Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1481 is helpless

"This is the bloody mole of the bloody door, is a very terrible secret, sword is unparalleled, you are careful!" King said.

In fact, it is not necessary to say that the sword is unparalleled.

"come on!"

The sword has a strong light, and the pound of the soul is swept, and the golden gods in an instant appeared in the air.

It is perfectly combined with the power of the soul.

The heated blood fog is covered, these blood fog contains horrible corrosion power, slapted the sword unparalleled golden gods directly.

The soul of the sword has a fierce god, and the body of the gods began to deformed under the corrosion of this blood mist.

The sword is not double-finished, and the power is running, and the sharp sword is suddenly burst.


I only heard the sound of the madness of the madness, and the sound continued to have two breathing time.

The blind fog is finally completely dissipated, and in the dispersed blood fog, the sword is unparalleled, and the golden god of his body has disappeared. There is nothing that has been eroded.

The sword is unblocked, staring at the blood emperor in front.

"Sustile secrets, single to resist this trick, my power actually consumes more than 30%, the power of the soul is consumed nearly half!"

"Such secrets, if you come back a few times, I can't resist it, but fortunately, this blood emperor will not be easy."

He can feel that the blood emperor will show a lot of breath, and there is a lot of breath.

At this moment, the blood emperor also looked at the sword, but it was only a very shocking.

"Do you stop?"

"This kid, actually blocked my bloody mole?"

The blood emperor is full of horror.

He is very clear that the strong horizontal of this trick is, but it is very strong in the bloody door.

The sword is unparalleled but the front is to stop.

At this moment, the blood emperor understood that the strength of the sword was not to shoulder with him.

"Blood Emperor, just trick, should be your strongest trick."

The sword has no double, "Since your strongest trick has already been displayed, then you will pick me up."

When the voice came, he saw the sharpness of the sword in the middle of the soul again, and the second golden god of golden gods that had been caught by blood fog had once again appeared again, and it seems to be more large than the previous volume. And the swords under golden gods are unparalleled, and they are in the power of their own five-star ancient gods, and they are also engaged in their right earners.

As the sword is unblocked, the Shu Mang flashed, this root is gathered with endless power, and the index finger of the dark golden rays pointed out.

"The fourth point of the ancient gods, the robbery!"

Booming ~~~

One pointing out, the sky is broken.

The surrounding void is completely dark.

In this no darkness, a dark golden giant referred to ancient extension from ancient times.

This means, carrying the gentle of destroying the earth, like the god robber who has dropped from the sky, suddenly bombards the direction of the blood emperor.

The fourth point in the ancient god!

This is the most powerful trick that the sword is unparalleled is now a five-star ancient god.

This point, is inevitable, and the true god of the sword is unparalleled, and it should be a strong attack on the strongest attack in the sword.

Now, he also has the strongest trick.

Seeing the dark golden giant fingers, the blood emperor is also sinking, and there is no blood in the next moment.

"Jiuyin blood knife!"

A brightness of the creepy blood knife appeared, and it was in the dark golden giant command.


The dark golden giant refers to the bloody knife, a lot of power crazy, and the giant fingers have a hole in the center, but a lot of power is still on the blood emperor.


A boring, the blood emperor is a white, and the figure can't help but leave a step, but it quickly recovered.

"Haha, it is the blood emperor of one of the four monarchs. Today, my sword is unparallled, saying."

The cool laughter is issued from the sword, and the sword is unparalleled, but the blood of the dragon blood is directly blunt.

The blood emperor is cold and staring at the sword. There is no back, but has not been chased.

He is very clear, you don't say that the sword is unparalleled, he can't catch up, and even if you catch up, he will not have a sword.

"For a short three thousand years ... strong this?"

The blood emperor is comparative, but soon he started to send a lot of strong people in Wanfang.

"This seat has been with the sword, there is no double hand, his current strength, is not on me, and you, if you don't want to die, you will leave the Wanki Mountains and find a place to hide."

The message is delivered, and then the blood emperor wits the sleeve and turns it directly to return to his blood castle.

He has exhausted, but it can still kill the sword.

With the strength of the sword, there is next to him, if it is killed in the Wanfang Mountain, no one stops.

In Wanfang, it is attached to the blood emperor, and when he receives this message from the blood emperor, he will fall.

"The blood emperor personally shot, and the result is not the sword."

"The blood emperor is recognized, the strength of the sword is unparalleled, it is not ashamed? How can it?"

"Even the blood emperor is not, who can stop this sword unparalleled kill in Wanfang Mountain?"

"Escape, quickly escape from the Mountain Range, continue to stay here, once the sword is unparalleled, you will die!"

These strong people in Wanfang have already moved.

No one wants to die.

Continue in Wanfang, it is likely to be found by the sword without double, then being killed.

But if you leave Wankuyama, this day, the sword is prison, so that you are hidden, and the sword is unparalleled to find their difficulty.

Above the void, the sword is unhappy, but not long after the place stopped, began to restore their own power.

With the Blood Emperor, he has interped many means, and the power consumption is too big.

"This blood emperor is indeed strong enough, especially the bloody molad prison of him, if there is a bloody armor, I really don't have to fully resist."

"But with him, I also proved my judgment, my current strength, indeed barely compared to the four monarchs." The sword was unparalleled.

There is a king exists, not long, the sword is unparalleled, has resumed the peak.

But at this time, Yunjun came from.

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