Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1448 Wan Beast God


A black and two strange swords are perfectly integrated, and there is a huge black and white vortex in the world.

No reincarnation ... This is the sword unparalleled in this decades through the entertainment round, the strongest trick!

This trick, although it is not a true god, but it has reached the most imposed of third-order neoplama!

Huge black and white vortices, contact with the two 'golden sun'.

It didn't imagine the dramatic roaring in the matter, and there was no shocking power to explode, and some were just the sound of the two powers in crazy collision.

The two powers are constantly lieting, and the final still is a slight winning, but the 'Golden Sun' after taking the black and white vortex, there is not much power, the role is coming, I can't give the sword. The body brings any effect.

"I actually blocked my tricks?" Zhao Han's eyes narrowed.

"The sword is unparalleled, I can see that you have realized a power of a heaven, the list of the list is a morning and evening, and even how long you can't use it, you can catch up with me, like you, I really want to think Kill you in advance, but I am talking about it. Since you have blocked me, then I will spare you. "

"You go."

Zhao Han stood there, staring at the sword and unparalleled, as if it was a later generation.

"It seems that you are a heart, you have to be a life, but I didn't see where you have the ability to kill my." The sword is unparalleled. "Zhao Han, if you really kill my ability If you take it out, otherwise ... Your belongings are strong, I am afraid to be buried here. "

"The sword is unparalleled, do you want to die?" Zhao Han was turned cold.

He doesn't want to kill the sword.

As soon as the sword is unbearable, unless it is a trick, he will not kill it, and that trick is not easy to show him, if it is not necessary, he will not show it easily.

Two, the sword is unparalleled is a disciple of Xingchen Palace. He has a bit of a scientivore to the star.

If the sword is unparalleled, he will not be so much.

"Oh, I am looking for death? People who are dead, afraid it is you." The sword is unparalleled. The breath is also a bit of a bit.

"Hey, it is true, then I can't resentful." Zhao Hanmu is full of killing, and she has a large amount of power from him.

Rumble ~~~ Zhao Han has also taken three great things.

These three huge things, Her Kong is the three feet with a high golden idol, this three golden idol, every respect is as if there is a force of collapse.

Zhao Han, which is coming out of these three golden idol, has become incomparable, and it is also a scarlet.

"This is ... Wan Beast God?"

Paogent in the sword is unparalleled, and suddenly sounds.

"Wan Beast God? What?" The sword didn't have a double, he was able to feel the power of the three golden idometry extremely horrible.

"Wan Beast God is a powerful secret that is specially created to participate in the strong people of the beast. This secret is gathered in the power of God. Every kind of idiots are extremely endless, and the three gods are gathered. Together, it is enough to let this Zhao Han's power to raise a new point. "The King said Shen Sheng," But seeing this Zhao Han is not high for the feelings of the beast, it is extremely reluctant, It will also have a small anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-allegory, it is not so simple to be able to control. "

"This Zhao Han, there is still such a brand?" The sword is unbeded, and the face has become unusually lighter.

"The sword is unparalleled, death!"

The Zhao Han sent an angry, and his pace was a steadfast, and the palm suddenly took.

The three high golden idos behind him is also a dazzling golden light.

The strength of the three gods flooded into Zhao Han's hand, making Zhao Han this palm becomes particularly terrible.

Booming ~~~ The golden palm printing of the talents is directly pressed by the sword. The palm is still coming. You can carry the amazing oppression power in a single palm, so that the sword is inherent, and the whole body bones are as if It is necessary to burst open.

The golden palm is finally coming.

But just at this moment ...


A sudden roar of the sky is suddenly sounded, under the golden palm print, the same, the rich golden light is raised.

I saw a whole body shrouded in the golden light, and the gods showed a horrible power immediately, and the mourning of the golden palm privately opened.

Above the void, the sword is not double-faced and indifferent, and the blood peak sword is held in his hand, and the golden gods from him, and the huge long sword is also held.

The spirit of their own power broke out, with the gods formed by the power limit of the soul, equivalent to the perfect combination of their own power and soul, and the sword at this moment is equivalent to the same sky.

"how come?"

The three gods, Zhao Han, who saw the sword, unparalleled gods, and the faces could not be changed.

He didn't expect that he had already displayed the strongest base card, and the result of the sword was not able to block his attack.

"Zhao Han, you and me, come back again!"

The swords covered by golden gods are unparalleled, and they are staring at Zhao Han, and the huge golden god suddenly burst out.


Zhao Hanxin is a fear.

"My Wan Beasts is like a difficult, I don't say that I can't help me. It is difficult to drive me, it is difficult to bear, and this sword is unparalleled ... he The trick of the show, it is obviously difficult, continue to fight, it is me. "

Zhao Hanxin's thinking and turned the decision.

"Your group of idiots, is stupid to do what, hurry, kill the Suhong!"

"Pang Bo, fast man!"

Zhao Han sent a whole drunk, and his figure looks like it is necessary to rush out to entangle the sword.

Pangbo around the battlefield and the dozens of three-day peak is also immediately reacted.

In fact, they have opened up early, but the key is that the sword is unparalleled with the dynamic and the power of Zhao Han, which makes them only hide far away. I am afraid of being affected by the way, natural their killing Pause it down.

And now I heard Zhao Han's drink, and the Pang Bo's talents once again.

It's just that they have the shape of the battlefield, the sword of the battlefield is a change, and the huge god is shaking. It has already appeared in front of the Suhong, and the ice-cold scorpion will go to Pangbo and those three days. God.


PS: Today is 5 more!

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