Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 141 Ouyang Yu Moon

In the dark study, the gray elders have swummed the two ghosts in the eyes, and they burned them on the bears.

"Nothing to die, I jumped into the bottomless abyss, I didn't die?" The old man drowsed down.

Two purple kilms in front of the gray elderly, all war, do not dare to send a word.

"Not only don't die, but the strength is big." The old man looked at the intelligence in his hand.

The intelligence is written, the sword is unique to the Qing Dynasty, and the water is 58 copper surfaces, the silver-noodle killer killer will be killed in the 58th copper surface, silver noodle killer.

Even the purple killer was also killed on the spot.

Task, after two years ago, after the retaliation of his bloody ripple, the purple killing killing of his bloody piercing is not much, and now it is dead.

And the intelligence is still written, the two purple killing killers of the Qingshui base will teamed up with the sword. The result is just a moment of moment, one of them is directly killed, and the other is scared directly to half the air. I will fight with the sword.

Take an enemy two, is all thorough?

"His progress is too fast, too fast!"

"Let him continue to grow up, my bloody ripple will be destroyed in his hand, and must kill him!"

"You can't save anymore, you can't give him any chance!"

"Must kill him."

The gray elderly smashed the low, and it was suddenly a lightly fluttering voice.

"This, should you say many times?"

Oh! The door was opened, and a silver robe is extremely immertable. Long-haired youth relies in front of the door, with a strange smile on his face, just like laughing, not laughing, staring at the old clothes.

If it is converted to ordinary people, this is likely to enter his study, and the gray clothes will definitely kill it in the first time, but this kind of young people are not as common.

The monster youth not only built his study, but even the words of ridicule, the gray clothes did not worry.

"How come you?" The old man opened.

Although there is no achievement in the yin and yang, it can be unusual in the bloody ripple, even if he does not dare to have a slightly.

"I don't want to come, I have to have a command, I have to come." The monster youth.

"The landlord adults?" The old clothes were old.

"The Master said, the sword is unparalleled is that he personally reaches the target of blood, must die, but the result of the result of the end of the year, and my bloody ripper even pays a great price for this, so The next third assassination must never appear any accidents, so I will come. "The monster yours smiled.

The old color of the gray is slightly in the face.

He knew that he did not kill the target twice, and the landlord had questioned his execution.

"How do you want to do it?" The old man said.

"It's very simple, the light is killing him." The monster young laughed.

"Well?" The gray clothes could not help but doubt.

"Don't forget, the event is about to start, and the sword is unparalleled. Splend is a dragon palace disciple. If you want to participate in the event, I will kill him, let go of the chapter, the dragon palace, I don't dare. What to say more. "The monster youth.

"Haha, I almost forgot this." The gray clothes laughed, but the strength of this kind of youth is not doubt.

Although the sword is caught in two purple killings with an enemy two, this kind of young people can be more terrible.

Because this kind of young name is blood cloud!

The landlord is ranked first, the recognized yin and yang emotion first!

Three years ago, in the Huangcheng, he was ranked second in the landlord, the fifth of the fifth of the landlord!

With an enemy two, it will eventually take a flat place!

Three years ago, blood clouds were only Jinsheng, but now they have reached the end of Jindan!


After the rainstorm on one day, the weather has been turned fine.

Above the void, the sword is unparalleled on a grybus, and the rapid Dragon Palace is flusted. It quickly appeared in front of him in front of him.

This is the Huangcheng of the Tianzong Dynasty.

The Empress, the mountains, the mountains, the lively, the sword is unparalleled with the grybol, and no one will take the tube from the emperor.

"Well, that is?" The sword was unparalleled to see a figure in the Huangcheng people.

The look is moving, the sword is unparalleled, and the lion is landed toward the emperor.

On a wide street in the central government, a large number of warners gathered here, and a strong staring at the outbreak of the front.


The low impact sounded, and the amazing power formed a shock wave four, so that many milms around him suddenly squatted their eyes, followed by a burly man's body, there were some wolf.

"Haha, Su Lie, have your strength only this level? It is unbearable, just this kind of strength, I still want to compete for this cloud of dreams, it is a joke." A purple man right hand holding a knife. The left hand is holding a milky white fruit, and the cool laugh is in this street.

It was repeated by this purple man, and it was a dragon palace disciple Su Lie.

At this moment, there is a little ruddy, and the breath is also a little uncomfortable. It is eye-catching and concentrating on the purple man, next to him, there is a red girl.

"Brother, you are fine." The red girl worried.

"Nothing." Su Li shook his head, "But then the cloud dreams are not coming back."

"If you don't come back, even if you are." Red Girl.

Su Lie nodded, but it is extremely unllowed.

Surrounding a large number of wears gathered here, all of them are interested in this scene, and the swords wearing a fight have appeared.

"Su Lie." Seeing Su Lie, the sword was unparalleled, and then he looked at the , "is him, Ouyang Yu Moon?"

The sword has no double look.

Ouyang Yue Yue, the land of the land is ranked twenty-first, and the Xiao Mang who has traded with him is still a good time, it is no wonder that you can defeat Su Lie.

In the landlord, although it is the top strong in the congenital golden Dan, the gap can still be great.

The more terrible rankings in the landlord list, the more terrible strength, especially the top twenty, the top ten is the existence of monster level.

This ranked twenty-first in Ouyang Hao moon, and Su Li only ranked 94th, the strength gap is of course great.

"All said that the Dragon Palace, full of enchanting, disciples against the sky, but now it seems to be." Ouyang Yue overlook Su Lie and laughed.

"Are you challenging the entire dragon palace?" Su Lie scorpion was cold.

"What is it?" Ouyang Yuyue dismissed, "" In this dragon palace disciple, the two hundred Li Chen and the Qing two are ranked in the top ten of the landlord, as other people It is always far from the never, and it is far more than the past few years. "

"This event, that fifteen places, your dragon palace can get two, and you, the landlord list is ninth, afraid that it is eligible to participate in the event? This is proud, it is really a laugh. "

Ouyang Hanyue smiled, too lazy to take care of Su Lie, and turn it away.

However, when he turned, he had been in the sword in the crowd, and it was slowly moving.

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