Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1422 between life and death

Experience the Temporary Return, combined with different memories, and recognize themselves.

This is the next round.

At this moment, the sword under the cloud is unparalleled, and the scarlets are scarlets, with unprecedented crazy.

In his mind, the nine different memories swallowed his consciousness in crazy deprivation.

"My pastoral, rich in the world, I can get everything you have in the world, give me the body, I can let you enjoy the world Ronghua rich!"

From the first world, the creation of 'Guobo', the world's first big rich business pastoral memory has elected in the sword.


"Hey is an ancient emperor, the world is full of hands, and who will not be?"

"This is a body, it is awkward!"

The second world, from the memory of the Emperor Monarch, is watching crazy roaring.


"Autumn, my autumn, where is she!"

"I am going to find her, no one can't stop me!"

The memory of the seventh world, with an unprecedented inspiration desire to swallow the unparalleled consciousness.

Eighth World, the ninth world ...

Jiu Memory, this is equivalent to nine different 'swords unparalleled'.

These nine 'swords are unparalleled, all of them have passed a lifetime in their own unreal world, and have their own conscious thinking, and they have their own pursuit, what they are eager to achieve.

As the first world, the pursuit is wealth.

The second world, the pursuit is the absolute king.

The third world is the ultimate of the martial arts.

At this moment, this nine 'swords unparalleled' has always existed together, plus swords unparalleled their own consciousness, it is the foot of the foot and ten people!

The so-called one mountain is not a two-tiger, and the foot of the foot is in the middle of the sword. There is no difference in the bodies, naturally the nine unreal consciousness, will crazy anti-anti-self-cultivation, the sword is unparalleled.


The sword is not a double-faced distortion, the whole body shape is dramatic, but he appears to be unparalleled, but consciousness maintains absolute awake.

"All the mouth!"

"You, but I am existing in the illusory me!"

"In reality, you don't exist at all, nor do you still exist."

"No matter how many things I have experienced in the illusory, how many emotions, illusory, and finally ill!"

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a low drink in the mouth.

"Ah!!! Since you don't give your body to you, then you will be with you!"

The Emperor Emperor of the Second World, the next moment, the unreal consciousness is directly integrated into the sword.

"Fighting with you!"

Other eight awareness has also stepped into the back of the Indifference.

For a time, the unreal consciousness of Jiuwa and the sword were completely integrated.

It was just that this nine unreal consciousness was in a body as a matter of their own consciousness, and now, this nine unreal consciousness is completely integrated into his own consciousness.

This is the unparalleled consciousness of the sword collapsed.

He brought him hard.

"who am I!"

"Who is I?"

"I am a dust? Is it a volatility? Or Lu Xuan?"

The entire Tiantang can hear the roaring roar in the sword.

At the end of the edge of the sky, I saw this scene with Lei, and the complexes were changed.

"What happened, I feel his heart, I have reached the edge of the rush, even the seven-bad mirror, the care of the heart can't get up, I can't protect his heart, what are he experienced?" Yuan Temple? " The main focus is very busy.

"His heart, indeed reached the critical point, if it continued, the heart will be completely rushing, when he will become a madness, it is not as good as death." Lei Dynasty also frowned.

He two people can feel the status of the sword.

In danger, it is definitely a dangerous, just a wire, and the sword will fall into the ground.

Just because there is a wire.

"It's just a trace, this is absolutely stable, otherwise it will be finished." Yuan Temple cleared his hands.

These two people stared at the sword and unparalleled, and the moment should be in the sword unparalleled changes.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled, and it has been standing on the edge of the cliff, and the half of the feet have been settled.

At this time, even if it is a breeze, you can send him into the bottom of the abyss.

But fortunately, his remaining halfway has not taken out.

Under the robbery, the sword is unparalleled, although the whole person has become a violent crazy, there is still a roaring roaring in the mouth, it is like crazy, but it is also in his eyes, but it still still remains empty. .

The sword is unparalleled, but it is fortunate to go to Xuan Feng Pavilion before he can go to Xuan Feng Pavilion.

Just because he reached the first level, the heart was clear, and he could reluctantly keep this silk.

Otherwise, he has been completely devil.

"Look at it, the last thoroughness is guarded!" The Yuan Dynasty was slight.

"Although this is, the situation is still not optimistic. Who knows what he is experiencing now, and he is the last thorns, how long can it be stable?" Lei dynasty.

"This is the case, but it is better than straightforward, now there is room for struggling, and then, it is more tough to see this little guy." Yuan Temple Say.


Yes, the sword is unparalleled now, it is toughness.

He stabilizes the last thoughts, as long as he has been stabilizing until he removes illusory, thoroughly recognizing himself, he can spent this robbery.

But this process, every breathing is unparalleled to swords, it is born with death, but I have to wait for him to completely remove the illusion, and recognize that the time they spend is not short.

Naturally, his toughness is especially important.

Under the robbery, the sword is still like the madness, but the roaring in his mouth has gradually succeeded.

In his harmony, his consciousness fell into an unprecedented chaos, countless illusory memories, stamped with his own memory, uncomfortable, so that the sword didn't know who he was, but he was defeated. The last silk god, but he gradually understood his identity.

"I am a disciple of Xingchen Palace!"

"I am a cooler!"

"I am the pro-disciple of Xuan Yi!"

"I am from the fire world, Nanyang mainland swords Houfu!"

"My name, called the sword!"

The screaming of the screams rang in the sword. In his consciousness that has already fallen into chaotic, he has gradually dominated the awareness of his own, followed by, he is very difficult, starting step by step to remove those unreal consciousness Come.

This process, every step has endless dangerous.

Little accidentally, he will completely rush.


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