Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1498 Emergency Call

After all the mysterious white fruits of the mysterious white fruit, this silver war armor took the 200 million mixed chaotic crystals and left.

After that, he came to find a hidden place with his two brothers, hiding, over 100,000 years, and the traces were all.

Inside the Tower, I revealed the squid owner of the vital shadow in the Vientiane Field Division. At this moment, its book is here.


"It's really whitefritish fruit, and according to the idea that he got the white fruit, it is likely to be a strong house left."

After the main point of the Qianquan, after a moment, after a moment, the slap in succession took out a piece of consecutive.

"Jiujing Huang, are you not looking for white fruit? I have been found for you."

"Chiyun Emperor, tell you a good news, it is related to white fruit!"

"Tian Jian Master ..."

The slap in the short film, there has been more than ten messages in the short film.

The people he communicated is the top of the highest level in the Outdoor Chaos World.

Like Jiu Haohuang, Chiyun Emperor, Tianjian Mountain owner, all of which are all energy!

After getting a message, more than ten domestic energy is obviously excited.

"The news has been passed out. I have also got enough benefits, as for how these energy people compete, it is their business." Qi Deputy landlord sirred.

"Fighting, the more fierce, the more fierce, the better."

"I am a Vientiane Building, I look at you!"

"Haha ~~~"


The star has been in the end of the stars, and the sword has entered the realistism.

A sway, four months passed.

The Temple of the Temple is open, and the sword is unparalleled.

When I came out of the Temple, the sword was unbenched on her face, and she was very surprised with a little smile.

"Originally, these four months of participation, I want to get it again in the sense of the wheel, I haven't thought of it ... I didn't increase much, but I arrived, I was going to get started!" Sword is unparalleled .

When he first entered the realistist temple, he had already felt that his induction of the wheel is the clearest, and it is also easy. So before that month, he concentrated on the turn of the turn, thus mastered a power of a round.

In addition to the wheel back, the sword is unparalleled, and it is time-space.

And these four months of the enlightenment, he finally got started at the feelings of time and space, and mastered a power of a round.

That is to say, now he has also realized the two supreme roads of the reincarnation and time and space, and master the power of the two heavens.

"Time and Space, about time and space, high-end murder, I now only master a slight time, I can't compare with my turn-back, but this kind of time and space is enough to make my figure speed, sword Waiting for the field, there are huge improvements, even on the power, the power of the two heavens is also increased, and it is also rising! "The sword is unparalleled.

I feel more than a supreme road, which is undoubtedly incomparable to his overall strength.

At this time, the empty road can involve many fields, let him have enhanced in various aspects.

"I haven't confident that the top ten monsters ranked in the belongings of the world, but now ..." The sword is slightly tight, but it is flashing.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The voice of the old voice sounded, and it was the law enforcement of this true temple.

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

He stayed in the true sense of the temple in the past four months, and the Yuan Dynasty was also known, so the Yuan Dynasty did not mess with him, but called this law enforcement to inform him.

The sword is unparalleled, and it has not been delayed.

The cave house built by special sparse.

"The sword is unparalleled, staying in the Temple for four months, how is the harvest?" The Yuan Dynasty smiled and watched the sword.

"Not bad, the strength is better than before." The sword has no double.

"The strength improved?" The main eyes of the Yuan Dynasty, said: "Too good, just have something to do, your strength is stronger, the bigger the grasp is more."

"Yuan Temple, what is it?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Things have to start from a special treasure, this treasure is a fruit, named Whitefang, have you heard it?" Yuan Dynasty kept overlooking.

"Bai Yan fruit?" The sword was unparalleled, but the king in his body was shocked, "Bai Yan fruit? Is there a white fruit?"

"Kings, do you know whitening fruit?" The sword didn't ask.

"Of course, that is a very precious and rare treasure." The sound of Kings is a little excited.

The main hall will continue to say: "This white is very precious, even if there is a great use of energy, the euchao chaotic world has countless genius, but in these genius treasures, white fruit is Absolutely can be discharged! "

"What?" The sword was unparalleled.

In the whole, the treasures of the whole ten genius in the world, is it in the top ten treasures?

It has a great need for energy.

This white fruit is this precious?

"The more precious, the treasure is used, the more difficult it is, but it is still in ancient times in the distance, there have been a white fruit tree, and the white fruit tree has also made some white fruit. Scattered into the people of Wancha Chaos, and later the white fruit trees were destroyed. This white inflammation was almost extinct, and the long years, occasionally discovered one or two, but few very few. "

"And in thousands of years ago, under an unique environment, I actually gave birth to a new white fruit tree, and still saplings ..."

"This news spread out, immediately attracted a lot of power, including many of the big energy participants in this Baiyan fruit tree seedlings, after a war, this white fruit tree seedlings, lasting is not sad The true god is got. "

"Zhen God?" The sword is unparalleled, "" There are many major people to participate in the competition, but the seedlings have fallen into a true God? How is this possible? "

"If he is a reverse repair?" Yuan Dynasty looked at the sword.

The sword is unparalleled.

Reversible, far from the same order.

A rebellion of a real god, won the treasure from many of the big energy, and it is not impossible.

"This is no sadness, it is a retroactory of true God. It is unusually strong, and it is not weak to the energy. The battle is that he takes the white fruit tree under the eyes of many major people. Sworm seedlings, many versators take him a little way. "The main hall said.

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