sword is unparalleled, and immediately found the main hall.

When I learned that the sword was unparalleled, I didn't feel surprised when I went to the secret, but I have arranged the Sword, but I have arranged a star palace disciple.

Soon, the sword has no double towards the secret.

One of the four secrets of the Star Pool, Longgang Middle!

Longgang's secret, the degree of danger is in the second midst of the four secrets.

Here, killing everywhere.

There is a large number of cultivars and beasts.

These cultivators with the murder beasts, the natural is the enemy!

The way two major races, strength improvement is unique!

Human practitioners to absorb the piling of the beasts to improve their strength.

The beast is a leading level of the human life.

Under this premise, the two ethnic groups killed themselves.

After the sword has come to this dragon post, it has soon become a member of the human adventure, followed by a hunting team, breaking into the murderer, and starting the hunting tour.

Of course, the sword is unparalleled, but it is only for the sake of the Star Palace disciple, and the other people of the team are in order to improve the strength.

Crazy killing continues.

The sword is unparalleled in this practice, and strives to improve his sword. As for the power of the soul ... After the Mi Dragon Mission God he has not skilled.

He makes your own soul in a relaxed state.

Yes, he is to let your soul relax.

Do not practice, do not have any attacks, do not give any stimulation for the soul.

Just in this relaxing state, it has been in the past 90 years.

90 years later, on a no-hill, the sword was sitting there.

"The time is almost, I should leave here."

On the same day, swords were unparalleled to leave Longgang's secrets and return to the star.

When I returned to the star, I saw the main task of the Yuan Dynasty, he came directly to the Star Tower.

"Longgang's mirror is 90 years, my swordsmanship has a great improvement, I don't know if I am now, how far is the second floor of Xingthen Tower?" With a silk, sword is unparalleled Join the Star Tower.

The second floor of the Star Tower, the sword is still the long middle-aged middle-aged, like the first floor, this long must be cold in middle age, still holding swords, and it is still a third-order higher school, but it is also Third-order high school, but Weonness is much stronger than the first floor, and the skills of killing are far less than the first layer.

The sword is unparalleled. It takes a lot of hands and feet. Now he has great progress, and then come to this second floor, but with this long, the middle-aged entangled is more than a long period of time, but the last long It is necessary to catch a cold middle-aged sword light, driving the invisible world, and the strange bombardment is on the sword.

The sword is unparalleled again.

For this result, the sword is not double down.

"Star Tower, every layer is a huge step. When I have passed the first floor, it is quite reluctant. Although the swordsmanship will have improved a lot, but they want to have a second floor but still It is necessary to get a lot, it takes a while to practice. "The sword didn't have a double dark, but it was not discouraged at all.

After all, he is now comparable to huge progress when he has just arrived at the stars before 800 years ago.

And then, the sword is unparalleled to go to the Diagnosis.


PS: Today, six!

Tomorrow, ask for a variety of ticket support!

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