Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1401 battle begins

"19th floor?" The drifting old man showed a shock.

A total of 30 layers of a total of piam, starting from the twentieth floor, the strength of the real god level is required to be in the past, and since it has passed the 19th floor, it represents this person's sense of consciousness in the world. It should be in the peak state.

If it is now the 19th floor, it is a third-day disciple of the stars, which will not feel unexpected.

The sword in his induction is unparalleled, it is obviously just a two heaven?

"A two heaven god, actually broke through the 19th floor?"

"Good sense of consciousness!"

The floating old man secretly surprised, "The Star has not had a small guy who has been aware of this, this matter, I have to immediately tell the Yuan Dynasty."

The drifting old man immediately gave the main news of the Yuan Temple.

The main hall of the news is, it is the look of interest, "This sword is unparalleled, although it is reversible, but it is just a heavy heaven, his strength has achieved the strength. Sluit,,, look like the upcoming Name-honored brother, will be very interesting, "


The star of the stars, and the disciples of Xingchen Palace in 5,000 years were finally arrived.

This day, the whole star is boiling.

In the center of the endless star river, there is a huge star that floats, this star is named Clear Star.

Cangwei stars, saying is a star, but it is actually floating an open land, and the land is a ring.

At this moment, a lot of people from the stars have gathered around the surroundings of the Cangwei Star, and the number is unsatisfactory.

These people have a high-rise power of the stars, have a lot of disciples from the three heavens, and there are many people, such as those maids, slaves come here, no one wants to miss these five A battle for the millennium.

The sword is unparalleled, also appeared around the wind.

Just appeared, he immediately induced a few hot eyes, the sword was unparalleled, and suddenly.

These high-spirited owners are the second heaven and death, and there are some hopes to compete in this competition, competing for the name of the stars, and the biggest one is the biggest, that is, Luo Quan.

"Staring at me, it seems that I want to get my name of my stadium." The sword is unparalleled, but immediately closes his eyes.

When the disciples that gathered around the star of the stars are coming behind.


At the same time, there were also a year, and the head of the head is the master of Yuan Temple. It is the Lei Dynasty next to the main temple.

"Almost, start directly, first start with a heavy heaven." Yuan Dynasty monet.

When the disciples of the Stars, those who have a heavy heaven, they have appeared on the championship, and there are more than forty people.

"There is a lot of people." The sword didn't open his eyes and looked at the sky.

"The sword is unparalleled, you should also be among this group of people." The voice of the King sounded.

"I?" The sword is unparalleled and smiled.

On the realm, he is just a heavy heaven, if it is not because he wants to hide his own renovation, he should also take the battle for this heavy heaven, but unfortunately, the reversal is serious, can't easily Exposure, the sword is unparalleled can only disguise into two main worlds.

To participate, nature is also the battle of the two heavens.

After those who had a heavy heaven, after the Cangwei stars, there was a space insect hole immediately, and the voice of the Yuan Temple also sounded. "The same is true for five thousand years ago. Also divided into two rounds, the first round is a hunger building, one by one, your performance, I will look at the eyes, waiting for everyone, we will choose the strongest Ten people come, carry back the second round! "

"let's start!"

The rules of battle, the same as before, these disciples also understand that there is no doubt.

Soon, a heavy heaven is a heavy heaven, and it has passed the space of the worm, and it is going to the building.

More than forty geniuses, one by one, and finally spent half a half time.

After that, the Yuan Dynasty announced the results.

"Duan Tianhong, Yu Jiang, Qiu Yu ..." Yuan Dynasty mainly read ten names, "You can enter the second round of back!"

As a result, the natural joy of the names of the name, but did not read the name but only secretly.

"This ten people are the longest ten people who stayed in the building." The sword looked at this scene.

He knows that he is a respected building, although it is a final decision with those law enforcement, but in general, the light from the supreme treatment will be seen.

Of course, this is not absolute.

The next round is more simple, the rules are more simple.

Ten geniuses, one pair of battles, everyone will fight with the people other than ourselves, that is, everyone will have nine confrontation, and will be absolutely ranked in this nine-sized victory. Five, it is a disciple of Xingchen Palace, and there will be some extraordil for each battle. The higher the rankings, the more giving it.

The turn began, and ten geniuses were on the game, and there were other nine disciples other than them.

This round of battles because it was carried out on the Cangwei Star, and everyone around him saw that it was much more lively than the first round.

Especially when two genius of the enemy, the people around them will also be cheering.

The sword is unparalleled, it has always been an indifferent look at this round.

In his body, the weird laughter of the King said, "Sword is unparalleled, is it very hard to taste, it is wrong? If you participate in this round of battle with a heaven, there is no suspense, you can It's easy to win, but now, hey, you can only do it. "

"Even if I participate in the competition for the two heavy world gods, I will not win, what is wrong?" The sword is unparalleled but not.

"You have such a mentality, people, you have to look at the heights, with these heavy trees, there is no pressure to you, but if you can win this two The first battle of the battle of the world, that is the truly powerful! "Said the king said.

"First?" The sword is unparalleled, but there is not much to say.

The confidence of a heavy heaven is also very rapid, just a long time, ten a heavy heaven, each of the criticism of each person, is all over.

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