Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1488 finds people

The three heavens are gods and true gods, that is a huge bar.

Unlike a heavy heaven, the time of the two heavens, the time is over, and it is rumored.

There are many gods in the three heavens of the ancient chaotic world, even if it is a weak domain, you can have a three-day god, and more than one.

It's true God ... compared to the world, the true god is really too little.

Numerous boundaries will stop in the level of the three heavens.

In this case, the stars have a three-day disciple of the three heavens, far more than one heavens, and the two heavenly disciples are normal.

"It's because there are too many disciples of the three heavens, so it will lead to the most competitive, especially the number of disciples of the five stars." Lingfei Bai said, "Now in the stars, many three heavens, standing inside, standing There are two people in the top, they are all listed in the list! "

"In addition to their two, and his close to the world's ability, there is even more than ten disciples, there is more than ten, and I have become the time of the three heavens, it is too short, On strength, there is no need to be able to discharge the first twenty in these disciples. "

"You said, when the disciple of the star, the position of the disciple of the stars, can you still keep it?"

The sword is unparalleled.

Lingfei is indeed a non-critical genius, but the end of the three heavens are too short, the strength has not improved the limit, and now I can't get better than the gods of the long years in the three heavens. .

"With your talent, even if this time is a general disciple, wait for the next battle to fight, it is not that it is?" The sword is unparalleled.

"This is." Lingfei white confident nodded, "Okay, don't tell you, I still have something, go first."

Lingfei has left it soon.

The sword is unparalleled to go forward, but the complexes are some weird.

"Star Chensong disciple battle?"

"If this Lingfei does not remind me, I almost forgot."

"But with my current strength, I will participate in this star palace disciple to fight, I am afraid it is a bit bullying."

The sword is unhousnating and laughing.

As early as more than four thousand years ago, he had just passed the second reverse robbery, and he took advantage of a strong reincarnation. He followed the strong manager Zhao Han, and his war is no weak. Cold.

And experienced the experience of Tianjian jeans for more than 40 years, his strength is even more leap.

The front of the Yuan Temple did not see him really broke the strength, just heard that he killed ten real gods in the prison in Tianjian, and he found that he had the battle of the top 30 in the world.

It is important to know that the two most excellent people in the three heavenly disciples of the Stars, they ranked 40 in the spirit of the gods, they are more than swords.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled, and I am going to participate in this disciple to fight, and I have a little bullying with those three heavens.

"Now I, in the stars, it is the whole ten cultivation holy land, has already stabilized the heel, and there are also many resources in their hands, you can do that thing."

The sword has a bunch of bunch.


Vientiane Tower, known as Neoite Vientiane.

Its forces all over the top ten cultivation of the holy place.

Within the stars, there is no double-ended sword in the stunned and heavy swords, and tea is placed in front of him.

"I don't know what I need, I need me to wait for me?" A purple old man smiled and standing in front of the sword.

"I want you to help me find someone." The sword has no double.

"Looking for someone?" Zifa old man moved inner.

"I know that you operate a variety of traders in all vengers, this is also a person who is also in these buyers." The sword didn't look at the purple man.

"Of course, in Vientiane Tower, as long as you give the price, there is nothing is that I can't do it." Zifa old man smiled, and immediately asked: "I don't know what the name is what the people you want to find, from where?"

"Her name is cold, and it is possible to be called cold as frost. It is a woman. It is a common ancient world from Flying Snow. In the nearly 10,000 years, they came to the world of chaotic world." The sword has no double.

"Strength level?" Asked the old man.

"I don't know." The sword is unparalleled, "it is possible to be the world, and it is possible to break through the true God."

"Don't know the strength level?" Zifa old man sinked a moment, continued to ask, "You can also know some of the other features of the person."

"There is also ... she is a congenital sin!" The sword is unparalleled.

"What?" Zifa old man changed, and the brow wrinkled.

"How, is there any trouble?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It is troublesome." Pottery old people, "You should clearly, the congenital sin is born to represent disasters, the power of the chaotic world is hateful to the innate sin, will not be better than blood It is necessary to low, so these congenital sins will deliberately hide their identity, and they will actually be very low-key, even the name will not be used easy to use, which makes us find it very difficult. "

The sword is unparalleled, and he knows that this purple old man is truth.

Cold as snow (cold as frost) After leaving the fire industry, the first one will go to the Dawei domain.

However, the sword is unparalleled in the Dagu section, and he also worshiped the Dawei Dawei Dawei Palace and the bloody island, and went carefully about the trace of the cold, but a look, but even a little Nothing found.

In the past few years, he has been thinking about finding a fall of cold, but there is no news.

He knows that it is not so simple to find that the snow is not so simple, so he has found this 10,000 elements.

In the whole of the ancient chaotic world, I am afraid that only this 10,000 elephant can resist him to find cold.

"You don't have anything else, she will be able to find it." The sword is unparalleled. "

"This is a fact." Zifa old smiled slightly, "But to find an ever-chaotic world to find a way to hide himself, and do not know the congenital sin of the specific strength level, it is not easy, so it needs The cost is also extremely expensive. "

"How much?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Ten billion mixed chaotic crystal, I can guarantee that I must find the cold, such as the snow!" Zifa old man must be guaranteed.

"Wan Yeong?" The sword was unbeded but wrinkled, "10,000 years, too long."


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