Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1478 Killing

"A sword, a sword will be seriously injured?"

"How can I force this?"

The fire is still a little.

Task, he is true God, although it is only the weakest kind, and the power has been restricted, but he is also at the top of the third level in the Skyjian prison.

In the case of hard touch hard, the swordsmanship of the sword unparalleled defeat his stick, and also seriously injured him?

What strength is this?

Even if it is the true gods standing at the top of the second level, don't you have such strength?

"Escape, hurry!"

The real God has been completely panicked. He has no courage to fight with the sword.

After all, his life life can only be considered, the sword is seriously injured, as long as he will come to a few swords, it can definitely kill him.

Seeing the fire and the gods fled, the sword was unparalleled, but it was a smile, followed by the power of his body to start burning.

Dragon blood secret!

This secret can be used to escape, but it can also be used to chase people.

Although it is only the first weight of the blood of the dragon, it is still more than ten times, but the sword is 40 times, and the consumption of the power is also within the scope of the sword.

With the fidenth secretary, just a moment, the sword is unparalleled, it has been chasing the gods, then the swordsman explosive.

"Do not!"

After the fire, the fire gave birth to a sorrowful death, she was desperately resistant, but it was just to resist a moment, bomb! The horrible power of the fire made the soul of the gods of the gods crazy, but finally, it was straight, and then the sword was unparalleled with a sword annihilated the life of the fire.

In this day, he was detained in the prison in the prison, and he was killed.

On the void, the sword is unparalleled, overlooking the fire, the ice, the cold body, but the bottom is quite excited.

"Zhen God, this is the true God!"

"I actually killed a true God!"

The sword is unprecedented in unprecedented light.

"Hey, but one standing in the bottom of the true God, killing, killing, there is a good excitement, not to mention this true God or because of the prison in the sky, the Shenli is limited, otherwise you can not The law kills him. "The voice of the King was in the sword.

"Of course, even if you are prison in the sky, like the fire like the gods, the scholars are very general, nor to feel the true god of the heavens, with your current strength, you can definitely fight."

The sword is unparalleled.

Skyjuts were prison, and the spirit of God was restricted, which did indeed weaken the strength of God.

However, even if it is a good fortune, it can make a perfect explosive, and it is indeed a positive counterfeit in his current strength.

"I killed this fire, the blood emperor will also know the news in the first time, I don't know what kind of reaction he will have." The sword is unmainted, "but no matter what he has Reaction, now I don't have to fear him, and this fire is true, just just starting. "

"Next ... start killing!"

With endless , the sword is unparalleled to start to find his own prey in this long black mountain.

The central, blood castle of Wanfang.

The older eyebrows in the scarlet robes were blood emperor, sitting on the top of the main hall, in front of him, the green woman worked in respect.

"The sword is unparalleled, he actually comes to me, I am really good!" The blood emperor is cold and cold, "I think there is Yan Jun supported, this seat dare to kill him?"

Thinking of this, the blood emperor did not smir.

Although Yan Jun is strong, he is not an opponent, but he is only a little thoughts on Yan Jun, but it is not afraid.

After all, Yan Jun can't kill him.

And the sword is unparalleled, but there is a bloody will be ah, it is enough to make him strength, and it is also the only hope for him to leave this day.

"Oh, this sword is unparalleled. Drag the sword is unparalleled, even if you can't move, you have to stare at him, this seat will come to you. "

"Yes." The green woman nodded and immediately sent it to the fire.

After a diameter, the green woman frowned but wrinkled.

"What happened?" Said the blood emperor.

"I don't know what happened, the fire is not sent." The green woman said.

"No return? Isn't he bought with the sword? Continue to give him a message." The blood emperor told him.

The green woman is also subunited.

After a time, the green woman stopped the news, and this hall, the atmosphere is very strange.

"If you have a time, even if there is no double battle with the sword, it will definitely can't fight so long, and even a message will not return, but now he does not respond, this is only one possibility, that is This fire is true ... It's dead! "The blood emperor wiped his eyes.

Dead, naturally will not send back.

This is also the only explanation.

"The fire is dead? Is it a Hand of Yan Jun?" The blood emperor frowned, but soon shook his head, "No, Yan Jun is the first strong person who is recognized by this day, he is self-confident, I didn't take the initiative to provoke him, he did not even reduce the identity to the fire, even helping the sword unparalleled killing the fire, that is, killing the fire, the sword is unparalleled! "

"A world of gods, actually killed a true god?"

The face of the blood emperor became unusual.

In the Sky Jian, because the power is limited, it is still possible to kill the true God. For example, the two prisoners in the second level are in the second level, and they have the true God. The record, the sword is unlocking in this step, and the blood emperor is not surprised.

He is surprised is the advancement speed of the sword.

"When he just came to Tianjian, he was only ranked third level, even in the third level, it would not ride the top."

"But now less than five thousand years, he actually has a resistance to the two enchanting, and it is true."

"The speed of horror, it is no wonder that this little child dares to come again to me, it is a great confidence in your strength!"

"But because of his confidence, this seat can have the opportunity to kill him, capture the bloodline!"

The blood emperor has been in force, and then looked at the green woman.

"The command will go down, let those power that are attached to this seat, from today, in Wanfang, I have stared at the sword, I'm going to discover the sword, I'm going to tell me, this time, this seat is absolutely Will not give him any opportunity to escape. "

The blood emperor is bleeding.


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