Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1462 Single Weak Point

The foot-footed fantasy in the surrounding, while shooting, or waving the pawl, or the heavy punch, or the pointer burst into a beam, every way is very true, and the real body of the dragon repair is the real body. In these phantoms, quickly shuttle, easily appear in the various corners of the sword without double peripheral, showing deadly attacks.

Although it is a unparalleled point in the sword, it is difficult to keep up with the body of the dragon.

"It is the first body that Tianjian jail is recognized, it is really terrible." The sword is unparalleled secretly, but it is not anxious.

Although he can't keep up with the body of this dragon, his soul has long been locked, and there is no matter how weird's body law, the sword is unparalleled, and it is also possible to react in time. It is possible to resist the attack of the Dragon Trims in time.

On the void, the sword is also completely played out of the closeness of the near-body killing of his own, with his own sword and reincarnation, and killing the dragon repair world, although it is in passive, But it didn't have a wolf.


A great sound, the nine phantom surrounded by the sword is unparalleled, and the real body of the Dragon Trunge will also appear in the distance.

"The sword is unparalleled, and the many strong people in Tiangjian will put you in the third level. You can stand in my opinion, you should stand at the top of the third level, and you can completely read me. The body law, it is really good. "The Dragon Dynasty God said, his heart is quite complicated.

He is good at speed, and the body is extremely strong, and the body law is the first to be recognized by the Skyjut.

But in your own strength, he is not too strong. He only created a common sense of true god, and he did not understand the power of the heavens. The real strength is only the third level, but because of his terrible body law. He is listed in the ranks of the third level.

But now, the sword is unparalleled, and his biggest advantage is hard to play. Naturally, it will not be able to say unparalleled.

"Unfortunately, I didn't understand the power of the heavens, or there was a grasp of him." Longhua Dynasty god looked at the sword and unparalleled, "the sword is unparalleled, you are lucky," will be a period. "

After that, the dragon's boundary gods moved to the rear.

However, he just happened, hey ~~~ The pounds of the flames were blown out directly, and they were shrouded in an instant to cover the dragon and the dragon.

The role of the paradise of the paradise, the speed of the Dragon Trims has also been affected, and his brow is frowned.

"The sword is unparalleled, what do you want?" Longhua Dynasty god looked low.

"What else? Oh, I said before, if possible, I will give your head to the head, do you be a joke?" The sword was unparalleled smiled, and his body shape was floated.

"Killing me? Haha, it is ridiculous, the whole day of the prison, except for the four monarchs, there is no heart of the monarch, who kills me? Sword is unparalleled, I advise you still don't waste time." Dragon repair Smile.

"Can only kill you? Oh, sorry, from today, there is a second person, this person is me." The sword is unparalleled and cold.

The Dragon Dynasty God is now a sinking.

"Long repair the world, you will be afraid that there is a no heart, because the no heart is good at consciousness attack?" The sword is unparalleled laughter.

He has seen the information of the four monarchs of the Tianjian, and there is no one of the four monarchs. It is also a whole of the Skyjuts. The only thing is good at consciousness.

And this dragon dress, the speed is so fast, the body is the first, the body is extremely strong, and there is almost no weakness in terms of material attack.

Among the four monarchies, the other three monarchs who are good at material attacks can't kill him.

However, the awareness of this dragon dress is not too strong.

Compared with his body, speed, body law, his consciousness is his only weakness!

"Long repair the world, pick me up, try it."

The sword has no double sound again, and the eyes of his eyes have burst into a rich blood.

This blood is like a bloody sun, and eye-catching.

Eighteen Monkey Hell, directly coming.

And as the sword is unparalleled, the intensity of the soul reaches the limit of the world, this trick is also more terrible than before.

Although the Dragon Trims were pairs of swords, but as long as they were shine with the blood, they also fell into the illusion.

"not good!"

The Dragon Dynasty Dynasty God has a large change, and he is falling into the illusion, and immediately struggle now.


"Break me!"

The dragon is crazy, and his consciousness is also crazy.

In fact, the strength of this dragon dress is not weak, and it is also very much in the three days of peak, and the limit is only one step away from the boundaries.

But this level of consciousness is not enough in front of the sword.

Booming ~~~

The dragon repair world is so angry, the heart is cold, and the roar, he finally broke away from the 18th Shuo Hell.

But he still can't be surprised, but immediately saw that he didn't know when he didn't know how to be black.

This paint black and blackcomer is a spear that has a mysterious force. This spear has appeared in his or less than one meter.

The distance is so close, he has never dodged by the body law, can only rely on his abundant body skills to force this paint black spear.


The dark spear stab in his body's robe, and the sound of the metal impacters, but it could not puncture the slightest.

The dragon danced God just wanted to breathe, but found that a spear was directly drilled into his sea, which was the eternal light of the sword.

This eternal light, in the blessing of the gods, is like a storm, and it is a crushing of the consciousness of the dragon.

The consciousness of the dragon repair is slowly dissipated. Before the death, he also took a shilly and incredible confidence. He didn't expect that he can't kill the other three monarchs even in the Skyjian prison. Dead in the hands of a context.

In addition, the dragon's grace is also joined in the eye of the dragon.

The sword is quietly standing there, watching the dragon repair king slowly falling, but it has a hint of ice.

"It was held in this day of prison, you and I could not help but worked hard to seek ways to seek ways!"

"Before I kill you, you have killed a lot of other power, so ... no wonder me!"

The sword was unmained, and then the figure was in front of the bodies of the dragon repair king, and I took away the Qiankun ring of the dragon and the treasures. I then immediately browsed it in the Qiankun Ring, just a moment, sword There is a variety of light.

"found it!"

"Dragon repair the body of the body"


PS: Today, six!

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