Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1490 The sword is unparalleled.

Yuenemen, one in the temple.

The two figures are sitting together, one of them is a purple man, another person is a old woman wearing a black robe.

"Qiu Chang, the main hall, is there a message?" Zifa elegant man asked.

"Yes." The old woman in the black robe: "The main hall has arranged a disciple."

"Who can I know that the disciple sent?" Zifa elegant man asked.

"I don't know." The old woman shook his head, "but with the strength of Ling Dan, in the disciple of my star, there should be only the strongest dragon tooth with Xuan one or two people qualified to compete, Yuan The Temple will come to one of these two people. "

"I hope that the Dragon's brother, he is in the fifty-first place in the world, if he personally shots, you can defeat the Ling Dan." Zifa elegant man low departments.

When I heard this, the old woman in the black robe frowned.

She is the law enforcement of the Stars, the previous purple long-haired sects, she looks very clearly with the contest of Ling Dan.

It is what she believes that Xuanyi, there is a battle force in front of the world.

In his opinion, even the dragon tooth is on the Ling Dan, it is still very low.

"I don't know where Ling Dan, I didn't hear it. I have heard it before, but the strength is strong." Zifa elegant man is holding hands.

He is talking to that Ling Dan, but the result is quite miserable.

"There are countless people in the chaos world genius, but there is a lot of strength, but there is a lot of genius. This Ling Dan is only one of them. However, this Ling Dan is really big enough, and it is really big enough to use my Star Palace disciple. He is a famous stepping stone. "The old woman of the black robe flashed in the eyes.

If it is not a scruple, she really wants to shoot the Ling Dan.

"Wait, when I met my news, I was eager to communicate with me, and I should have a solution." The old woman of the black robe said.

And after several days.

"Well, come!"

The old woman in the hall of the temple is standing at the same time.

They have already induced the existence of disciples on the body of the people outside the Queen Gate.

"It's a trip to Xingchen Palace. It is definitely a dragon brother." Zifa elegant man surprised.

"Let's go, let's welcome him." The old woman of the black robe also revealed a smile.

The two were immediately moving, soon came to the door of Qing Len.

At the distance, they can see a stun stand in the void.

"Well? Isn't a dragon brother?" Zifa elegant man frowned.

And when he is approaching, they finally see the appearance of the bloody body.

"The sword is unparalleled?" Zifa elegant man could not help but feel awkward.

"Is it him?" The old woman of the black robe was very wrong.

They thought that there was the strongest power in the disciples of Xingchen Palace, and ranked fifty-first dragons in the world.

No more, it is also the eighty-two in the world.

The result is that there is no big name at the top ten cultivation holy situations. The coming of the contest will not be included, and even the swords that have not been taken from the three days of God.


The old woman in the black robe, the purplefrafted man appears directly in front of the sword.

"Qiu Chang, Hu Feng Master." The sword didn't say hello to the two, and he didn't know.

"The sword is unparalleled, the people of the Yuan Dynasty is you?" Qiu Chang, an old woman, asked.

"Yes." The sword nodded.

"Just alone? Dragon teeth, or Xuan Yi's brother not coming?" The purplefamai is a man Hu Feng low.

"I am one." The sword is unparalleled.

"The main hall is joking?" Na Hu Feng's face became difficult to look, "What is the strength of That Ling Dan, absolutely the list of the list, even in the spiritual list, it can also be extremely, even I am far away is not his opponent, let alone your sword is unparalleled. "

"When is the chaser of the Yuan Temple to the face of my star, this is uncomfortable?"

"Hu Feng brother." The sword is unbolded, some dissatisfied: "Yuan Dynasty is one of my three major parsips of my star, and I will not be my face of my face, since he sent me, Naturally has his intentions. "

"What is it? Do you really defeat the Ling Dan? Don't say Ling Dan, even if you are on me, you are afraid that there is no hope?" Hu Feng stared at the sword.

"Don't try it, do you know?" The sword was unparalleled with Hu Feng.

"Okay." Qiu Chang Lao finally opened. "I believe in the Yuan Temple, but that Ling Dan is indeed very strong, in my opinion, he is enough to name the list of God list, sword is unparalleled, do you have a grasp?"

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

"That's good, we will go to That Ling Dan now?" Qiu Chang Lao Road.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled directly.

Immediately, Qiu Chang was still in the position where the sword was not in the Ling Dan.

As for the Hu Feng, although he kills, he does not believe that the sword is unparalleled with Ling Dan, but he also followed.

Tianhufeng, before the disciple of Valentine's Palace, just on this day of the fire, after Ling Dan defeated Hu Feng, he stayed on the sky, waiting for the arrival of other disciples of the stars .

When the sword is unparalleled to the vicinity of the Tianhufeng, his strength is immediately induced to the presence of the nearby dense numbers countless cultivator.

At this moment, the cultivator gathered near the fire in this day, absolutely more than one million people.

"How can it be so many people?" The sword was unparalleled.

"A group of people watching the lively people are that Ling Dan deliberately spread the news." Qiu Chang is old, "because there are too many people who attracted, I can't dare to make a chaotic chaos, or, this Ling Dan didn't know how many times died, but he didn't have to solve it. When this event was solved, I will ignore him at this time, and I will be awarded him directly. "

When I heard this, the sword was unhappy, and he also felt the killing of Qiu Chang Lao.

"For the sake of being famous, in order to the list of the list, it will find a world God list, but it is necessary to come to the stars, even provocative the stars, this Ling Dan is somewhat ignorant, or Said that his provocation is not just a simplicity of being famous? "The sword was unimaced.

"Who knows?" Qiu Chang looked his mouth.

"No matter what to say, let him go first."

With a smile, the sword is unparalleled, even if it will go to the peak of the day.

"Ling Dan!"

A low and drink self-sighted, there is no double mouth, slowly swaying in this day.


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