Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1505 Challenge!

"You, what else?" The sword is unparalleled to see this ugly man in front of him.

"The sword is unparalleled." Ugly man opened, "I, Zi Yu Palace, Nine Ugly!"

"Zi Yu Palace?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the top ten cultivation of the holy land will have countless, and the sword is unparalleled, but there is no peaceful feather palace. It is clear that this purple meter is not a powerful zone.

"Maybe you have never heard of me, but from today, you will know, because I will step on your name, I will go to the top 20 before the world!" The ugly man is jealous.

"Oh?" The sword was unbeded, and the purpose of this nine ugly is not for him, but to challenge him.

"Before meeting you, I have been defeated the 58th food king of the world and the thirty-first Sister, and now I will defeat you, I can go to challenge the top ten of the world. Monsters! "Nine ugly sounds shocked, echoing.

When I heard this, the sword was unblocked, and the face was slowly associated.

If there is no record before this nine ugly, just want to challenge him, then he will not be too care.

But now, this nine ugly has defeated the two world gods, and even the 31st Sister is ranked thirty-first, which makes him pay attention.

"The sword is unparalleled, take out your entire combat power, let me look at the top 20, have you!"

Under a low drink, it was originally located in the sword.


The sword is unparalleled, and the nine ugly figure immediately emerged, and there is a scream-tangly whistling.

Fast, fast incredible.

The sword is unparalleled, and he has also encountered a lot of power so far. Especially in the prison in Tianjian, it will include a lot of real Gods, including the use of the knife, but in these strong people Among them, the knife speed can reach the hierarchy of Jiu ugly, there are not a few.


The sword is unparalleled, the blood peak sword in the hand is immediately turned into an arc, and the lightning is hit by the bloody knife.

This impact, the two power broke out, the sword was unparalleled with the bloody knife in the hands of Jiu ugly, shifted by the shock.


The sword has no double one, and it is! call out! call out! call out!

The dense numbness of the sword is suddenly broke out, and every sword is very fast, and the power is even more amazing.

"Haha, see me."

The nine ugly is a laugh. I saw a shake, as if I can tear all the terrible knives, the nine ugly, the whole person is cultivated for a sharp war knife, the knife is as ink, in this moment It is also directly on, and it is like a bloody river, drowning.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

There were no number of weapons, and in this moment, there was less than a breathing time. The two had already collided with a hundred times. Under this fierce collision, the original is already unparalleled. It is getting more and more exciting.

"His knife speed, faster than me?"

The sword is unparalleled, followed by the body.

" The Jiu Dao phadant also broke out, and the sword was unparalleled. It has appeared behind the nine ugly.


The nine ugly backhand is an anger. This knife is strong and strong, and the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is not connected to three steps.

"The sword is unparalleled, the nephest is ranked twenty-bit, is it such a power?" Nine ugly bodies, the endless knife is completely locked in the sword.

The sword is unblocked, the Li Mang is flashing. Under the madness of the power, his reincarnation has also urged the secrets of bloody rounds.

"Nine Days!"

One of the unsatisfied, straight, straight, straight, nine.

In the void, a giant sword is like a sword of the heavens who have been killed, suddenly coming.

The horrible power is crazy to crush the void.

"Haha, it's good."

The nine ugly is an excitement, laughing, and the bloody war knife in his hand is more burst.

The bloody fog is spread, and the whole world is dyed into a scarlet.

At the center of this bloody world, Jiu ugly seems to have become the emperor of the world.

"Blood blade!"


The eye-catching knife appears out.

This knife is fascinated by the monster.

At the moment of the blunt, everything in the world seems to have lost color.

Soon, this monster shovel shouted with swords and swords, positive collides.


A shocking loud noise, the sound broke out, and a lot of power has formed a horrible shock wave of four sides swept away.

And within the majestic power of the power, a stream is screaming.


This streamer did not hinder directly above the ground, and the ground has smashed the ground in a big hole, and the whole land seems to be completely depressed.

As the strong power broke out, a large amount of gravel is directly shocked, and it is the nine ugly.

At this moment, the nine ugly is red, and the face is hidden, standing on the ground, looking at the empty space, on the void, the sword is unbolded, and it is slow to collect his blood peak sword to the sword.

"Your strength is indeed very strong, the first thirty column of the list is not a problem, but I want to challenge the twenty or not."

After that, the sword is unparalleled, and the reaction of this nine ugly is directly turned away.

Jiuchong Station is there, and the figure is slight, but it has never been refuted.

He is very clear, just hitting the collision, he and the sword have fallen out of the victory.

He has already defeated.

"His sword is clear, it is better to compare with my knife, it is a lot of difference, but his power is unusually strong, it is better than I have to force a grade, and it seems to be more than the power of heaven. I am strong! "

"Powerful power, plus the strength of Tiandao, even if you are in pain, but still crush me, I can't defeat!" Jiuchong muttered.

He doesn't know that the sword is not much better than him, but because of the secret of blood cloud round, his power broke out has improved a big cut.

In the relief of the power of the heavens, the feelings of swords unparalleled rounds have been able to get through the first level of the Taoist Palace, and this nine ugly sentiments have to be different.

The two combined, collided on the front, of course, the sword was more stronger.

"The top 20 of the world is really not so easy to challenge. This sword is unparalleled just to reach the 20th, which is strong, those who are ranked, are sure, I am now They, the gap is still very big. "

Jiu ugly shook his head, and immediately left.


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