Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1420 Reverse Robbery, Baby!


The large block of black clouds come from all directions, and the entire Tiantang dynasty is directly dark.


The sword is unparalleled in the center of the sea. It is still close to the eyes. Although it feels the changes around the world, it is not moving.

At the end of the sky, the two people are in parallel, these two are naturally the main hall and the Lei Dynasty.

"To start." The Yuan Dynasty looked at the big black clouds that brought together on the sword, and the face was unpaired.

"The first reverse robbery before, she has experienced the nine gods, and finally the last is more thunder, fire robbery, the robbery is coming, and this second re-richest is stronger than the first weight. Still completely target the mood of the mood, I don't know if this sword is unparalleled. "The Lei face with some concerns.

"There is no way, since it is reversible, it is destined to encounter this robbery." The main hall is sigh, "we have done it, the preparation is also prepared, so that it can eventually go through, only Look at his ability and his creation. "

"Reversal ..." Lei Dynasty also secretly shook his head.

As the most terrible retro in the world, it is because he is too anti-day, too abnormal, this is not allowed by the heavens and the earth.

The sea is over, the clouds are rolling, almost overridden in the sky.

If it is a cloud coverage, there is still a large number of times compared to the sword without Sandu first retrograms.

However, such a range of black clouds are gathered, but there is no more power in the dark clouds.

Don't say a pressure, even if you don't even have a little destroyed.

"This is a bit unusual." Yuan Dian's main eye is slightly smashed.

"Such a large-scale robbery, even half of the pressure, there is no breathing at half point." Lei Dynasty expression was also happy.

When the spiritual cultivator's god robbery, when the cloud is gestated, there will be amazing percentage, and the destruction of the breath is even more rich.

The first reincarnation of the sword has experienced, and the pressure of the robbery is even more earthwork.

But now, this second heavy retrievers robbery cloud ... but there is no one bit.

Although the director of the Yuan Dynasty, the two tops of the Temple, can't see the virtuality of this robbery, because it can't see it, it is more dangerous.

Just then ...!

The top of the huge dark clouds suddenly appeared a crack, this crack became bigger with an amazing speed, and in this crack, a black fog slowly emerged as a dark.

This black fog, the same does not have any power and destruction, but 'it' appears, but it is enough to make any cultivator feel creepy.

The Yuan Dynasty, who looked at the edge of Tiangang, and saw this black fog, and fierce it.


~~~ That black fog is like a squid, the sword is coming, the sword is unparalleled, and it can only be shrouded by the black mist.

A large number of black fog is directly in his body.

"The second retrograde, finally arrived?"

The sword is unparalleled, and it has been in the eyes, but after a few fear, some are absolutely calm.

"It's a strange feeling."

The sword is unmarkable. He feels that the black fog into his body, but there is no loss to give him a loss in the first time, but he has a feeling of comfortable.

This feeling makes him like.

Gradually, his consciousness has become ignorant.

Everything is restored and calm.


The awareness of swords is unparalleled, which actually caught in a sleep.

"Sword is unparalleled! Sword is unparalleled!"

Palady in the sword is unparalleled, the state of the sword is unparalleled, but it is a shocked, even shouting, trying to wake the sword.

However, no matter how he shouts, the sword is unparalleled without a slightest reaction.

His consciousness has been completely slept, this kind of sleep, unless naturally wake up, otherwise ... even if someone will kill him on the spot, he is unique.

While the consciousness is falling, his eyes are also closed, and the face is quiet and peaceful, and the corner is still moving a touch of smile.

This smiles, very sincere.

Tightly followed, in the King, Yuan Temple, the thunder, the sword is unparalleled, but the body is beginning to change.

His body has begun to narrow, his skin has become fair, and even his face has begun to become young and become tender.

Just a moment, the sword is unparalleled. It is already a child who looks only only eight or nine children, and it is still small.

From the age of eight or nine, becomes five or six years old, and then until the age of two or three, finally ... sword is unparalleled is thoroughly for a baby!

Yes, it is the kind of baby, just born.

"This this……"

The main hall of Yuan Temple, the Lei Dynasty included the parasitic king in the sword.

Let's return to the old boy, this is not uncomfortable in the world of chaotic world.

Some medicinal medicines or some strange treasures can make it easy to return to the older.

But even if it is still a child, it is just a change in appearance, his strength, but his mind will still change any changes.

But now, the sword in the second retrieversion robbery is unparalleled, but it is biochemical for a baby, a baby without slightness, ordinary infant ...

"He, what is he experienced in this second heavy renovation?" Yuan Demen wanted a low drink.

Big thinking, the scene in front of me, is a messful thinking.

However, regardless of the incredibility of this scene, they can only look at it and can not do.


Here, it is a huge manor. This manor is a kind of money to have money.

In the manor, a large number of people is in that squat, one is anxious.

Not long ...

"Give birth, born, master, lady, have a big fat boy!"

As a maid in the room came to surprise, everyone in the manor has exposed the color of the ecstasy.

"Congratulations to the old!"

"Congratulations to the old!"

A large number of jokes sounded.

"Haha, I have my son, there is a son!" The master of this manor is even more surprised.

"The master, give the son a name." The man's household is connected.

"I have already thought about it, I am called pasture!" The master laughed.

"Mother, good name, everyone remembered, from today, I have to serve the grandmother." The housekeeper is around.

"Yes." The servants around the surroundings should have.

"Haha, told it, everything in the Mumerian, all people are all rewarded." Master Master is now a lot of rewards.

On this day, Master's grandfather drops ... born.

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